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Integration of IoT, AI in Industry 4.0 poses risks for private networks

According to Sanchez of Dell’Oro, private 5G networks in industrial settings offer significant benefits but also have various security risks

Integrating IoT, AI and big data in Industry 4.0 poses significant security challenges for private 5G networks, increasing the attack surface due to numerous devices and complex networks, according to Mauricio Sanchez, senior director of enterprise security and networking research at Dell’Oro Group.

“Such convergence allows for sophisticated attacks, threatening data privacy and integrity. Interconnectivity with public networks adds risks, with vulnerabilities potentially spreading across networks. The global supply chain’s role in these technologies introduces additional security concerns; a single breach can affect the entire network. With new technologies constantly emerging, vigilance and regular updates in security measures are crucial,” said Sanchez.

According to Sanchez, private 5G networks in industrial settings offer significant benefits but also have various security risks. Some of the key security risks include unauthorized access, rogue devices, device security, network configuration and management, supply chain risks, interconnectivity risks, physical security and insider threats, he said.

Commenting on the role that access control solutions play in securing mission-critical private 5G networks, Sanchez noted that access control is vital for securing private 5G networks, allowing only authorized access and preventing data breaches.

“Companies should adopt a multi-layered strategy to enhance the security of private 5G networks in industrial environments,” Sanchez advised. “First, they should implement strong access control measures to ensure that only authorized devices and personnel can access the network. Regularly updating and patching systems to protect against known vulnerabilities is critical. Network segmentation can isolate critical systems, limiting the potential impact of a breach. Additionally, continuous monitoring and anomaly detection tools are essential for identifying and responding to threats in real time.”

He went on to say that ensuring ongoing monitoring and maintenance of security in private 5G networks is vital for companies to counter evolving cyber threats. “Continuous monitoring helps detect threats early, while regular updates address new vulnerabilities, safeguarding data and maintaining operational continuity. This proactive security stance is essential in adapting to the rapidly changing threat landscape.”

When asked about the differences in the security implications in a scenario where the private network is on-prem core and RAN versos on-prem RAN, public core, the Dell”Oro analyst said that “an on-premises core and RAN offer maximum security and control, which is ideal for organizations prioritizing data protection and sovereignty despite higher costs and complexity.” However, he noted that an on-premises RAN with a public core presents a practical alternative for those willing to balance operational efficiency with security, carefully selecting public core providers with robust security protocols.

RCR Wireless News published an editorial report dubbed “Securing the edge- Where 5G meets the enterprise”, in which key industry leaders and analysts explore the critical considerations surrounding the security of 5G private networks deployed at the edge for enterprises. Click here to access the report.


Juan Pedro Tomás
Juan Pedro Tomás
Juan Pedro covers Global Carriers and Global Enterprise IoT. Prior to RCR, Juan Pedro worked for Business News Americas, covering telecoms and IT news in the Latin American markets. He also worked for Telecompaper as their Regional Editor for Latin America and Asia/Pacific. Juan Pedro has also contributed to Latin Trade magazine as the publication's correspondent in Argentina and with political risk consultancy firm Exclusive Analysis, writing reports and providing political and economic information from certain Latin American markets. He has a degree in International Relations and a master in Journalism and is married with two kids.