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Kagan: Interview on smart cities with Curiosity Lab and NTXIA

Smart cities are one of the exciting, new ways we use new technology to transform our way of life. They have been with us for several years, rapidly growing and changing. I wanted an update on the current state and the direction we are heading. So, I recently spoke with leaders of two leading smart cities about their growth, what has changed in recent years and what’s coming next. Let me share some of what I learned.

You are also welcome to watch these two Jeff Kagan Interviews, in full to hear the entire conversations. Both posted on Twitter (X) and LinkedIn.

Brandon Barnham is Executive Director, CTO and Assistant City Manager of Curiosity Lab at Peachtree Corners in the Atlanta area.

Jennifer Sanders is Co-Founder and Executive Director of the North Texas Innovation Alliance or NTXIA in the Dallas area.

Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona coming soon

As it turns out, both Curiosity Lab and NTXIA will be attending the upcoming Smart City Expo World Congress conference being held in Barcelona.

This conference is where smart cities and the companies who are playing a leading role in building them, all get together to learn and teach each other, on an annual basis. 

The expo says they exist to empower cities around the globe to provide a unique meeting spot for smart city sectors and an innovative platform for urban action worldwide.

Smart cities use coopetition with companies working together

This conference will have many different companies all working closely together, sharing ideas, strategizing and planning next moves going forward.

Rather than competition, this is more like cooperation, or in other words, coopetition.

In this world, rather than compete, companies work together. They share new thinking and new ideas. In this world, one-plus-one equals more than just two.

Smart cities working together lets them all grow further, faster

The smart city is a very exciting, very interesting, but not yet well-known sector. 

That’s why being seen and heard above the noise of the industry is very important. These must be seen and heard by the investor, worker, customer, competitor, media or casual observer. 

These coalitions weave together companies, technologies and sectors including wireless, private wireless, telecom, data, 5G, broadband, Wi-Fi, AI, IoT, sensors, Internet, audio, video, self-driving vehicles, autonomous driving and so much more.

Thanks to rapidly changing technology, together with the unlimited creativity of the mind, our world is rapidly changing. 

In fact, there are many new ideas and tools that enter the smart city model year-after-year. The whole space looks different compared to a decade ago and will continue to change moving forward.

Like with all fast-changing technology, what is new today is often replaced by the next, new idea tomorrow. Wave after wave of creativity, expansion and technology are like waves at the ocean. They continue to reshape the smart city environment, year-after-year.

Smart city reality check: Where we are today and where we are heading

Today is a great opportunity for a reality check. A way to take the temperature of the smart city space and see the new directions it is heading. 

One key question is growth. Is the smart city growth wave still growing, or have things calmed down?

Based on what I see and hear, the answer seems to be that smart city technology today is miles ahead of where it started a few short years ago. And as exciting as things are today, they only represent the work to date. 

Tomorrow is an entirely different story. We continue to move forward with all sorts of new ideas and new technology. Therefore, my opinion is the smart city is still on the growing side of the growth wave, although it doesn’t get the attention in the media or among investors that it deserves. 

Smart cities work by throwing ideas against the wall to see what sticks

The smart city environment is like a playground of new ideas for adults. It works by throwing ideas against the wall and seeing what sticks. Then building on those new ideas.

This is a fun, educational and societal-changing game being played right now in many smart cities scattered around the United States and the world.

In fact, as I see it, the smart city looks like it remains a growth sector. In fact, I think we are still just in the very early days. 

Moving forward, there will be an increasing number of companies and technologies involved with these initiatives. Companies from all sorts of different industries and arenas. Technologies that are not even invented yet.

Smart cities are like the Wild West

If you recall, this is similar to the Internet and wireless decades ago. So, smart cities are like the old TV show, the Wild West. 

This is a truly inspiring and creative environment, which if not restricted, can very likely create a vibrant new future. 

In fact, someday smart cities may be commonplace like wireless, and the Internet are today.

Today, the participants are companies, large and small, all playing with big, new ideas to improve quality of life. Tomorrow, as everyday people or residents are added to the mix, it will really shake things up. 

That will be a huge next step. We will learn what users really want and like and that will focus and even redirect the focus of our work. This will take the smart city to new levels. 

So, keep your eyes on this rapidly growing and ever-changing smart city phenomenon. 

It has only just begun. It’s a rapidly growing and fast-changing sector. Today, we are still in the initial stages of putting these different companies and technologies together to see what works. Expect to see a continual flow of new ideas which will change the way we live and work tomorrow.


Jeff Kagan
Jeff Kagan
Jeff is a RCR Wireless News Columnist, Industry Analyst, Key Opinion Leader and Influencer. He shares his colorful perspectives and opinions on the companies and technologies that are transforming the industry he has followed for 35 years. Jeff follows wireless, wire line telecom, Internet, Pay-TV, cable TV, AI, IoT, Digital Healthcare, Cloud, Mobile Pay, Smart cities, Smart Homes and more.