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Paging auction closes, bids total $4.1 million

WASHINGTON-The Federal Communications Commission’s auction of 985 licenses at 929 MHz and 931 MHz for paging services closed late Thursday, after 28 rounds, with 78 winning bidders pledging $4.1 million.

“In exactly one week the FCC was able to sell almost a thousand licenses to be used by companies to expand their existing coverage and to provide new and enhanced services,” said Thomas Sugrue, chief of the FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.

The auction began Feb. 24. The licenses are for 20 kilohertz of spectrum in 51 major economic areas.

As the FCC decides whether to remove the small business set aside in the scheduled re-auction of C- and F-block licenses, the agency noted that 57 winners of 440 licenses claimed small business status.