RCR has some good little elves and once again, they managed to redirect some mail sent to Santa from executives in the wireless industry. Rest assured, no felonious acts of mail fraud were committed to get these documents.
Dear Santa,
First of all, thank-you for the new Federal Communications Commission. Instead of asking for a gift for myself, I would like you to plant visions of changing some of the auction refinance options for C-block carriers in their heads.
Thanks Santa,
Allen Salmasi
Greetings from California, Santa,
Hope all is going well with you. Is it too cold for you, yet? I don’t know how you do it, living with all that snow.
I really only need one gift this year, but I have two suggestions: I would either like one of those administrative law judge zappers (similar to bug zappers only bigger) or I would like the FCC to lose my address and telephone number.
Thanks a lot big guy!
James Kay Jr.
Dear Santa,
I wrote you a song (Sing to the tune of Walking in a Winter Wonderland).
“Subscribers ring, they’re a dialing,
Beneath the moon, I am smiling,
The network is built, with sites to the hilt,
They’re talking on our PCS phones.”
Does Rudolf need a phone? We have many roaming pacts, you know.
George Schmitt
Dear Santa,
Please send CDMA handsets!
Your pal,
Richard Lynch
Dear Santa,
When someone copies your toy designs, do you get mad?
Your friend,
Christopher Galvin
Dear Santa,
When someone wrongly accuses you of copying their toy design, but it was really your own toy design, do you get mad?
Your friend,
Irwin Jacobs
Dear Santa,
Can I have a honeymoon period for the holidays? I thought that I had one but then it seemed to disappear overnight.
Bill Kennard