12-16 International Symposium on Integrated Network Management ’97, by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Hotel Del Coronado, San Diego. Call Andrea Erickson at (301) 913-9338, ext. 341.
12-16 DB/EXPO ’97 and I2 Internet/Intranet Expo, by Miller Freeman. Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco. (800) 2DB-EXPO.
12-16 UK/US Partners in Technology, by the British Department of Trade and Industry. Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, Calif. (800) 952-UKUS.
13-14 Wireless Emergency Services, by AIC Conferences and RCR Publications Inc. Park Hyatt, San Francisco. (212) 952-1899.
13-14 International Conference on Electromagnetic Energy, by the Electromagnetic Energy Association. Washington Vista Hotel, Washington D.C. Call Amy Nelson at (202) 452-1070.
13-14 A Practical Introduction to Wireless Data, by Data on Air Inc. (407) 578-0236.
14-15 Mobile/Wireless Communications Investment & Finance, by the Institute for International Research. The Regent, Singapore. +65 338-4755.
14-16 Pan Pacific Wireless Local Loop Summit, by ArrayComm. The Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco. (800) 999-3123.
15 A Window to Wireless, by Data on Air Inc. Dallas. (407) 578-0236.
15-16 Private Placements, by the Practising Law Institute. Hotel Nikko, San Francisco. (800) 260-4PLI.
18-20 Creating a Wireless World with TDMA/WIN, by Universal Wireless Communications. The Kuala Lumpur Hilton, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (206) 205-4800.
19-20 Wireless Buildout, by RCR Publications Inc., the American Planning Association and Message Center Management. New York. (800) 608-9641.
19-20 Wireless Business Telephone Systems, by Alexander Resources. Dallas. (800) 948-8225.
19-21 CelluCommEXPO ’97, by Zsigo Wireless Data Consultants, DoubleTree Paradise Valley Resort, Scottsdale, Ariz. (888) CELLUCOMM.
19-22 Building the PCS Market, by the International Quality & Productivity Center. The Madison Hotel, Washington, D.C. (800) 882-8684.
19-22 Antennas: Principles, Design and Measurements, by the Northeast Consortium For Engineering Education. St. Cloud, Fla. (407) 892-6146.
20-21 Mobile & Remote Access-Effective Strategies for Operational Support of Enhanced Data Networks, by ICM Conferences Inc. Marriott-Fisherman’s Wharf, San Francisco. Call Chip Heflin at (312) 540-5694.
20-21 Wireless Interconnection ’97, by Bellcore. Sheraton Grand Hotel at Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport, Dallas. (800) 832-2463.
21-22 Competitive Strategies for Wireless Communications, by the International Communications Group. Westin Hotel, Denver. (303) 779-4141.
21-24 Communet ’97, by the Telecommunications Industry Association. Osaka, Japan. Call Susan Krys at (703) 907-7736.
23 Making Sense of the New Telecommunications Market for Financial and Strategic Planners, by TeleStrategies Inc. Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Chicago. (703) 734-7050.
23 Utilities and Wireless Telecom Alliances, by the International Communications Group. Westin Hotel, Denver. (303) 779-4141.
28 Evolving Markets & Marketplaces in Telecommunications, by UCSD Connect. Sheraton Grande Torrey Pines, San Diego. (619) 534-6114.
28-29 Wireless Data-Network Implementation, Management and Applications to Achieve Marketable End-to-End Business Solutions, by ICM Conferences Inc. Chicago Hilton and Towers, Chicago. Call Kimberlee Mulherin at (312) 540-5698.
28-29 A Practical Introduction to Wireless Data, by Data on Air Inc. Toronto. (407) 578-0236.
28-31 Annual Summer Meeting of the Southeastern Communications Association, by the Southeastern Communications Association. Myrtle Beach Martinique Resort, Myrtle Beach, S.C. (800) 949-8291.
29-30 Next Generation Wireless-New Realities in the Evolution of Wireless Systems, by IBC USA Conferences Inc. The Sheraton New York Hotel & Towers, New York City. (508) 481-6400.
1-5 Supercomm ’97, by the Telecommunications Industry Association. New Orleans. Call Susan Krys at (703) 907-7981.
2 Wireless Interconnectivity and Standards Issues Seminar, by the Telecommunications Industry Association. New Orleans. Call Stephanie Jones at (703) 907-7735.
2-5 Expo Comm Wireless USA 97-including WirelessWorld Expo and BroadBand World, by E.J. Krause & Associates Inc. Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta. (301) 986-7800.