4-6 Wireless Buildout 1996-MTAs 83, 85 and 77, by ShoreCliff Communications. Coeur d’Alene Resort, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. (714) 443-3735.

4-6 Mobile Business ’96, by Telecommunications Industry Association. Utrecht, The Netherlands. Call Gray Jessup at (703) 907-7736 or Mike Wallis at (703) 907-7730.

5-6 European Digital PMR and PAMR, by the Centre for EuroTelecomms. Park Lane Hotel, London. Call +44 (0) 171 242 2324.

6-8 Wireless Resale-A New Era of Opportunity, by the National Wireless Resellers Association. Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort at Gainey Ranch, Scottsdale, Ariz. (202) 429-2014.

7-8 Small Business in Telecommunications Fall Regional Conference, by Small Business in Telecommunications. Sheraton Suites Market Center, Dallas. Call Tara Williams at (202) 223-8728.

11-13 Wireless Local Loop ’96, by the Institute for International Research. Hotel Inter-Continental, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (800) 999-3123.

11-14 Broadband/Multimedia and Local Loop World Forums, by International Engineering Consortium. The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colo. (312) 559-4600.

11-15 2nd Beijing International Wireless Communications Exhibition ’97, by Adsale People Inc. International Exhibition Centre, Beijing, China. (408) 986-8384.

13-14 Wireless Buildout Conference 1996-MTAs 37,75,41,63,93,61 and 89, by ShoreCliff Communications. The Marriot, Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri. (714) 443-3735.

14-15 Data Over Cellular, by Data On Air. The Radisson, Orlando, Fla. (800) 771-2012.

15-16 Unplugged: Health and Policy Implications of the Wireless Revolution, by the Environmental Law Center at Vermont Law School. Killington Ski Resort, Killington, Vt. (800) 752-2005.

17-19 AMTEX 96/97, by the American Mobile Telecommunications Association. Hotel Intercontinental, Miami. (202) 331-7773.

18 Local Number Portability: Implementation Strategies, by Bellcore. Washington, D.C. (800) 521-CORE.

18-19 Wireless Billing 1996, by the International Quality and Productivity Center. The Hyatt Arlington at Washington’s Key Bridge, Arlington, Va. (800) 882-8684.

18-19 A Practical Introduction to Wireless, by Data On Air. Marriott Newport Beach, Los Angeles. (800) 771-2012.

18-20 Optimizing Customer Acquisition in Telecommunications, by the International Quality and Productivity Center. The Watergate Hotel, Washington, D.C. (800) 882-8684.

18-20 PHS World Congress ’96, by IBC Asia Ltd. Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore. (+65) 732-1970.

18-22 COMDEX/Fall ’96, by Comdex. Las Vegas. (617) 443-1650.

19-20 The Commercialization of PCS-Capturing Market Share Through Cost-Effective, Customer-Focused Services, by ICM Conferences Inc. The Radisson Hotel, Atlanta. (312) 540-5698.

20-21 The Future of Telephony in India, by Kagan World Media Inc. The Mauraya Sheraton Hotel and Towers, New Delhi, India. Call Lorraine Yglesias at (408) 624-1536.

21 Paging Infomania, by Motorola Inc. Wyndham Anatole Hotel, Dallas. Call Georgianna Salik at (214) 888-5901.

25-26 Personal Communications Services, by Bellcore. Richardson, Texas. (800) 521-CORE.


2-4 PCS-1900 in North America, by International Business Communications. Grand Hyatt Hotel, New York. +44 (0) 171 637 4383.

4-5 Pricing in the New Marketplace: Analyzing Costs to Achieve Competitive Pricing, by ICM Conferences Inc. Westin Peachtree Plaza, Atlanta. (312) 540-3854.

4-6 CDMA North American Regional Congress, by the CDMA Development Group. Century Plaza Hotel and Tower, Los Angeles. Call Ellen Douglas at (714) 545-9400.

5 Enhancing International Roaming Through Optimal Routing and Automatic Testing-PCS-1900 post-conference seminar, by International Business Communications. Grand Hyatt Hotel, New York. +44 (0) 171 637 4383.

5-6 A PCS Class, by Data On Air. The Radisson, Orlando, Fla. (800) 771-2012.

9-10 Wireless in the Local Loop, by IBC USA Conferences Inc. The Grand Hyatt, San Francisco. (508) 481-6400.

9-10 Universal Service, by IBC USA Conferences Inc. Hyatt Regency, Bethesda, Md. (508) 481-6400.

10-11 Personal Communications Services, by Bellcore. Seattle. (800) 521-CORE.

10-11 Competing in the New Wireless Marketplace, by TeleStrategies. The Sheraton Crystal City Hotel, Washington, D.C. (703) 734-7050.

11-12 Value Added Services on Mobile Networks, by IBC USA Conferences Inc. The Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco. (508) 481-6400.

11-13 Wireless Local Loop-Deployment Strategies to Capture New Residential and Commercial Markets, by the International Quality & Productivity Center. Washington Hilton & Towers, Washington D.C. (800) 420-2145.

11-13 TeleCompetition ’96-Second Annual Conference on Business, Marketing & Regulatory Framework for Implementing All-Out Competition in a LATAless World, by Business Research Publications Inc. Vista Hotel, Washington, D.C. (800) 822-MEET.