Have you ever wondered what you would look like as an android? Wonder no more! Because Google is holding up a magic green mirror, giving us possibly the most useful app for Android so far: Androidify.
OK, so perhaps it is not actually all that useful – but it is a little bit of fun for Android fans. The app essentially allows you to create avatars based on the basic Android logo.
It is, perhaps, surprising how much has been included in this app in terms of customisability – it’s really quite powerful. For an app that makes pictures of Androids anyway. You can tweak the size and shape of most of the android body parts (and no – there are no girl or boy bits for the naughty ones among you to enlarge) as well as adding clothes, hair and accessories.
The sheer number of different options in all the categories suggests that Google really wanted people to use this and have fun with it. The app even comes with a cheeky tutorial to help you hit the ground running.
I have to say, however, that I was left very disappointed with the lack of any decent sideburns. That said, there are plenty of lovely looking moustaches and beards to really create the lumberjack or porn star version of yourself that you’ve always dreamed of.
Obviously, many of you are burning with curiosity as to what I look like – can such wit really be combined with good looks? You are probably asking yourself. Well, you can finally judge for yourself with my efforts at creating my own avatar with Androidify. Given, as I’ve said, that there are no sideburns, I’ve added a moustache and pipe that I don’t really have in an attempt to make up for it:
Quite stunning isn’t he? Check out the following video for a closer look at the possibilities that Androidify presents:
For those who question how useful Androidify actually is – you have a fair point. But it is a little bit of fun for the Android geeks among us. Don’t deny us that.