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W-CDMA uptake slower than expected, says ABI report

OYSTER BAY, N.Y.-Consumption of data-centric W-CDMA technology has been slower than expected, said a report by ABI Research.

“We have refined our appraisal of GSM/GPRS/EDGE vs. W-CDMA,” said Lance Wilson, director of wireless research at ABI Research. “The uptake of W-CDMA is not likely to be as rapid as was once thought. It will show good growth, but there is still a lot of life left in GSM.

“The rollout of W-CDMA will continue, but service providers are also upgrading their GSM/GPRS/EDGE networks, so it will take a little longer for W-CDMA to become the ubiquitous standard in the GSM family of technologies.

“It’s been difficult to gauge the uptake of W-CDMA because there are so many factors affecting it. The services being offered to the customers have not quite caught up with the technology.”