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Kagan: Huawei says four trends will reshape wireless

Huawei is one of the world’s largest wireless players. They recently published a report called Intelligent World 2030: 4 Industry Trends that Will Shape the Future. It says going intelligent is the direction the world is heading over the next decade. I agree. New...

A fresh look at building 5G radio access networks (Analyst Angle)

Telecom operators have been building cellular networks for more than four decades. During that time, four generations have passed, many technologies have come and gone, numerous innovations and advances have occurred. Cellular smartphones have even fundamentally changed how we live, work and play. All...

Disrupting the landscape, Samsung emerges as a global 5G infra leader (Analyst Angle)

As an eventful 2021, which witnessed 5G becoming mainstream despite all the challenges, comes to a close, the analyst part of my mind is reviewing and examining major disruptions in the cellular market brought by 5G. The rise of Samsung, mostly known for its...

Kagan: How AT&T CEO John Stankey is doing with recovery

As an industry analyst I have closely followed AT&T, and its competitors for decades. Recently, I was interviewed by the media about my thoughts on how well new CEO John Stankey is doing with his task of rescuing AT&T and turning things around. I...

Filter technology selection key to RFFE performance in high 5G frequencies (Analyst Angle)

The adoption of 5G continues to thrive in the mobile devices market and is expected to become more diverse and expand exponentially across all types and price tiers. However, device democratization of the 5G experience will be constrained, not just by the modem and...

The Sunday Brief: The John Malone CNBC interview—explained and deciphered

Holiday greetings from the Midwest (pictured is our Thanksgiving view of Table Rock Lake from our Branson family rental) and South Central US.  We hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving week and look forward to seeing those of you attending CES early next month.  Speaking...

Kagan: The best metaverse companies and stocks

The term metaverse is brand new to investors, workers, executives and ,yes, industry analysts. In fact, it is so new, there are very few real-life, full-fledged metaverse experts today. However, it has been brewing for many years now. We are all very busy learning...

5G infrastructure upgrade underway… Is your 4G infrastructure optimized? (Analyst Angle)

LTE will still play a fundamental role in the future of the mobile network. Mobile operators in developed markets face the challenge of unlocking new revenue streams to remain competitive while mobile operators in emerging markets continue relying on LTE for coverage and capacity...

Kagan: How concerned should we be about 5G FAA warning?

Here we go again. Every few years as the wireless world upgrades to the next generation of service, warning bells go off and gets everyone worried about one thing or another. This happened as we upgraded to 3G and then several years later to...

Kagan: How CES 2022 will be successful in spite of COVID-19

Are you planning to attend this year’s Consumer Electronics show in Las Vegas in early January? What about your company? Your competitors? Will CES 2022 be a big success, or will it struggle as we still deal with the coronavirus pandemic? Let’s take a...

The Sunday Brief: What they said on those earnings calls (Part 2)

Thanksgiving greetings from the West, Midwest and Southeast, where we are hitting the road and logging many miles.  This week’s picture, however, comes from a Charlotte-based startup that I have been advising since the early 2018 (Lucid Drone Technologies).  They were the belles of...

Kagan: Why Verizon, T-Mobile US, AT&T struggle as 5G grows

Why are the three major wireless carriers struggling with losses instead of showing growth? Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile and AT&T Mobility have shown rapid and consistent growth over decades. Today, 5G represents a significant growth opportunity. Why then are these wireless carriers struggling with losses?...

Telecom operators are demonstrating their ICT green credentials (Analyst Angle)

With the increasing occurrence of climate change events, industries globally have had to shift their attention towards their emissions and contributions, and the telecom industry is no different. According to the GSMA’s Mobile Net Zero report, it is estimated that the mobile industry produces...

The Sunday Brief: What they said on those earnings calls (Part 1)

November greetings from the Midwest and Southeast, where we are hitting the road and logging many miles.  Pictured is the Vernon County, Missouri courthouse.  After a short summary of market capitalization changes over the past two weeks as well as a short discussion of iPhone...

Kagan: When will AT&T recovery begin?

News reports say AT&T share price is at a 10-year low. So let’s take a closer look at what’s happening at the company and when we can expect both recovery and growth. As a wireless and telecom industry analyst for more than thirty years,...

With ultraBAW filter offering Qualcomm becomes a one-stop-shop for 5G device RF solutions (Analyst Angle)

Qualcomm insists on calling its product offering a “Modem-RF System” highlighting the importance of RF in achieving excellent smartphone performance, as well as the tight integration between modem and RF subsystems that can take the performance even further.  Despite the rapid expansion of its RF...

Kagan: New brand name Meta doesn’t solve real Facebook problem

Facebook has been one of the most amazing success stories of all time. That being said, in recent years it has also raised much concern with regards to privacy and political freedom. They hope changing the name and brand to Meta will help distract...

RFFE system design is helping democratize 5G adoption beyond smartphones (Analyst Angle)

The benefits brought about by the introduction of 5G are clearly identified, notably offering higher data throughput, enhanced signal reliability and lower latency, but it is the use of 5G beyond the mobile devices ecosystem that makes this generation so distinct from the others....

5G mmWave slowdown not impacting forecast (Analyst Angle)

Following two years of exponential growth, preliminary estimates suggest total 5G NR RAN millimeter (mmWave) revenue growth – including radio and baseband but excluding services – stabilized in the second quarter as the overall revenues were nearly flat on a year-over-year (YoY) basis, reflecting...

Kagan: Huawei discusses 10 wireless industry trends for next decade

During the 12th Global Mobile Broadband Forum in Dubai, David Wang delivered a keynote address called, Roads to Mobile 2030: 10 Wireless Industry Trends. Wang is Huawei Executive Director of the Board, and Chairman of ICT Infrastructure Managing Board. Huawei has identified 10 trends to...

Can 5G mmWave deployments be profitable? Yes! Says Bell Labs Consulting

How do you confirm your gut feelings and logical reasoning? Well, you do a detailed techno-economic study and get a definitive answer. That’s exactly what the recently published report regarding mmWave deployments from the consulting arm of the legendry Bells Labs achieved.   The report finds...

Kagan: Defend yourself against loss of personal privacy

Last week the Washington Post wrote about the growing concern privacy experts are having over AI and cameras in self powered, robot vacuum cleaners like iRobot Roomba or Shark ION Robot. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The point is, if these...

Spectrum auctions: Okay for some, but not for others (Analyst Angle)

A recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal by Paul Wolfowitz, former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense and former President of the World Bank, controversially suggests that auctioning spectrum for 5G is detrimental to the U.S. and helps Huawei. While spectrum allocation is an...

The Sunday Brief: Facebook needs more (not less) algorithm development (Analyst Angle)

October greetings from the Midwest.  Pictured is yours truly outside of the Rich Hill Café last Friday (one of the Missouri American Broadband territories).  Terrific food, excellent service and a great conversation with two of the hardest working techs in telecom (Jason and Chris).   In the spirit...