Kagan: About the Apple iPhone 7

With next Apple iPhone, 'I expect the headphone jack to disappear' Just like every other year, Apple has absolutely nothing to say about the next iPhone. However, there is plenty we already know if we look back at the last several years. And more if...

Siris nabs Polycom, India awaits $4.00 smartphone … 5 things to know today

5 things to know today... 1. Mitel's agreement to buy Polycom has been derailed by a private equity firm with a higher offer. Siris Capital said its $2 billion offer represents a 13.6% premium to Mitel's offer, which was announced in April. Mitel's offer was...

Ericsson acquisition, Samsung turnaround … 5 things to know today

1. Ericsson is boosting its fiber footprint with the acquisition of Abentel, a subsidiary of Spain's Abengoa. Abentel's assets, projects and roughly 500 employees will become part of Ericsson when the deal closes. Ericsson said those 500 professionals are "bringing a relevant set of...

What happens when the things in the internet of things disappear?

As the number of devices and sensors explode, consider an internet of things that doesn't need devices The growing "internet of things" is viewed by many as a disruptive force that will fundamentally change the global economy, but also the way people everywhere live and...

In a smart city, the billboard will bounce back

For the advertising industry, the smart city may be a better medium than the smartphone As more urban infrastructure gets connected, city mayors may find advertising executives beating a path to their doors. That’s because the advertising industry has a serious problem – it needs...

Comcast bolstering smart home with iControl acquisition

Continuing its move into territory dominated by telecom outfits, Comcast has agreed to acquire smart home management company iControl to bolster its smart home service offerings. Based in Austin, Texas, iControl's primary consumer product is the Piper home security system, which features devices as well as a...

Wave 2 Wi-Fi: Enabling multigigabit wireless internet

Based on the IEEE 802.11ac standard, the key feature of Wave 2 Wi-Fi, which recently gained Wi-Fi Alliance certification, is MU-MIMO As consumers simultaneously adopt smart home solutions coupled with gigabit-speed home internet, devices featuring Wave 2 Wi-Fi technologies are purpose-built to simultaneously support multiple...

Amazon launches subsidized smartphones is subsidizing two Android smartphones for its Prime customers. The latest Moto G from Motorola, expected to ship July 12, will sell for $150; and the Blu R1 HD will retail for $50. The phones will come pre-loaded with apps that will show...

#TBT: T-Mobile kicks Sidekick; Sprint dishes on LTE … this week in 2010

T-Mobile stopped selling the iconic Sidekick device in a move that killed the brand, while Sprint talked LTE and smartphone plans … 6 years ago this week Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the...

Kagan: Is BlackBerry at the end of its lifespan?

Remember the early days of the smartphone revolution when BlackBerry led the pack? Back then it was a battle between BlackBerry and Palm. Ah, the good old days. Thinking about it reminds me of the good old days after the Ford Model T hit...

Report: Google planning to enter the smartphone market

According to The Telegraph, Google is in talks with mobile network operators Technology giant Google is considering a move into the highly competitive smartphone market with its own branded handset, according to a new report in The Telegraph, which cites "sources familiar with the discussions." Google...

Apple reportedly postpones major iPhone changes

The next iPhone may not inspire as many people to upgrade their smartphones as some previous generations have. According to The Wall Street Journal, the next iPhone will look very similar to the company's current flagship, the iPhone 6s. The biggest expected change is...

Analyst Angle: The future of the Apple iPhone

Cries that the Apple iPhone market is saturated are overblown, with opportunities in new markets, new technologies and new software set to spur growth It has been reported in the press that Apple has reached its peak of market adoption since the sales of the...

Apple holds on in China, AT&T certifies IoT modules … 5 things to know today

1. Apple said Chinese authorities have not yet locked the iPhone 6 and 6s out of the Chinese market. The Chinese government moved to block sales of the two devices, saying their design infringed on a Chinese patent held by a company called Shenzhen...

Apple holds on in China, AT&T certifies IoT modules … 5 things to know today

1. Apple said Chinese authorities have not yet locked the iPhone 6 and 6s out of the Chinese market. The Chinese government moved to block sales of the two devices, saying their design infringed on a Chinese patent held by a company called Shenzhen...

Kagan: Solving the Microsoft Nokia LinkedIn problem

So Microsoft is changing direction. It has thrown in the smartphone towel by saying goodbye to Nokia and is now acquiring LinkedIn instead. Will LinkedIn provide growth or will they too struggle going forward? And this is not the real Microsoft problem. Let me explain how...

Smartphone growth slows, Band 70 approval expected … 5 things to know today

5 things to know today ... 1. Smartphone shipments will increase by 3.1% this year, according to IDC Research. The firm expects 1.48 billion units to ship. The market is expected to keep growing for the foreseeable future, but it is not expected to repeat...

T-Mobile passes Verizon as leading smartphone sales channel

According to technology market research firm Counterpoint Research, T-Mobile US for the first time passed Verizon Wireless as the leading sales channel for smartphones in the first quarter of 2016. The researchers found T-Mobile US captured 22.9% of the domestic smartphone market while Verizon...

Kagan: Why I love and hate iPhone and Android

As a wireless analyst, columnist and speaker, I have an opinion on everything. I was going to say everything wireless, but if you ask my kids they would say to leave off the word wireless. I know ... kids. I have used most of...

Microsoft cutting 1,850 jobs from smartphone division

In a notice to investors sent out on Wednesday, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said the company will cut 1,850 jobs as the company rethinks its smartphone hardware business unit. The move will results in $200 million in severance payments, which will be recorded as part...

In a first, Google Chromebooks outsell Apple Macs

According to IDC analyst Linn Huang, Google Chromebooks, the tech giants low-cost laptop offering, outsold Apple's popular Mac laptops for the first time in the U.S. last quarter. Huang pointed out the milestone in an interview with The Verge. "Chrome OS overtook Mac OS in...

Nokia returning to hardware with Android smartphone, tablet

Microsoft bought brand in 2013, now Nokia licensing owned by HMD with Foxconn acquiring manufacturing/distribution rights After the Nokia smartphone unit was purchased by Microsoft in 2013, the brand slowly faded away, a big departure from the days when the brand dominated the market. But,...

Dish Network launches smartphone repair program

While continuing to sit on dozens of megahertz of wireless spectrum, Dish Network launched a smartphone repair program targeting cracked screens, battery replacement Dish Network, which continues to have an arms-length relationship with the mobile telecom space despite owning dozens of megahertz in unused wireless...

Verizon strike update, Intel's 180 on LTE … 5 things to know today

Verizon strike update 1. Verizon has cancelled medical coverage for the thousands of employees who have been on strike for more than two weeks now. The company told the union last week that the employees' healthcare coverage would stop at the end of April if...