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NFV development and integration challenges for vendors

This week’s NFV/SDN Reality Check looks at some top headlines, including an AT&T deal with Radcom, and speak with Genband on NFV challenges For our featured interview this week we spoke with Sanjay Bhatia, VP of solutions marketing and strategy at Genband to discuss NFV...

Test and Measurement: NI Week showcases massive MIMO, time-sensitive networking

National Instruments held its annual NI Week conference this week, focusing on its support of advanced technologies in wireless and networking. In particular, NI spotlighted new tools for developing massive multiple-input/multiple-output systems, the underpinnings of 5G systems and time-sensitive networking, as well as its brand...

Worst of the Week: Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint speak Wookiee on coverage

WOTW applauds Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile US and Sprint for using the vaunted Chewbacca defense in explaining network performance Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There’s a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is...

How will 5G impact carrier spending?

Although "5G" radios are still on the drawing boards, wireless carriers are already taking the next-generation wireless standard into account as they budget for the years ahead. No one knows for sure what the evolving 5G standard will specify, but carriers are starting to...

Massive MIMO gets a boost from National Instruments

Tests show record increase in data throughput As mobile network operators explore ways to get more bandwidth from their limited spectrum, multiple-input-multiple-output antennas are among the most promising solutions. National Instruments said this week that it has created a unique solution to enable wireless researchers...

600 MHz spectrum auction update and impact on 5G

What impact will a now expected prolonged 600 MHz spectrum auction have on 5G deployment plans and will millimeter wave bands help bridge the gap? On this week’s Carrier Wrap, we spoke with Dan Hays, principal at PwC’s Strategy& division to get his insight into...

GWS tests Rio carrier networks ahead of Olympics

TIM came out on top of recent testing of Rio de Janeiro carrier networks, but visitors should expect spotty coverage at some of the city's most popular tourist attractions, according to benchmarking by Global Wireless Solutions. The Rio 2016 Olympic Games start on Friday and as...

Rio Olympics: OpenSignal survey says carriers boosted LTE for the games

With the Rio Olympics starting later this week in host city Rio de Janeiro, the state of mobile networks is a concern. Projections suggest the Rio Olympics, like its predecessors, will break the record for social media usage. OpenSignal released a survey showing that...

Rio Olympics: Sensors, big data to be the next revolution

Technology developments play a big role in transforming the Rio Olympics, whether improving result accuracy or increasing athletes’ performances. The next transformation and even greater impact are expected to come from the massive use of sensors combined with big data analytics. Almost 20% of the...

AT&T set to launch drones for tower inspections

AT&T said its recent trials of drones as surrogate tower climbers have been highly successful, and that it plans to be using drones in its tower operations by the end of September. "Every time we use a drone it's just one less tower climb. Every...

5 key takeaways from Small Cell Forum Release 7

With the latest installment in its release program, Small Cell Forum is both focusing on practical operational elements for current hetnet implementations and taking a look forward to the role that small cells will play in "5G." “The whole target is really about ensuring...

SK Telecom, Nokia develop portable LTE network for public safety

SK Telecom plans to trial the LTE network system this year Korean telecommunications operator SK Telecom and Finnish vendor Nokia have developed a portable, all-in-one public safety LTE network system. The system is equipped with all elements required for mobile telecommunications, including a base station; switching system including evolved...

Is automation the key to unlocking SDN and NFV potential?

This week’s NFV/SDN Reality Check looks at some top headlines, including an AT&T and Amdocs deal, and speaks with Glue Networks on automation For our featured interview this week we spoke with Jeff Gray, CEO at Glue Networks, to discuss the use of automation in...

Test and Measurement: Keysight outlines role in 5G initiative

Keysight Technologies has given some insight into how it will carry out its commitment to the new White House initiative on "5G" development, which will include both its hardware and software as well as participation of its technology experts. The Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research...

Worst of the Week: T-Mobile may have won the battle, but Sprint is still crazy

WOTW gives its own spin on which carrier ran the table in terms of the latest quarterly results, with T-Mobile and Sprint the two stand outs Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There’s a lot of nutty stuff that goes...

#TBT: Sprint lull continues; Dish targeting T-Mobile? … this week in 2013

Sprint continued to see operations impacted by ownership uncertainty, while Dish looked to be eyeing a T-Mobile acquisition … 3 years ago this week Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the top headlines from...

Verizon, Sprint and AT&T results dissected

Carrier Wrap speaks with Recon Analytics to take a stab at dissecting the latest quarterly results from Verizon, Sprint and AT&T In a somewhat rare occurrence, three of the nation’s four largest wireless carriers reported their latest quarterly results within days of one another. Those...

Industrial internet of things maritime use cases

Industrial internet of things use cases: The IIoT at sea The industrial "internet of things" has found its way to sea, with connected sensors and unified platforms designed to provide increased visibility for crews. Ships have for some time been equipped with sensors that collect data. Now, that...

Analyst Angle: Net neutrality and mobile – the rise of the private networks

Will private networks allow wireless ISPs like AT&T and Verizon to skirt net neutrality regulations? We’ve all heard a lot in the news about net neutrality – where all internet traffic is handled and treated in the same manner. The idea behind net neutrality is...

Neutral host networks are key to in-building wireless

Wireless 20/20 consultant calls neutral host a 'win-win for MNOs and venue owners' Currently, carriers, enterprises and venue owners are focusing network infrastructure investment on providing the same level of cellular coverage and capacity that end users expect outdoors inside a wide range of buildings....

Facebook solar plane to bring broadband to the world

Aquila is the name Facebook has given to its solar-powered plane, which boasts a wingspan longer than that of a Boeing 737, and is designed to beam broadband internet access to underserved populations around the world. The internet and social media giant completed the first...

Google, Samsung join AT&T and Verizon in independent CORD project

Google and Samsung join AT&T and Verizon as partners in ONOS project’s CORD platform, which is set to be spun off as an independent open source project The Open Network Operating System project’s central office re-architected as a data center platform continues to gain momentum,...

Huawei revenue up 40% in first half of 2016

Huawei generated revenue of $36.7B during the period Chinese information and communications technology solutions provider Huawei generated sales of 245.5 billion yuan ($36.7 billion) in the first half of 2016, representing an increase of 40% compared to the same period in 2015, the vendor said in...

AT&T, Verizon make news, OPNFV updates NFV trends

This week’s NFV/SDN Reality Check looks at top headlines from AT&T and Verizon, and we speak with OPNFV on latest NFV trends On this week’s show we have a featured interview with Heather Kirksey, director of the Linux Foundation’s OPNFV organization, to get an update...