The Sprint LTE network makes its commercial debut, while talk of new iPhone models sporting colors spreads … 4 years ago this week
Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the top headlines from the...
On this week’s Carrier Wrap, we speak with Sprint to discuss the carrier’s recent 5G technology testing and deployment plans
All four domestic nationwide wireless operators have announced some form of “5G” technology testing scheme, with the intent of eventually rolling out next-generation services.
Verizon Wireless...
NGMN Alliance sets new 5G testing work items
The Next Generation Mobile Network Alliance plans to focus on 5G technology testing and trails, end-to-end architecture and "vehicle-to-x" communications as part of its 5G work. The NGMN Alliance board last week agreed on new work items in...
As the number of devices and sensors explode, consider an internet of things that doesn't need devices
The growing "internet of things" is viewed by many as a disruptive force that will fundamentally change the global economy, but also the way people everywhere live and...
KDDI will provide services with Ericsson CDP internet of things solution
Swedish vendor Ericsson is partnering with Japanese operator KDDI to deploy Ericsson Device Connection Platforms to manage global "internet of things" connections.
The partnership will provide enhanced connectivity services to KDDI's enterprise customers and support the deployment of...
On this week’s NFV/SDN Reality Check we speak with Radisys for a deeper look into the ONOS CORD and M-CORD initiatives
On this week’s show we have a featured interview with Radisys for a deeper look into the Open Network Operating System project’s central office...
Television broadcasters are taking the stance that it never hurts to ask when it comes to compensation for giving up their 600 MHz spectrum resources
Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There’s a lot of nutty stuff that goes on...
Macro tower sites have evolved from carrier-specific infrastructure to a shared resource owned and managed by tower companies. Small cells are widely expected to eventually follow that path, as part of making the technology financially viable.
Small Cell Forum expects that by 2020, only about...
Google partnered with APAC carriers China Mobile, China Telecom, SingTel, KDDI and bandwidth provider Global Transit
In an effort to bolster its application and cloud customer experience, Google, in partnership with numerous Asia-Pacific interests, yesterday brought online its 10 terabit per second Faster Cable System,...
T-Mobile stopped selling the iconic Sidekick device in a move that killed the brand, while Sprint talked LTE and smartphone plans … 6 years ago this week
Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the...
The mobile telecom market’s race towards 5G and the internet of things requires players to rethink spectrum plans, availability and models
Wireless spectrum remains a hot topic in the commercial telecom space as government agencies continue to look for ways to free up new spectrum...
Telecom workforce management is changing as the so-called “gig economy” continues to penetrate the industry. An increasingly "hybrid" workforce of contract and full-time workers is emerging as operators put more focus on reducing their costs to deploy network infrastructure.
Field Nation, which provides a software...
Wi-Fi Alliance is officially launching 802.11ac Wave 2 certification, supporting the growth of new features designed to increase performance and capacity in Wi-Fi.
Although products with Wave 2 features have been on the market since last year, the WFA's Wi-Fi Certified program is designed to ensure interoperability...
Security is primary hold up to enterprise 'internet of things'
The majority of enterprises have already deployed internet of things solutions, according to a new report from 451 Research, which saw the greatest adoption coming from utilities and manufacturers.
Taking stock of the source of enterprise...
Regulators and self-driving car manufacturers are facing a moral dilemma: should self-driving cars save passengers or pedestrians when they crash? A new study reveals how end users feel about the issue.
Self-driving cars are coming, bringing claimed advantages such as more efficient traffic management, reduced...
Driven by strong IoT investment, revenues projected to grow at 16.1% CAGR from 2015 to 2019
U.S. investment into the "internet of things," including hardware, software, services and connectivity spending is expected to hit $232 billion this year, according to a recent study by IDC....
With the help of Vint Cerf, Google's chief internet evangelist, NASA is experimenting with a technology called delay/disruption tolerant networking to allow for remote monitoring and operation of experiments housed on the International Space Station.
NASA has been working on DTN for a number of...
1. AT&T is promising business customers download and upload speeds of up to 1 gigabit per second. The company said today that it has expanded its AT&T Fiber service in Texas, Tennessee, South Carolina and Oklahoma. In addition, the carrier is expanding AT&T Fiber...
Fluke Networks and Brother Mobile Solutions are integrating their technologies to help installers make labeling and tracking of cable simpler with on-site printing of cable and ID identifier labels. The labels are based on data generated during the network design and installation process in...
WOTW may not be a fan of Auto-Tuning, but is a fan of Verizon going after Sprint and AT&T, even if that attack is not in Verizon’s pure voice
Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There’s a lot of nutty...
Predictive maintenance is a key industrial 'internet of things' use case, according to analyst
As the industrial internet of things brings automation to an array of verticals, the as-a-service model is evolving to fill an emerging market for the hardware – sensors and other devices...
French boiler manufacturer e.l.m. leblanc has selected Sigfox to connect more than 100,000 boilers in France to enable predictive, remote maintenance and remote management
E.l.m. leblanc, a French boiler manufacturer that is part of Bosch Group, has selected Sigfox to connect more than 100,000 boilers in France...
Apple iPhone subsidy adjustments leads to fears over smartphone pricing war, while Sprint sees unlimited M2M opportunities … 8 years ago this week
Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the top headlines from the...
On this week’s Carrier Wrap we speak with Republic Wireless on some of its latest service advances and use of Wi-Fi to compete against established wireless carriers
The mobile virtual network operator business has been through numerous highs and lows over the past decade as...