The following list includes ratings changes and financial information for wireless companies announced this week by investment-banking and financial-services firms.Carrier--Standard & Poor's withdrew its corporate credit rating on Total Access Communication, the second-largest cellular provider in Thailand, at the company's request. Prior to the...
Today, Thrrum announced that its MMS search product is now available to subscribers of T-Mobile's and Verizon Wireless's networks. If you see something that you'd like more information about, take a picture of any sort of text that is associated with it (such as...
Wireless banking also poised for growth in U.S.. Mobile banking isn't as popular in the U.S. as banks had hoped, although new smart phones like the iPhone 3G may help speed the pace of adoption with better interfaces and faster networks.
The iPhone App Store stole headlines last week, but it's the ever-growing cloud above that ultimately will be more important to developers of mobile consumer applications.Cloud computing - applications "in the sky" accessed through the Internet, as opposed to native applications - is not...
Sprint Nextel Corp. and Palm Inc. are pushing hard for enterprise customers with their new Treo 800w, the first Palm device to offer Wi-Fi and GPS connectivity, with broadband speeds.In Sprint Nextel's case, the carrier needs to retain high-value corporate customers. For Palm, a...
Following a plea to mobile service providers that fell on deaf ears, the European Commission is hoping to mandate lower prices for SMS roaming.The commission said it hopes to end "bill shocks" by proposing legislation to the European Parliament to regulate charges for text-messaging...
A tax holiday may be in the future for wireless providers and the nation's 262 million cellphone users after all. Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) introduced legislation to impose a five-year moratorium on new or increased wireless taxes. "Americans...
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin signaled the agency is prepared to fix a roaming snag faced by wireless providers delayed in constructing networks because spectrum licenses won at major auctions remain occupied by commercial and government users. ...
Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Yay or Nay. Every week we'll review a new wireless application or service from the user's point of view, with the goal of highlighting what works and what doesn't. If you wish to submit your application or...
Mobile news aggregator Mobispine AB said it has acquired NewsAlloy, a Web-based feed reader, for an undisclosed sum.A Sweden-based startup, Mobispine offers a free, Java-based download that delivers RSS feeds to more than 300,000 active members. The company said it hopes to integrate...
Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.A race is underway, and the whole world is watching - even though the winners have already...
The following list details this week's infrastructure awards for the cellular, Wi-Fi, and WiMAX industries. The contracts are broken down by transmission technology, country and vendor. The value of the contract is included when available.Cellular--China: China Mobile Communications entered a frame agreement with Nokia...
NEW YORK — The video-sharing site YouTube will be allowed to mask the identities of individual users when it provides viewership records to Viacom and other copyright holders behind a $1 billion copyright-infringement lawsuit.
Those who predict the imminent death of TV might have to wait awhile. There's still a vast swath of land -- commonly known as "Middle America" -- where broadcast television works just fine, thanks.
Marketing firm Fuse talks to Sony, MTV Networks, Yahoo, and Nokia to find out what the future of technology will look like for the teens. The conclusion: It's mobile.
South Korea's SK Telecom Corp. is in talks to buy struggling U.S. wireless carrier Sprint Nextel Corp., business news channel CNBC reported Tuesday An agreement would be at best weeks away, CNBC said, citing people familiar with the talks.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Soaring costs for gasoline and food pushed inflation at the wholesale level up 1.8% in June, pushing inflation the past year to the fastest pace in more than a quarter-century.
The iPhone 3G’s “opening weekend” — get used to the movie lingo in this context — saw “one million devices sold” in 21 countries, according to Apple Inc.’s CEO Steve Jobs. If true, that’s more than three times the volume of last year’s iPhone...
FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION CHAIRMAN KEVIN MARTIN said it will be hard to hold either the D-Block re-auction or advanced wireless services-3 bidding this year because of intense controversy over rules. Thus, competition for two valuable blocks of public airwaves likely will play out under...
AT&T Mobility's decision to take Synchronoss out of the Apple Inc. iPhone-activation loop contributed to last week's debacle at Apple and AT&T Mobility stores, according to ThinkPanmure L.L.C.Apple last year employed New Jersey-based Synchronoss to handle activations for iPhone purchasers who chose to activate...
Sprint Nextel Corp.'s under-the-table Sprint Employee Referral Option has seen its final days. SERO was a plan Sprint Nextel introduced a few years ago that offered cheaper rates through an employee referral. And it wasn't as though you had to have a blood relation...
Electronics retailer has joined the growing number of merchants with an m-commerce site. The web-only retailer has used the popular "m" URL naming convention to launch its site,