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BROWSING: Network Infrastructure

Google expands Project Loon LTE testing to Nevada

Google recently expanded its LTE testing to include areas of the Nevada desert.

Amdocs study: Data accounts for 98% of network traffic

Amdocs has released its latest State of the Radio Access Network survey, and the numbers show that data absolutely dominates mobile networks, accounting for 98% of traffic -- and that stress on networks from the data tsunami is leading to compromised quality of experience. The...

Nokia set to close sale of device unit

Nokia, the world's leading maker of mobile phones until two years ago, is set to close on the sale of its device unit to Microsoft on April 25. The company first aligned itself with Microsoft in 2011, abandoning its Symbian smartphone operating system for...

HetNet News: Time Warner launches HotSpot 2.0 nationally

This week in small cell, distributed antenna system and Wi-Fi news: -- Time Warner Cable has added HotSpot 2.0 technology on most of the Wi-Fi access points in its national network, and says that it is "the largest Passpoint-enabled network in the country." The company is...

Reader Forum: Next-generation service provider security – dynamic multi-layered defense

The concept of service provider security is undergoing a significant shift due to changes in several key areas: business, technology and the profile of the attacker.

Mobile drives need for better security, says Wedge Networks

Wedge Networks has a new software-based security solution that it says delivers on the promises of software-defined networking (SDN): cheaper infrastructure costs, easy scalability, and performance similar to hardware-based offerings. Wedge recently participated in an network function virtualization(NFV) testing demonstration with Spirent at Interop that...

Carrier Wrap: Sprint signs WiMAX death warrant: 2015

Editor’s Note: Wireless operators are a busy bunch, and as such RCR Wireless News will attempt to gather some of the important announcements that may slip through the cracks from the world’s largest carriers in a weekly wrap-up. Enjoy! --Sprint announced in a recent Securities...

LatAm News: UNE-Tigo merger approved in Colombia; TIM to bid in 700 MHz auction

The merger between Colombian state telco UNE and Millicom's Colombian unit Tigo has received approval from the country’s regulator for industry and commerce, the SIC. Once merged, they will account for 135 megahertz of spectrum, and the SIC has determined that the companies should...

Cell Tower News: OSHA Cites Pinpoint; 150ft Climber Rescue

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by A flurry of cell tower related news has swept across the internet since last we reported. The top story this week involves what could have been...

Workforce: Ericsson, Mobetize, Brightstar, others see executive changes

Workforce: Ericsson, Mobetize, Vdopia see executive changes. 

Chipmakers focus on MU-MIMO for Wi-Fi

Quantenna's 10G Wi-Fi chip Hot on the heels of Qualcomm's MU-MIMO announcement, Quantenna Communications says it is at work on the next generation of Wi-Fi chipsets, the world’s first 10G Wi-Fi chip. The company says the first 10G Wi-Fi chipsets will be available in 2015,...

VoLTE: Progress and problems

Voice over LTE has been one of the most highly anticipated network features to come along in recent years. As it stands, LTE is only used for data services, with voice being routed over legacy circuit-switched networks.The ability to offer voice over IP service...

Telecom network expansion: tw, Lighthouse, Unite Private Networks expand service footprints

Lighthouse, Unite Private Networks and tw telecom expand their networks. 

Reality Check: T-Mobile US’ three days of change

To recap a couple of themes that we have discussed since the beginning of the year, first quarter earnings are going to highlight a) the disruptor role of T-Mobile US in the wireless marketplace

Reality Check: Managing strategic LTE partners

U.S. wireless carriers have spent billions of dollars on the design, construction and operation of their legacy networks and with the ongoing development and implementation of LTE,

Colorado officials approve measure for public telecom network

Colorado officials recently approved a measure to allow for the establishment of a public telecommunications network. 

LTE Innovation Summit: Lessons learned from legacy networks

As fourth-generation wireless technology has been rolled out, lessons learned during previous deployments have been invaluable. Lou LaMedica, former director of Verizon Wireless' device evaluation lab in New Jersey, told attendees at last week's LTE Innovation Summit that customers are primarily concerned about performance, despite...

HetNet News: Comcast claims 1M hotspots

--Comcast said its Xfinity Wi-Fi network now contains one million hotspots around the country, including its outdoor hotspots, hotspots for patrons at enterprises that Comcast includes for free with its business Internet service, and neighborhood hotspots where Comcast enables residential customers to have a second...

Cisco and Juniper detail Heartbleed responses

Network equipment vendors Cisco and Juniper are sharing information about their vulnerability to Heartbleed, the software security flaw that could enable hackers to steal passwords and other encrypted data from many of the servers on the Internet. Cisco says that many of its products...

NetCracker clears the clouds

Wireless industry professionals may often feel they're swimming in an alphabet soup of acronyms: NFV (network functions virtualization) and SDN (software defined networking) are enabling PCRFs (policy and charging rules functions) to run on COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) hardware in order to reduce TOC (total...

ZTE shifting from low margin strategy

ZTE is signaling a shift in strategy that could be good news for its competitors. The Chinese maker of network infrastructure and smartphones said today that it has boosted profits by turning down low-margin contracts. ZTE was referring to infrastructure projects outside China. For years...

LTE Innovation Summit: The promise, challenges of LTE

Long Term Evolution is indeed turning out to be a technology with a long lifespan, and the telecom industry is only in the early stages of mining the benefits of LTE -- but there are hefty challenges that must still be dealt with, according...

Report: Infrastructure, including telecom, shapes real estate investment

A new report from the Urban Land Institute and EY says that telecommunications infrastructure is one of the top factors that influence decisions on real estate investment and development around the world. The Infrastructure 2014 report was released this week at ULI's spring meeting and is...

Cell Tower News: Airport climber falls; struggle for towers continues

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, brought to you by Our top story this week comes from Corpus Christi, Texas, where an airport worker was injured while climbing a communications tower for repairs. The tower collapsed, causing the man to fall...