Cell Tower News: NATE joins FCC safety workshop

NATE joins FCC safety workshop Two months ago the FCC announced that it would host a tower climber safety and injury prevention workshop in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 14. An industry event this huge seems like something the National Association of Tower Erectors (NATE) would...

Cell Tower News: OSHA makes injuries and fatalities report available

OSHA fatalities, safety report available on web Big changes in OSHA's transparency and reporting are underway. For a variety of reasons, people want access to all of the reported job site fatalities and injuries at work sites. You could find this previously by combing through...

Feature Report: HetNet Review – Small Cells, DAS, & Integrated Wi-Fi

As mobile operators focus on the need for network densification, the companies that supply and service the carriers are exploring the business models and technologies that can enable successful DAS and small cell deployments. The DAS model is proven in large venues, but the...

Editorial Webinar: HetNet Review – Small Cells, DAS & Integrated Wi-Fi

As mobile operators focus on the need for network densification, the companies that supply and service the carriers are exploring the business models and technologies that can enable successful DAS and small cell deployments. The DAS model is proven in large venues, but the...

How to become a tower climber: experience, training, equipment

The adrenaline of heights is something you relish. Hard, physical activity in a job is something you enjoy. You’ve seen the gravity-defying photos of a tower climber perched atop a 100-foot tower and asked yourself, “How do I become a tower climber?” It’s a question that...

Cell Tower News: Verizon considers divesting towers; tower fire still a mystery

Verizon considers divesting tower assets Last year we reported on Crown Castle's huge deal with AT&T; the tower giant bought almost 10,000 towers for $4.85B. Apparently this was food for thought for Verizon Communications' CFO Fran Shammo. He's gone on record saying AT&T's move was...

Cell Tower News: Tower Family Foundation; 14-story tower

Tower Family Foundation launched The tower industry has seen more than its fair share of tragedies over the past year. Always we think about how this must affect the loved ones of the fallen, but it seemed like few were doing anything to help. A family...

CTIA 2014: Tower Family Foundation launched to aid injured climbers’ families

(An earlier version of this story contained an incorrect title for Eric Steinmann. He is development manager for Clear Talk.) LAS VEGAS — A new nonprofit, aimed at providing rapid financial assistance to the families of telecom tower climbers injured on the job, celebrated its...

Infrastructure news: Crown Castle’s fiber buy, WesTower’s AT&T contract

Crown Castle buys fiber assets Crown Castle has acquired roughly 800 miles of fiber in Maryland, northern Virginia and Delaware through the purchase of 24/7 Mid-Atlantic Network. Analyst Jennifer Fritzsche of Wells Fargo notes that the tower giant has previously expressed interest in operating its...

Cell Tower News: Fake towers become national news

Fake towers make national headlines Twice now we've reported on the use of fake towers — first back in March and then a few weeks ago when the FCC became involved. Now the rest of the nation is catching up as the use of "stingrays" or...

Wireless Infrastructure Service Provider Update Feature Report

In the latest editorial feature report from RCR Wireless News, wireless infrastructure providers, tower company executives, industry analysts and recruiters are interviewed about current trends in the North American wireless infrastructure services market. Wireless operators keep pace with the relentless demand for mobile data by...

Cell Tower News: FCC studies spy towers; NATE led Safety Task Force

FCC studies spy towers No, it's not the plot of some Cold War movie from the 80s, it's the FCC's involvement in the latest development in a story we reported on back in March. To catch you up to speed, these fake cell towers for spying...

Feature Report: Infrastructure Service Company Review

Wireless carriers cannot roll out 4G networks without the contractors and subcontractors who bring next generation networks from vision to reality. Infrastructure service providers work hand-in-hand with mobile network operators, but some of these relationships are shifting as AT&T and Verizon shift their focus...

Editorial Webinar: Infrastructure Service Company Review

Wireless carriers cannot roll out 4G networks without the contractors and subcontractors who bring next generation networks from vision to reality. Infrastructure service providers work hand-in--hand with mobile network operators, but some of these relationships are shifting as AT&T and Verizon shift their focus...

Top 3 desired skills on a tower climber's resume

A tower climber looking to upgrade his career or move to a different company has to make sure he puts his best foot forward (or up) to let employers know he is the best candidate for the position. Everybody knows to play up their strengths on...

Reader Forum: Using intelligent wireless routing to end in-building over-provisioning

Intelligent wireless routing ensures that peak demand will be met More than 70% of mobile calls and more than 80% of mobile data usage today occurs indoors. The demand now is for reliable services and connectivity inside buildings in order to provide the same quality...

Cell Tower News: FCC streamlines antenna rules; cemetery towers

FCC streamlines antenna rules The FCC made a decision late last week sure to make tower owners happy. Part 17 of rules and regulations for towers was streamlined, giving greater clarity to tower marking, lighting and registration. The update is intended to address what many...

Reality Check: Dear Marcelo Claure

As many long-time readers will remember, in October 2012 the I penned a column called “Dear John (Legere)” that talked about the bold, radical moves that would be necessary to change a fouth-place mentality into an innovative market leader (this also started a terrific...

HetNet News: DAS deployments require new skill sets

Indoor DAS is a growing business for providers of wireless infrastructure services, as carriers look to distributed antenna systems to densify their networks and boost coverage. Contractors are learning that to serve the carriers in this role they need to deploy workers with specific...

Cell Tower News: S&S cited in fatal collapse; FCC safety workshop

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by OSHA cites S&S for W.Va. collapse You'll likely recall when we reported on a tragic tower collapse that injured two and claimed two lives in February. Paperwork must be...

Infrastructure news: LTE in China, wireless backhaul in the U.S.

In infrastructure news this week, LTE tower technology advances in China, wireless backhaul innovations in the U.S., and another acquisition in the infrastructure services space. Huawei's active antenna unit Huawei and China Mobile said this week that they've deployed the world’s first LTE TDD 8T8R active antenna unit. The...

OSHA's new tower hoist rules

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently published new regulations on the use of hoists to place workers on communications towers. The new regulation comes several months after OSHA's February letter to the tower industry, warning them to make sure to comply with safety...

BlueStream doubles down on DAS with Tempest deal

BlueStream Professional Services has purchased parts of Tempest Telecom's DAS business, and will bring one of the industry's most experienced distributed antenna system professionals onboard to manage its DAS and small cells business. Darlene Braunschweig, former president of Tempest's DAS and small cell division,...

DAS boosts the bottom line

Distributed antenna systems provide connectivity behind the scenes, out of sight, even underground in some cases, and at times they have been as hard to find in corporate financial results as they are in some of the venues where they're deployed. But that's starting to change....