Ericsson diversifies leadership team

In infrastructure news this week, Ericsson is diversifying its leadership team, and tower companies appear unfazed by the prospect of carrier consolidation. Ericsson appointments Ericsson has added three new members to its global leadership team, two of whom are women. Each of the new executives will...

Feature Report: Network Decommissioning: Investment Recovery & Environmental Compliance

Network decommissioning is a huge issue as carriers rip-and-replace legacy equipment in favor of new technologies. When they do, they are faced with what to do with the old equipment. RCR Wireless News will take a look at the different choices carriers have in...

Cell Tower News: 100% tie-off 24/7 website launched; tower as 'half-assed tree'

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by New safety website The National Association of Tower Erectors announced earlier this year at NATE Unite 2014 a new 100% tie-off awareness campaign to make safety at...

Cell Tower News: 100% tie-off 24/7 website launched; tower as ‘half-assed tree’

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by New safety website The National Association of Tower Erectors announced earlier this year at NATE Unite 2014 a new 100% tie-off awareness campaign to make safety at...

Editorial Webinar: Wireless Network Decommissioning

As carriers rip-and-replace legacy equipment in favor of new technologies, they are faced with what to do with the old equipment. RCR Wireless News will take a look at the different choices carriers have in what to do with old equipment, including recycling options....

Cell Tower News: 2014 PCIA Wireless Infrastructure Show recap

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by Just as we expected, this week's PCIA Wireless Infrastructure Show saw the tower companies more vocal than they have been in a while. This week's cell tower...

PCIA 2014: Tower companies see record applications, and Wall Street takes notice

ORLANDO, Fla. – Surging mobile data demand means that wireless operators need to add coverage and capacity to their networks, and that often means co-locating a cell site on a tower occupied by one of their competitors. "Volume and demand for co-locations and new towers...

PCIA 2014: Tower companies split on DAS

Orlando, Fla. – Tower developers at this week's PCIA 2014 Wireless Infrastructure Show were not united in their assessment of the opportunity in distributed antenna systems. Larger players are investing heavily in DAS while smaller tower companies are focusing on macro sites, for the...

PCIA 2014: Tower leaders bullish on carrier spending

Orlando, Fla. – Leaders from the nation's three largest tower companies took the stage to kick off PCIA's 2014 Wireless Infrastructure Show. Crown Castle International, American Tower and SBA Communications all projected a continuation of current growth trends. Specifically, the group highlighted network densification...

Cell Tower News: Tip to prevent copper theft; brotherly tower opposition

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by It's been a quiet week in the tower industry leading up to PCIA's Wireless Infrastructure Show. Since most companies have posted their first quarter earnings already,...

Editorial Webinar: Tower & Antenna Technology Review

RCR Wireless News takes stock of the latest in tower and antenna technologies. We will look at fiber to the antenna (FTTA) and remote radio head (RRH) use, as well as backhaul trends, including millimeter, microwave, LOS/NLOS, fiber and the small cell backhaul dilemma.This...

Feature Report: Tower & Antenna Technology Review

RCR Wireless News takes stock of the latest in tower and antenna technologies. We will look at fiber to the antenna (FTTA) and remote radio head (RRH) use, as well as backhaul trends, including millimeter, microwave, LOS/NLOS, fiber and the small cell backhaul dilemma. This...

American Tower boasts strongest growth among tower giants

The nation's three largest tower companies continue to benefit from demand for tower space driven by the transition to LTE networks, and by the seemingly insatiable consumer appetite for mobile data. American Tower, Crown Castle International and SBA Communications all reported double digit increases...

Cell Tower News: Supreme Court to hear T-Mobile US cell tower case

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by Tower companies and carriers are certainly getting their day in court lately. Last week it was a federal court debating police use of cell tower...

Analyst Angle: Disorganized value chain: the story of small cell and DAS

In early April, I had the pleasure of participating in the NEDAS Forum event in New York City. The forum had attendees and speakers covering all aspects of the deployment value chain.

Cell Tower News: Court Mulls Tower Data; Towers No Health Risk

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by Police have used data culled from cell towers for a while now to help in solving crimes, and it has largely been ignored by the general...

Cell Tower News: Copper Thieves Strike Again; State Laws Impact Towers

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by The plague of copper thefts continues for tower companies. This time a thief in the Chattanooga, TN area stole $300 worth of copper from a local...

LatAm News: UNE-Tigo merger approved in Colombia; TIM to bid in 700 MHz auction

The merger between Colombian state telco UNE and Millicom's Colombian unit Tigo has received approval from the country’s regulator for industry and commerce, the SIC. Once merged, they will account for 135 megahertz of spectrum, and the SIC has determined that the companies should...

Cell Tower News: OSHA Cites Pinpoint; 150ft Climber Rescue

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, created by Jarad Matula and brought to you by A flurry of cell tower related news has swept across the internet since last we reported. The top story this week involves what could have been...

Cell Tower News: Airport climber falls; struggle for towers continues

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, brought to you by Our top story this week comes from Corpus Christi, Texas, where an airport worker was injured while climbing a communications tower for repairs. The tower collapsed, causing the man to fall...

Cell Tower News: Climber deaths bring scrutiny to carriers

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, brought to you by It is an understatement to say that this year has been tragic so far when so many tower climbers have died within the first quarter. In response, OSHA handed out stern...

Cell Tower News: 2 more tower deaths; cities use fake tower devices

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, brought to you by 2014 is quickly becoming a tragic year for the tower industry. It is with a heavy heart we report that there have been two more tragic tower deaths this week. The...

Cell Tower News: Cell tower possible key to missing plane

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, brought to you by Theories regarding the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines 370 include one that could involve a cell tower. Some believe the plane took an alternate route, one that would have passed over a...

Cell Tower News: Help a fallen climber; town loses $1.5M over tower

Welcome to this week’s edition of cell tower industry news, brought to you by Help a fallen climber We lead this week's cell tower news with a plea to help a climber in need. Tommy Jeglum fell 50 feet from a tower last June and managed...