Reality Check: Data rations for you!

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.This week’s article deals with a hot topic – bandwidth buckets, or, as Craig Moffett from Sanford...

Reader Forum: The rise of the Wi-Fi MVNO

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reader Forum section. In an attempt to broaden our interaction with our readers we have created this forum for those with something meaningful to say to the wireless industry. We want to keep this as open as possible,...

American Tower receives subpoena from SEC

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued American Tower Corp. (AMT) a subpoena seeking tax-related documents dating from 2007 to current financials. This is in the midst of a company push to change its corporate status in a manner that should reduce taxes in...

RCR Wireless News set to take MBB tour to Baltimore

RCR Wireless News is set to visit Baltimore the week of July 18 as part of our Mobile Broadband Tour and Conference series. The RCR Wireless News Mobile Broadband Baltimore tour will include several days meeting with local telecommunication leaders and associations...

DAS In Action: Policy, public safety and what's practical highlight event

ALEXANDRIA, Va.—FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski wants to be known as the broadband chairman, and as such has been at the forefront of removing obstacles that prevent wireless broadband deployments, said Josh Gottheimer, senior counsel to the chairman during PCIA's DAS Forum “DAS In Action:...

Galtronics demonstrates in-building MIMO with one antenna

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Galtronics Corp. Ltd. said its single in-building distributed antenna that provides MIMO for the LTE 690-806 MHz band outperformed spatially separated SISO (Single In Single Out) antennas in data throughput tests conducted by American Tower Corp. (AMT) at the Las Vegas...

DAS In Action: Feds recognize need for more towers

ALEXANDRIA, Va.—FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski wants to be known as the broadband chairman, and as such has been at the forefront of removing obstacles that prevent wireless broadband deployments, said Josh Gottheimer, senior counsel to the chairman during PCIA's DAS Forum “DAS In Action:...

DAS In Action: DAS firms need to respect utilities

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Distributed Antenna System (DAS) providers need to understand the safety and reliability concerns of utility companies if they want to avoid contentious relationships over pole attachments, said NextG Networks Inc.'s Norine Luker, senior director, utility administration at the DAS provider. Speaking on...

RCR Wireless News MBB Philadelphia: Carrier consolidation shifts investment strategy, VC panel says

PHILADELPHIA – Timing, scale and the long-term sustainability of a business and business model are key factors to betting right in the mobile broadband business, panelists agreed at RCR Wireless News' Global Mobile Broadband Tour and Conference Philadelphia. And it's good to own spectrum...

SPONSORED: Neutral-host tower companies can help Latin American operators speed time to market

Cellular service throughout Latin America is about to get a jolt as wireless operators deploy advanced-generation networks capable of carrying all kinds of content across the airwaves. From Brazil to Mexico, governments are auctioning off new 3G and 4G spectrum bands to try to...

RCR Wireless News MBB Philadelphia: Small tower owners see benefits, challenges in current climate

PHILADELPHIA – The tower industry has seen its fair share of ups and downs, a trend that seems set to continue as new entrants in the mobile space could help replace those being lost to consolidation and those that remain look to both save...

Nex-Tech Wireless prime example of rural job opportunities

HAYS, Kan. – In this day and age of elevated unemployment levels across the country, you might think it would be difficult to find a company in a high-tech field like wireless desperate to find suitable employee candidates to fill vital holes. Welcome to...

Wavion updates Wi-Fi offloading solution to 802.11n

Wavion Ltd. updated its outdoor W-Fi offloading solution designed for wireless service providers facing congested networks in urban areas. The company's WBSn (Wavion Base Station based on the 802.11n standard) combines spatially adaptive two-way Beamforming technology with the latest 802.11n standard and 3x3:3 MIMO...

RCR Wireless News MBB Philadelphia: Carriers looking at various ways to stay ahead of data demand

Watch live streaming video from rcrtrack2 at livestream.comPHILADELPHIA – It doesn't take much looking to realize that the wireless industry is in the midst of a network capacity crisis. With data hungry smartphones flooding the market, carriers have been forced to come up with...

H&M Networks acquires DAS company

Henkels & McCoy Inc. has bought In-Building-Wireless to expand its Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) efforts. The two companies have worked together through Henkels & McCoy's H&M Networks business, collaborating on projects across the carrier, enterprise and federal vertical markets. Silver Spring, Md.-based In-Building-Wireless brings more...

Reader Forum: The green side of optimization

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reader Forum section. In an attempt to broaden our interaction with our readers we have created this forum for those with something meaningful to say to the wireless industry. We want to keep this as open as possible,...

RCR Wireless News global tour set for next week in Philadelphia

RCR Wireless News’ visit to Philadelphia is set to begin next week, bringing with it a one-day conference scheduled for June 8 as well as a visit to the city to get an update on its municipal Wi-Fi project. The RCR Wireless News Mobile...

City Hall in Phoenix: Building up public-safety networks with the RWC

PHOENIX—Arizona's Regional Wireless Cooperative (RWC) is one of the largest public-safety radios systems in the country, serving 17 member cities, towns and fire districts in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Getting there, including a Project 25 trunked radio system that is interoperable across multiple jurisdictions,...

Cowboys Stadium and its $6.5M DAS network

ARLINGTON, Texas — Everything is bigger in Texas so it is no surprise that Cowboys Stadium boasts the largest TV screen in the world, along with a lot of other “boasts,” like retractable roofs that open and close in 12 minutes, not a bad...

Clearwire offloads additional customer care services, 700 employees to be transitioned

Clearwire Corp. (CLWR) said it plans to transition more of its customer care operations to current partner TeleTech Holdings Inc. that could impact approximately 700 employees.Clearwire noted that the expansion of its current agreement calls for TeleTech to take over management of Clearwire’s day-to-day...

LightSquared rumored to be in network talks with Sprint Nextel, AT&T

LightSquared continues to draw media attention with competing reports this week claiming the company is close to signing network deals with Sprint Nextel Corp. (S) and AT&T Mobility (T).Bloomberg is reporting that LightSquared is in preliminary talks with AT&T Mobility to purchase capacity on...

Reader Forum: Hotspots, personal Wi-Fi, instant access we want our apps

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reader Forum section. In an attempt to broaden our interaction with our readers we have created this forum for those with something meaningful to say to the wireless industry. We want to keep this as open as possible,...

Reader Forum: AT&T Mobility and T-Mobile USA – for better or worse?

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reader Forum section. In an attempt to broaden our interaction with our readers we have created this forum for those with something meaningful to say to the wireless industry. We want to keep this as open as possible,...

The Hopi Nation climbs toward wireless in Arizona : 8-year project draws close to a close

TEMPE, Ariz. – Native American tribes are spread across the state of Arizona, and Mark Goldstein, president of the International Research Center in Tempe, Ariz., consults with some of the independent nations to make their lives more accessible with technology.The Hopi Nation's borders rest...