SpectraSite Inc. filed a statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to offer 250,000 shares of its common stock to adjust to a market price obligation. This will fulfill a stock buyback agreement with Goldman, Sachs & Co., and the market price adjustment is...
WASHINGTON-The International Association of Fire Fighters, the union representing more than 85 percent of firefighters and emergency medics in United States and Canada, today formalized plans to solicit funding for a study to determine whether use of fire stations as cellular phone base stations...
It undoubtedly will take years to sort out why some first-responder communications worked and why some did not after terrorists navigated jet planes into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. But it appears one suspected culprit has been exonerated.The National Institute of...
Nextel Partners Inc. said it has entered into an agreement with TowerCo Inc. to purchase, construct and own 300 cell towers for an undisclosed amount. The agreement calls for TowerCo to purchase up to 92 existing towers from Nextel Partners, predominately in the carrier's...
WASHINGTON-The International Association of Fire Fighters, the union representing more than 85 percent of firefighters and emergency medics in United States and Canada, today formalized plans to solicit funding for a study to determine whether use of fire stations as cellular phone base stations...
WASHINGTON-Legislation has been introduced in the North Carolina General Assembly that would overturn a fall protection provision in the state's tower-safety standard, further keeping on hold a rule considered too onerous by the tower industry. Had Rep. John Blust (R) not sponsored the bill,...
HOUSTON-Although they recorded increased revenues, two tower operators suffered net losses in their financial results for the fourth quarter of 2004 compared with the previous year. For the full year, American Tower Corp. and Crown Castle had better results. The two companies had postponed...
NEW YORK-Leap Wireless has delayed the release of its annual report due to accounting changes, and announced a bonus plan for employees, according to a pair of Securities and Exchange Commission filings. Leap said it is unable to file its 10-K for 2004 with...
Leap Wireless has delayed the release of its annual report due to accounting changes and announced a bonus plan for employees, according to a pair of Securities and Exchange Commission filings.Leap said it is unable to file its 10-K for 2004 with the SEC...
CARY, N.C.-SpectraSite Inc. said it has filed a statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to offer 250,000 shares of its common stock to adjust to a market price obligation.This will fulfill a stock buyback agreement with Goldman, Sachs & Co., and the market...
Although they recorded increased revenues, two tower operators suffered net losses in their financial results for the fourth quarter of 2004 compared with the previous year.For the full year, American Tower Corp. and Crown Castle had better results.In a written note, Raymond James noted...
WASHINGTON-In a stunning 9-0 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court told Mark Abrams he is not entitled to attorney's fees and other damages even if he wins a tower-siting case. "Liability for attorney's fees would have a particularly severe impact in the Telecommunications Act of...
As a tower operator, Crown Castle International Inc. is venturing into a less familiar environment as an enabler of what may grow into a major application in the wireless industry: mobile television. By a stroke of good fortune, the company acquired a spectrum license...
WASHINGTON-In a report to Congress obtained by RCR Wireless News, the Federal Communications Commission told lawmakers last week that it had granted 32 whole or partial waivers for rural wireless carrier enhanced 911 Phase II obligations. The FCC denied or dismissed eight other requests....
WASHINGTON-In a report to Congress obtained by RCR Wireless News, the Federal Communications Commission told lawmakers late Wednesday that it had granted 32 whole or partial waivers for rural wireless carrier enhanced 911 Phase II obligations. The FCC denied or dismissed eight other requests....
WASHINGTON-In a stunning 9-0 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday told Mark Abrams he is not entitled to attorney's fees and other damages even if he wins a tower-siting case. "Liability for attorney's fees would have a particularly severe impact in the Telecommunications Act...
NEW ORLEANS-Leap Wireless International Inc. continued its rapid evolution last week, signing a pair of deals with Verizon Wireless that will allow Leap to add nationwide roaming capabilities to its Cricket wireless offering and provide Verizon Wireless with another infusion of wireless spectrum. Leap...
Tower company SpectraSite Inc. said it lost $1.8 million in the fourth quarter, as part of its results for the period and full year. The company also revised its 2005 outlook. In 2004, the company said it achieved record revenues and net cash provided...
NEW ORLEANS-In the interest of advancing mobile television services, Qualcomm Inc. said it will work with leading companies to create a multi-party organization committed to advancing the global standardization of FLO technology, the air interface specification for the forward link only technology. FLO is...
Global Signal Inc. said it recorded a fourth-quarter income of $4.1 million, amounting to a 34.4-percent leap over the same period in 2003 when it had a net income of $3.1 million.These figures give its shareholders 8 cents per share for the quarter compared...
CARY, N.C.-Tower company SpectraSite Inc. reported results for the fourth quarter and full year ended Dec. 31, 2004, and updated its 2005 outlook. In 2004, the company said it achieved record revenues and net cash provided by operating activities of $355.1 million and $141.1...
Both Leap Wireless International Inc. and Dobson Communications Corp. in unrelated deals said that with the help of Daniels & Associates, they are selling and then leasing back towers. Leap is selling 142 towers to Mountain Union Telecom L.L.C. for $18 million. It will...
WASHINGTON-A federal appeals court last week said that a federal court needs to review a decision by the City of San Francisco to deny MetroPCS's tower application.It was the first time that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit had waded into...
NEW ORLEANS-In the interest of advancing mobile television services, Qualcomm Inc. said it will work with leading companies to create a multi-party organization committed to advancing the global standardization of FLO technology, the air interface specification for the forward link only technology.FLO is designed...