Reality Check: Fourth-quarter results are in, and the winner is …

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.Greetings from Kansas City, where, after spending nine days in India, I have learned never to complain...

Analyst Angle: Another setback for Canada's wireless industry

A quote often attributed to Bernard Shaw actually comes from the German philosopher Georg Hegel: “We learn from history that man can never learn anything from history.” Perhaps the Canadian Radio-Television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) should pay attention to that bit of wisdom. ...

Reality Check: Tacking through consolidation in mobile devices

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.In my last column, “Navigating consolidation in the network equipment industry,” I discussed consolidation in the global...

Reality Check: NATE takes safety to new heights

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.Putting safety first means an ongoing investment in time and resources, something that the National Association of...

Reader Forum: From pipes to clouds: Strategic operator directions for 2011 and beyond

Having originally built and marketed “high-speed” broadband pipes as the access to the Internet, network operators have been disconcerted as these pipes have quickly contributed to a major loss of the operators’ value to Internet sites and over-the-top (OTT) players. Subscribers are certainly...

Reader Forum: Making the smart move in smart phone support

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reader Forum section. In an attempt to broaden our interaction with our readers we have created this forum for those with something meaningful to say to the wireless industry. We want to keep this as open as possible,...

Guest Opinion: Building a better future based on mutual trust and understanding

Q: What is Huawei's reason for doing this interview? We would like to provide the basic facts behind the recent 3Leaf matter that has been the subject of much attention and discussion about Huawei. These facts will not only help understand the real...

Analyst Angle: Tablets – The new strategic battleground

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry.The tablet market is exploding, ignited by Apple Inc.'s iPad launch last April. By the...

Reality Check: The sky is the limit with mobile cloud

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace. In meteorology, clouds on the horizon may portend stormy weather. But in the wireless world, clouds could...

Reader Forum: M2M network resilience; are users under-estimating its importance?

The machine-to-machine sector is fast becoming a victim of its own success. As the world wakes up to the infinite possibilities of empowering machines to communicate, the fight for bandwidth and reliability has highlighted the fragility of the public network, particularly when it comes...

Worst of the Week: Welcome to our robot rulers

Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way....

Analyst Angle: Revolution in Helsinki

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry.What a week for revolutions: Egypt has changed from a dictatorship to democracy in just...

Analyst Angle (Special MWC Edition): Mobile operators are winning the battle against churn – but cannot afford to get complacent

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry.Mobile operators can expect to see continued reductions in churn. Recent research from Analysys Mason’s...

Reality Check: Sprint Nextel’s four-year winter

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.Sprint Nextel Corp. reported earnings last week, and it looks like the four year winter of subscriber...

Analyst Angle (Special MWC Edition): Operators should position mobile broadband as a complement to fixed broadband, not a substitute

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry.Mobile broadband operators should prepare for a decline in market growth. Recent research from Analysys...

Reader Forum: Are we really addicted to mobile phones?

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reader Forum section. In an attempt to broaden our interaction with our readers we have created this forum for those with something meaningful to say to the wireless industry. We want to keep this as open as possible,...

Worst of the Week: Slow news week … not

Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way....

Reality Check: The rise of the super phone

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.If we learned anything from the events of the past week, it’s that brand loyalty matters little...

Reality Check: Dawn of a new era for mobile voice

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.With 18 LTE networks now in commercial service around the world, LTE handsets will surely be unveiled...

Reader Forum: Global spectrum conspiracy … Really!?!

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reader Forum section. In an attempt to broaden our interaction with our readers we have created this forum for those with something meaningful to say to the wireless industry. We want to keep this as open as possible,...

Reader Forum: Prepaid makes the world go wow

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reader Forum section. In an attempt to broaden our interaction with our readers we have created this forum for those with something meaningful to say to the wireless industry. We want to keep this as open as possible,...

Worst of the Week: Mr. Cranky Pants

Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way....

Analyst Angle: The future of mobile commerce is here; it’s tap to pay

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry.Would you be willing to pay for coffee, a new sweater, or a movie ticket...