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Reader Forum: Top 5 connectivity technologies to watch in 2015 and beyond

With the “Internet of Things” reaching into every aspect of modern life, analysts predict the number of connected devices to reach around 5 billion by the end of this year – up 30% from 2014. By the end of the decade, that number is...

Reader Forum: External big data monetization – don’t miss the boat

Due to the proliferation of mobile devices, higher demand for mobile data and increased competition, communications service providers are constantly seeking new ways to monetize the immense amount of data that flows through their networks. Operators now have access to unique subscriber information that can...

Reader Forum: Sell the (quality of network) experience

If you were caught in a crisis situation, which would you rather have: Access to voice services on your smartphone or access to data? According to new global research commissioned by Amdocs and conducted by Hot Telecom, data wins out with a solid 55%...

Reader Forum: Next wave of IoT devices needs to ride a new network

Without a doubt, wireless data network devices and applications are growing rapidly. Heavy hitters like Cisco and Ericsson predict there will be 50 billion devices connected by 2020, quite a jump from 14 billion devices in 2013. Of the connected devices, Gartner estimates that...

Reader Forum: The mobile Internet of Things

As the “Internet of Things” grows, mobile phones are becoming personal controllers that connect consumers through Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, ZigBee and other personal area networks to home control – cameras, smart watches, glasses, fitness trackers and even smart clothing. Because of that connection, the volume...

Reader Forum: 5G is coming! Wireless telecom is dead, long live wireless IT

While presenting on the topic of “5G” recently, I was asked: “Why are we making everything so complicated?” In that moment, as I surveyed the audience of principally telecom industry types – of which I proudly count myself as a member for the last...

Reader Forum: The road to 5G begins in the cloud (RAN)

There is agreement in the telecom industry that the future of wireless networks is “5G.” However, ask anyone in the industry to define 5G and you’ll get many different answers. As the industry works out what the next generation of wireless technology will ultimately...

Reader Forum: 4 ways to reduce business risk, deflect cybersecurity threats with wireless backhaul

What do Spotify, the European Central Bank and Apple have in common? All were the targets of major cybersecurity attacks in 2014, which rose a whopping 48% from 2013 to 2014. Unsurprisingly, people are rattled. According to a survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers, 24% of consumers...

Reader Forum: New technology set to bolster indoor wireless coverage, capacity

To solve the problem of poor indoor coverage, service providers and enterprise IT managers are increasingly relying on denser nodes of faster wireless technologies, leveraging the latest developments in small cells and next-generation Wi-Fi. However, the wired portion of these networks face bottlenecks as...

Reader Forum: Is a lack of digital maturity bleeding you dry?

Who would have dreamt that within two years the demand from communication service providers for digital capabilities would rank alongside those of IT, research and development and innovation in one of Gartner’s surveys – Increasing Investment Areas, 2012, 2013 and 2014 Rankings: A Shift...

Reader Forum: Optimizing a DAS head-end

In a distributed antenna system deployment, about half of the cost of installation – trade labor rather than material, labor and electronics – lies in the head-end, where the DAS host unit connects to mobile operator base stations. It pays to optimize the head-end...

Reader Forum: Small cell planning – a more profitable perspective

This year has been predicted to be the year of the small cell, which should come as no surprise – there have been similar predictions for several years. There are, however, indications that 2015 will be different and the prediction may be accurate. The end of 2014 saw...

Reader Forum: Taking INs out – next-generation BSS for LTE

One of the biggest challenges facing communications service providers today is how to best monetize mobile data and avoid data becoming a commodity. To do so effectively, CSPs need to look at the value that data enables and not just think of pricing based...

Reader Forum: Technology’s safety role in the car of tomorrow

Today’s vehicles are viewed by many as the next frontier for mobile devices and Internet connectivity. In fact, we already see automakers adding Wi-Fi hot spots and LTE capabilities to new vehicles. Industry forecasts from ABI Research estimate there will be 210 million connected...

Reader Forum: The reality behind virtualization

If you knew the real journey a mobile application makes from where you are standing to the application server, you would find it hard to believe that the entire mobile system actually works. If you realized how much of a mobile application's quality depended...

Reader Forum: Moving WLAN connectivity beyond mobility to enable true worker productivity

For enterprises in all industries, reliable wireless local area network connectivity is table stakes. It’s the backbone that delivers true mobility and, ultimately, worker productivity. But does your WLAN really drive productivity? That’s the million-dollar question. Initial WLAN investments were designed to accommodate growing mobility...

Reader Forum: VAS 2.0 – monetizing the 4th wave in mobile networks

The role of mobile phones today has evolved beyond a general-purpose communications tool to become an extension of a user’s persona and everyday routine. New revenue opportunities for mobile operators will only increase as customers want and expect more services from their phones –...

Reader Forum: Spurring IoT growth with on-demand connectivity

Our world is exploding with new connected devices designed to simplify and improve modern living – connected cars, smart homes, wearables and even objects like toothbrushes and umbrellas. The rise of the “Internet of Things” – smart objects and machines connected and controlled via...

Reader Forum: So you’ve launched an enterprise app – now what?

Best practices for using data to support app deployment and user adoption Businesses are launching more enterprise applications than ever before. In fact, nearly half of enterprises have already deployed between one and 10 mobile apps to their employees according to a recent...

Reader Forum: SDN – taking the right path

Virtualizing server and storage resources to run private and hybrid clouds is an increasingly entrenched practice among Asia-Pacific businesses and government agencies. To empower greater capability from our robust and resilient networks, organizations are looking towards these new technologies to aid the reduction of...

Reader Forum: Will I need my connected umbrella today?

Could a nationwide stock of connected umbrellas (see here for a $43 prototype) replace the National Weather Service? Is a weather forecast by crowdsourcing more accurate than a room of high-performance computers? These were some of the questions posed at a recent London event by...

Reader Forum: Is your cloud helping you win in the ‘age of the customer?’

When it comes to today’s marketplaces, there’s no doubt we’re operating in a buyers’ market. Consumers can buy anything almost instantly, from computer software through to the latest movies. We can easily find the information we need, compare and evaluate it immediately before purchasing...

Reader Forum: From CSP to DSP – the 4 keys to transformation

At the risk of revealing my true age, I can remember how cool I thought it would be to have a camera on the first mobile phone I purchased 10-plus (give or take) years ago. My cell phone service back then was just the...

Reader Forum: Boosting customer loyalty with better billing, payment strategies

Forget the device, it's about the experience In the highly competitive wireless provider market, customer loyalty remains a significant challenge. Carriers continue to seek new ways to increase customer satisfaction and renewals, primarily by advertising devices, coverage areas and pricing. However, loyalty is often won...