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Reality Check: First thoughts on the FCC Report and Order

The FCC Report and Order that wasn’t On March 12, the Federal Communications Commission released the 400-page Open Internet Report and Order. Think of this as part one of a dramatic miniseries on Internet regulation, which you would prefer to turn off after the first hour...

Reality Check: Connected devices and the customer care challenges they pose

January’s Consumer Electronics Show and the recently concluded Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona, Spain, punctuated a fact fairly obvious to anyone in attendance or following from afar: Connected devices are here in a big way. They continue to weave their way into almost...

Reality Check: Did California kill the Comcast, Time Warner Cable merger?

This has been a week filled with news – Mobile World Congress, analyst conferences and the normal course of business – and regulatory conjecture. I have decided to stop trying to figure out what fine-tuning the Federal Communications Commission is doing between the vote last...

Reality Check: Long live mobile apps!

How to optimize UX development and increase return on mobile app investment In an increasingly interconnected world, it’s not difficult to see why the user experience – all facets of an end-user’s interactions with a particular product or service – can enhance or diminish a...

Reality Check: Fair for whom? RIP, unlimited Internet

As expected, last week was full of rhetoric with respect to the Federal Communications Commission’s pending Open Internet Order. Pictured below is Verizon Communications' response typed in Morse Code – a brilliant PR move, although one unlikely to help their position with the FCC. As...

Reality Check: HetNets, the natural successor to Wi-Fi offload for experience continuity

Heterogeneous networks have been brewing for a few years now, but 2015 will be the year they become mainstream as several core components reach maturity. The starting point came with mobile network operators offloading data to Wi-Fi in order to avoid a capacity crunch...

Reality Check: Getting consumers past device recycling barriers

It’s easier than ever for consumers to regularly have the latest and greatest mobile device, thanks to continued price decreases and special carrier programs. This leads to happy consumers, carriers, manufacturers – and yes, happy distributors, too. But it also can lead to overflowing...

Reality Check: 5G – the history of the future

Over 50% of the world’s LTE subscribers today are in the U.S. With its aggressive 4G deployments aided by the thriving application ecosystem, the U.S. was able to wrestle back the leadership mantle of the mobile world. While consumers are enjoying their mobile broadband devices and services,...

Reality Check: Verizon’s spectrum, small cell plans; T-Mobile US’ math

Verizon spectrum auction results conference call: Densify, baby, densify Verizon Communications’ Tony Melone, EVP network, and CFO Fran Shammo held a short, but extremely informative, conference call helping the analyst and investor community think about the results of Auction 97 (full information and details here). One of...

Reality Check: 4 questions for the FCC chairman

Many of you have called/written me about the general chatter regarding regulatory changes proposed by Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler. The telecom industry needs to take Aaron Rodgers’ advice and “r-e-l-a-x.” While it is strangely undemocratic that the FCC chairman would be very...

Reality Check: How wireless service providers can stop their industry’s value destruction

Some of the recent competitive promotions from wireless service providers are concerning for the industry as a whole. Telecoms can learn from the overall value destruction experienced in other industries, such as airlines, where lower price pressure and higher costs through customer incentives left...

Reality Check: Sprint’s new vision

True to 2015 form, last week was a full news week with Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler taking to Wired’s blog site to outline his recommendation to implement Title II regulations (more on this as more details are disclosed; for a very interesting...

Reality Check: Google launching a MVNO? Not likely

Media reports suggest that Google is taking actions to launch mobile service as a mobile virtual network operator. Why on Earth would they do that? MVNO is such an archaic and anachronistic concept. It is unlikely that Google will launch a traditional MVNO. Traditionally,...

Reality Check: 10 things to know about the T-Mobile v. City of Roswell decision

The Supreme Court sided with T-Mobile US on its challenge to the city of Roswell, Ga., denial of an application to build a cell tower – but Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s opinion raises more questions than it answers. Section 332 of the Communications Act allows cellphone...

Reality Check: AT&T and its ‘future forward’ message

Lots of plane time last week, which means lots of time to think about earnings announcements and trends. On top of this, last week was heavy on non-earnings news, with T-Mobile US’ innovative smartphone approach to credit-challenged customers (see more here), to Google Fiber’s...

Reality Check: New trends in data on the horizon

As companies hit 2015 in full sprint, they need to stay ahead of the shifts that will define business in the coming years. The changes I believe are on the horizon will enable teams and individuals to manage their data and make decisions at...

Reality Check: Weakening wireless technology patents hurts everyone

Today, everyone connects effortlessly to the Internet via Wi-Fi technology when at home or in coffee shops, or on the move via the 3G or 4G networks used by smartphones and tablets. Fifteen years ago, everyone was literally tethered to the Internet via a cable,...

Reality Check: The sneaky progress of autonomous cars

Self-driving cars are not a pipe dream – they are inevitable. When you count up the benefits, the value is huge: found time, increased safety, better energy use, much better traffic management and more dense utilization of each square foot of pavement. While the...

Reality Check: Verizon’s ‘highest common denominator’ problem

Verizon Communications reported earnings last week. Without going through every detail of their 1.99 million wireless retail postpaid net additions – 1.4 million of which were tablets – let’s focus on two of the most important figures: postpaid churn and broadband (FiOS + DSL)...

Reality Check: Verizon is not worried (Q4 and full-year earnings preview)

    It’s been a week full of news, with the Federal Communications Commission’s Auction 97 almost ending, AT&T’s acquisition of Iusacell closing, rumors that the Verizon/AT&T/T-Mobile US Softcard mobile wallet venture will be sold to Google emerging, and Sprint bucking the trend with mild but...

Reality Check: Six predictions for mobile payments

Prediction No. 1: Merchant- and bank-branded mobile wallets vs. third-party wallets. • Apple Pay has some early momentum right now. They have created interest and that will drive consumer comfort with mobile payments – whether it’s Apple Pay, Google Wallet, Pay Pal, merchant-branded, bank-branded or other...

Reality Check: Fixed wireless myth busting

New Yorkers, rejoice! According to an article in Crain’s New York Business, about 90% of commercial buildings are not wired with enterprise-class broadband, and “a technology known as fixed wireless broadband” is coming to their speedy-connectivity-deprived rescue. Reading this piece brought to light that there...

Reality Check: Boom-boom, FCC lowers the Title II boom

Editor’s Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column where C-level executives and advisory firms from across the mobile industry share unique insights and experiences. While there was a lot of news last week, we will focus today’s column on the Sling TV announcement, Federal...

Reality Check: Network analytics are critical to mobile carrier growth

Editor’s Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column where C-level executives and advisory firms from across the mobile industry share unique insights and experiences. A recent Ericsson Mobility Report found that by 2020, more than half of all mobile traffic will be made up...