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BROWSING: Reality Check

Reality Check: Transform to turn a profit – the urgency to update legacy networks

The task facing CSPs is monumental – one of the biggest challenges to CSPs in the last 50 years. Customers are increasingly cutting the cord – literally – eroding the “cash cows” of voice and long distance services.

Reality Check: Is it still an Android world?

Speaking of handsets, we have updated our semi-annual look at smartphone models by carrier. There are many surprises and changes since we last analyzed the marketplace last October.

Reality Check: Going mobile to entice young voters

The explosion in the use of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets provides a significant opportunity for governments to reverse the European election trends and drive up voter engagement.

Reality Check: Taking an optimized approach to mobile data

If limited spectrum and cost-prohibitive expansion of infrastructure is inevitable, then operators need to find additional ways to enhance their existing networks and make the most out of the capacity that they have.

Reality Check: FCC’s plans and free AT&T broadband

While it would be impossible to cover the entirety of the meeting in the remaining space of this brief, suffice it to say that the tone of this meeting was more passion-filled than all of this year’s previous meetings – combined.

Reality Check: Why May 15 matters to telecom

There are few larger convergence points between broadcasters, wireless service providers, public safety providers and Internet businesses than the Federal Communications Commission.

Reality Check: Defining the future of 5G wireless

What is 5G? That seems to be the big industry question discussed in recent months. For those of us in mobile broadband, we may not know exactly what it will be,

Reality Check: 5G performance – what can we expect?

Although the 5th generation mobile communications system came to the world’s attention in 2013, it was no surprise to the research community. The use cases and fundamental system

Reality Check: T-Mobile US wins by a mile (and why Sprint must act – now)

While there were many other interesting events this week, the remainder of this column will be devoted to comparing Sprint and T-Mobile US’ earnings.

Reality Check: Managing customers through technology and business transitions

Customer migrations are a fundamental reality for the telecoms industry. Well executed transitions are seen as non-events, but poorly-executed transitions can trigger

Reality Check: Enterprises need to prepare for new mobile world

Enterprises face significant disruptions to their business if they do not have coherent strategies to deal with the leading technology trends centered around the nexus of mobility,

Reality Check: First-quarter earnings drivers (Pt. 1)

An absolutely giddy CFO usually worries me on conference calls, especially when it’s the CFO of a company the size of AT&T. John Stephens’ ebullience showed throughout

Reality Check: ‘5G’ – moving beyond the hype

Today “5G” is not yet a newborn; and we, as its parents, are still trying to define its genetic makeup. As it is impossible to predict all the use cases of the future, we need to ensure that the DNA of 5G is as flexible as

Reality Check: VoLTE battery issues? Not really

In 2012, despite gains made in voice over LTE viability as a carrier option for delivering data and voice over 4G LTE networks through IMS cores, several industry pundits pointed out the elephant in the room:

Reality Check: T-Mobile US’ three days of change

To recap a couple of themes that we have discussed since the beginning of the year, first quarter earnings are going to highlight a) the disruptor role of T-Mobile US in the wireless marketplace

Reality Check: Real-time analytics – the new CEM

Six months ago they were one of the world’s most vulnerable mobile service providers. A staggering 43% of customers said they planned to leave.

Reality Check: Managing strategic LTE partners

U.S. wireless carriers have spent billions of dollars on the design, construction and operation of their legacy networks and with the ongoing development and implementation of LTE,

Reality Check: The 10 most important events of the first quarter

Normally, we take the end of the quarter to evaluate key long-term trends and see how they might change as a result of events. We are trying a new end of quarter theme

Reality Check: Enterprises need to gain control of app environment

Today, applications are as personal as the mobile handset is to end users, and their usage continues to explode. Gartner predicts that by 2017, more than 268 billion mobile apps will be downloaded

Reality Check: Reflections on MWC 2014 – why virtualization and big data are changing the industry

Now that the mobile industry’s largest show is over, it is a good time to digest the fire hose of information that is Mobile World Congress. And I’m happy to say that I believe we will

Reality Check: Mobile operators must open networks to best-of-breed application providers

Mobile network operators place a high premium on control – of their network, services, brand and most importantly, their customers. This is not surprising, as operators that invested heavily

Reality Check: Messaging apps are the future of mobile entertainment

The truth is, it didn’t take Facebook to convince insiders that WhatsApp and its brethren are the social-networking and mobile entertainment future. For a few years now, hundreds of millions

Reality Check: The ‘Internet of things’ meets recurring revenue

There's a lot of buzz these days surrounding the "Internet of things.” Unfortunately the term itself is fuzzy, leading to ambiguity and misunderstanding of what it actually means.

Reality Check: Net neutrality – will the slow and fast lanes collide?

The net neutrality debate is bound to continue to make news for some time to come with Netflix, Comcast and Verizon bringing it to the headlines once again.