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BROWSING: Reality Check

Reality Check: What is your mobile strategy?

It’s a delicate (some might say indelicate) question to ask – What is your mobile strategy? But I’ve learned not to make assumptions when companies come to us looking for help with their mobility issues.

Reality Check: The monetization of LTE

In today’s world of instant Internet gratification, speed is undeniably a critical component of the customer experience with a mobile operator’s service. How quickly one can upload or download things,

Reality Check: Four trends that will drive the always on, always connected world

For the past few years, at my direction, Accenture has studied usage of technology by consumers to identify major trends that might assist our corporate clients. Our most recent survey

Reality Check: Maximizing productivity in the age of consumerization

In late February, I participated in a panel session at the Mobile World Congress event titled "Mobile Enterprise: Maximizing Workforce Productivity in the Age of Consumerization."

Reality Check: Mining for gold in the open mobile era

Attitudes in mobile shift quickly – even among the most staunch protectors of the past. Barely a year ago, AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson, speaking at the annual mobile world conference,

Reality Check: New FCC proposed rules may lead to better location accuracy for E911 calls

Many people are unaware of the location-based services that underpin the provision of essential public safety services in the United States. The chief example is Enhanced 9-1-1 (E911) calls,

Reality Check: Protecting the mobile network and devices

Despite the increases in today’s mobile malware, many mobile operators and subscribers continue to be virtually blind to the full extent of the problem – they simply react to incidents as they occur and

Reality Check: LTE self-organizing networks and the RF optimization engineer

Editor’s Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We’ve gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace. In the current, fast-developing ICT industry, mobile networks are evolving in heterogeneous and complex ways. It's also true that this...

Reality Check: Managed services for OSS – what Latin American service providers need to know

Editor’s Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We’ve gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace. Spurred by the need to modernize and even transform their internal systems to meet growing demand for voice and data...

Reality Check: When customers are empowered, everyone wins

“The customer is always right” is an axiom that has never held more truth than in today’s hypercompetitive mobile market. Subscribers around the world have become accustomed to always-on mobile services,

Reality Check: Billing systems must transcend ‘business as usual’ to keep pace with demand for digital services

With the proliferation of mobile devices around the world, which includes the recent invasion of tablets, the number of mobile Web users has grown to 1.2 billion.

Reality Check: Femtocells versus Wi-Fi hotspots – What is the best solution for Brazilian carriers?

Brazil’s recently passed Conditioned Access Service law, which was passed last September, or the new Brazilian pay-TV law seemed to diminish market rumors that femtocell adoption would be encouraged by Brazilian Regulation in 2011, due to a regulatory change on femtocell-related taxes.

Reality Check: Why Is Android vulnerable

Android devices are clearly the target of mobile malware with a 400% increase in Android infections in the latter part of 2011. So why is the Android platform so vulnerable?

Reality Check: DAS and rural carriers

Editor’s Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We’ve gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace. Miles of telecommunications fiber have been installed nationwide over the last few years, much by rural telecommunication...

Reality Check: Tech perspectives – Winning the tablet market

Almost overnight, tablets have become a key component of many computer companies’ growth strategies – and for good reason. Based on one of our recent studies, tablet demand will surge to 200 million by 2014,

Reality Check: Seven growth markets for tablet computers

What are tablets really going to be used for in large enterprises? What are their practical uses beyond viewing content and e-mail? How much money can be made making and selling tablets?

Reality Check: The future of mobile malware

While mobile malware grew substantially in 2011, most of the attacks lacked sophistication and the ability to make money for cyber-criminals.

Reality Check: Eight Brazilian telecom issues to watch

The Brazilian telecommunications market will over the next two years will face its best time since its opening to private initiatives. Here are eight issues, facts or trends, that deserve attention.

Reality Check: Mobile search – The Holy Grail of getting the right answer, right away

Smartphones are now the majority of mobile phones in countries such as the United States, and at the end of 2011, nearly 15% of U.S. consumers went online using a tablet,

Reality Check: Brazil’s mobile broadband scenario in 2011

Editor’s Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We’ve gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace. Brazilian Picture The number of mobile broadband capable accesses in Brazil grew 82.18% last year, totalizing 18.6 million new devices, according...

Reality Check: Voice biometrics and mobile, a perfect match

The most user-friendly ways for humans to interact with machines often center on something that every person is born with. One of the best-known recent examples is how smartphones quickly shed the stylus in favor of touch.

Reality Check column: Is Brazil ready for ‘Internet of Things’?

Editor’s Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We’ve gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace. Brazil has finally awoken to the enormous opportunities in the machine-to-machine communications market. M2M communications are roughly defined as the...

Reality Check: Tablet thunderbolt – How big will it strike in enterprise?

Editor’s Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We’ve gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace. Every once in a while a thunderbolt strikes in the communications, media and technology world that gets...

Reality Check: Reflections on Brazil’s class C and mobile commerce

The explosion in Brazil's class C population -- defined as families with monthly incomes of $660 to $2,850 -- has been accompanied by changes in consumer spending habits by members of that class, especially in the mobile phone market.