The United States teamed with neighboring countries to get the 700 MHz band identified for wireless broadband services in the Americas and major markets in Asia at the close of the World Radiocommunication Conference in Geneva, effectively setting the foundation for a global...
Welcome to our Friday feature, Week in Review. Every Friday, RCR Wireless News runs through the major events of the past week, outlining what happened and speculating on what to look for in the coming weeks, months and years. Check below for news about...
You've undoubtedly noticed, with pleasure, that the telescoping, whip antenna of yore has long ago disappeared inside the increasingly sleek device you slip into your pocket. Technology is supposed to be invisible. Out-of-sight, out-of-mind is fine for the consumer, blissfully unaware of the complexity...
Federal regulators appear poised to take actions that could enable Globalstar Inc. to integrate terrestrial wireless facilities in most of its mobile satellite service frequencies and allow Iridium Satellite L.L.C. to share more of Globalstar's MSS frequencies, possible outcomes that could bolster both companies-as...
The National Public Safety Telecommunications Council is seeking feedback by Friday to aid the development of the 700 MHz public-safety broadband statement of requirements. The Public Safety Spectrum Trust tasked the job to the broadband working group of the NPSTC Technology Committee. The trust,...
LITIGATION SURROUNDING RULES for auction-bound 700 MHz wireless licenses took an unexpected turn last week.Verizon Wireless filed to withdraw its appeal of the Federal Communications Commission's 700 MHz open-access rule, only to have cellphone industry trade association CTIA immediately fill the void by challenging...
For Verizon Wireless and its recently installed chief, Lowell McAdam, life seems great. Customer growth remains near the top, customer churn remains nearly invisible and the carrier recently unveiled new devices targeting fast-growing demographics as well as a certain "fruity" competitor.Of course, not all...
Litigation surrounding rules for the Jan. 24-scheduled 700 MHz auction has taken a sudden turn. Verizon Wireless filed to withdraw its appeal of the Federal Communications Commission's 700 MHz open-access rule, only to have cellphone association CTIA immediately fill the void by challenging the...
What's Google Inc. up to in mobile? You might as well ask what Rupert Murdoch is doing in media.Because the answer is, just about everything.The Internet colossus first dipped its toe in the mobile waters in 2000 with a search service for Web-enabled phones,...
Mobile users are increasingly turning to Google Inc., but on-the-go searches remain dwarfed by PC queries, the Internet giant said in an earnings call yesterday.Google, which saw its quarterly net income soar 46% from the same period last year, saw increased traffic during...
The following list includes ratings changes and financial information for wireless companies announced this week by investment-banking and financial-services firms.Carrier --Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said it does not expect the FCC's upcoming wireless spectrum auction to affect the ratings of U.S. wireless carriers...
WHILE THE 700 MHZ OPEN-ACCESS COURT BATTLE ESCALATES into a brawl among major stakeholders eyeing the upcoming auction, the public-safety community is methodically laying the foundation to partner with the winner of a national wireless license in an unprecedented experiment of high stakes for...
This must have slid under the radar, but AT&T last month announced that Fredericks of Hollywood had awarded the company its networking and voice services business covering 135 locations. (Not familiar with Fredericks of Hollywood? Just think of a Victoria Secret's store, but featuring...
The Public Safety Spectrum Trust Corp. filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission seeking to become the licensee that partners with the winning bidder of the commercial-first responder broadband wireless license in next year's 700 MHz auction."The PSST is moving ahead with all...
The Federal Communications Commission has pushed back the 700 MHz auction from Jan. 16 to Jan. 24."This change of the previously announced start date for Auction 73 will provide interested parties with additional time after this announcement of competitive bidding procedures to develop business...
The Public Safety Spectrum Trust selected Cyren Call Communications Corp. as its advisor for negotiations with the eventual winner of the commercial-first responder broadband license in the 700 MHz auction, set to begin Jan. 16. "Although we have selected a single advisor, I'm hopeful...
THE MOBILE-PHONE INDUSTRY FINDS ITSELF ADRIFT in a sea of uncertainty as the 2008 election year approaches, with litigation, legislation and other factors casting a collective cloud over spectrum auctions critical to rollout of next-generation wireless services and the existing regulatory regime.Competition for new...
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejected Verizon Wireless' emergency motion for fast-track treatment of its challenge to the Federal Communication Commission's open-access rule, increasing the likelihood that litigation will remain in play in the lead up to the...
The Federal Communications Commission and Frontline Wireless L.L.C oppose Verizon Wireless' emergency motion to have its court appeal of the 700 MHz open-access rule put on a fast track."It would make little sense for the court to expedite this case when, halfway through the...
DEMOCRATS WARNED FCC CHAIRMAN KEVIN MARTIN not to cripple the open-access stipulation on the 700 MHz spectrum up for auction early next year, following the agency chief's failed attempts to revise the rule through a procedural maneuver shortly after Verizon Wireless lobbied on the...
The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected on procedural grounds a challenge to the Federal Communications Commission's small business bidding rules, delaying for another day a ruling on the merits of a case with the potential to overturn the results of last year's...
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin is aggressively pushing for prompt revisions to the 700 MHz open-access rule-even before the agency completes a review of the various regulatory challenges to the full 700 MHz decision, according to industry sources who suggest the behind-the-scenes activity...
The upcoming auction of 700 MHz could give birth to an unprecedented infrastructure that could serve countless rural consumers as it provides a crucial boost to the nation's public-safety industry.Or it could be a debacle.The winner of the highly prized chunk of spectrum will...
The Federal Communications Commission launched a rulemaking on the highly-sought 2155 MHz-2175 MHz spectrum band, setting the stage for a resumption of a wireless open-access debate that gained strength during in the agency's 700 MHz proceeding.Late last month, the FCC tossed out applications of...