Petitioners ask higher court to decide on net neutrality
WASHINGTON – The joint petitioners seeking a stay on the implementation of net neutrality rules, which go into effect next month, have appealed the FCC's denial with a higher court.
The case has been brought before the...
AT&T remains confident of midyear close
Despite countless delays, AT&T’s pending $48.5 billion acquisition of DirecTV looks to remain on track as the companies filed extensions on the “termination date” of the planned deal as it has now passed the one-year mark since it was...
Lincoln Labs betting that political clout is a function of tech savvy
WASHINGTON – Lincoln Labs, a self-proclaimed conservative technology group created in 2013, operates with the stated goal of: “To create and support a community of like-minded individuals who desire to advance liberty in...
Use it or lose it approach to spectrum licenses to discourage speculation
WASHINGTON – Canada concluded its spectrum auction of 20-megahertz and 25-megahertz blocks in the 2500 MHz band with bids totaling close to $630 million.
Industry Canada, the governmental agency charged with conducting the auction,...
Carrier wants feds to limit spectrum auction bidding credit for designated entities
WASHINGTON – Carrier AT&T has asked the Federal Communications Commission to impose strict guidelines on the 2016 spectrum auction, limiting the bidding credit for designated entities to $10 million and imposing strict build-out...
Licensed spectrum is worth $500 billion, according to CTIA
WASHINGTON – In a new report, the lobbying group Cellular Telephone Industries Association found that licensed broadband spectrum is a foundational asset that supports the multifaceted economic machinations.
Titled Mobile Broadband Spectrum a Vital Resource For the...
WASHINGTON – The Federal Communications Commission’s decision to kill petitions against its open Internet order was met with praise from supporters and silence from groups that challenged the reclassification of the Internet as a public utility.
Pantelis Michalopoulos, who heads the Telecom, Internet and Media...
Licensed spectrum is a $500B resource
WASHINGTON – A senior telecommunications lobbyist, talking about the need for public policy opening up more broadband spectrum, boiled the situation down: “We have to keep feeding the beast.”
That’s from Tom Power, general counsel and SVP of the Cellular Telephone...
AT&T strikes out in Washington, signs interconnect agreement with Level 3
The Federal Communications Commission said it won't reconsider the part of its net neutrality policy that classifies the Internet as a public utility. AT&T Mobility and CTIA were the wireless industry's standard bearers in...
Incentive spectrum auction is seen as key by smaller carriers
WASHINGTON – The Federal Communications Commission is circulating a proposed draft order for the 2016 spectrum auction, a source familiar with the situation told Broadcasting and Cable Magazine.
According to the report, the draft order is...
Roaming rate regulations target Bell Canada, Telus and Rogers
Citing a lack of competition, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission said it plans to take steps in regulating roaming rates across the country. The move is part of an ongoing process by CRTC and government...
FCC solicits public comments on unlicensed frequency use, standardization
Federal regulators on May 5 released a public notice soliciting information from stakeholders involved in the research and development as well as standards-setting associated with LTE-Unlicensed and Licensed Assisted Access.
Carriers and other telecom players are developing LTE-U as...
Push for transparency or punishment for net neutrality?
WASHINGTON – Congressional Democrats and Republicans rolled out separate bills pushing reform of the Federal Communications Commission as part of the ongoing political fight over net neutrality.
Republican Chairman of the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology Rep. Greg...
WASHINGTON – Numerous U.S. public safety organizations, including the Association of Public Safety Communication Officials-International, the International Association of Police Chiefs and the National Sheriffs Association, recently sent an open letter to the Federal Communications Commission and the Department of State asking that both...
Chalks up possible delay to ‘demand for infrastructure’ and ‘workforce shortage’
HOLLYWOOD, Fla., – Michael O’Rielly, commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission warned of possible delays to the 600 MHz spectrum auction that’s planned for 2016.
O’Rielly made the comments during the annual Personal Communications Industry Association...
The Wall Street Journal reports FCC looking at DE abuse
The Federal Communications Commission is reportedly looking into revoking the $3 billion bidding discount Dish Network pocketed during the recent AWS-3 spectrum auction.
The Wall Street Journal reported that FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler had instructed his...
Regulators frowned on Comcast/TWC deal; will Charter/TWC be different?
Comcast is dropping its bid for Time Warner Cable after the Federal Communications Commission signaled that it would not approve the deal. Charter Communications may be set to back out of its bid for Bright House...
CCA wants to ensure smaller carriers have access to spectrum resources
WASHINGTON – The Competitive Carriers Association this week called on the Federal Communications Commission to go ahead with a planned 2016 incentive auction and allow smaller carriers to participate.
The auction is set to include...
Google starts favoring mobile optimized websites in search algorithms
Today Google made a major change in how its proprietary search algorithms rank Web search results; now websites that have been optimized for mobile viewing will be ranked higher than sites that aren’t designed to be...
The recent move by the European Commissioner for Competition against Google was, quite frankly, stunning from my viewpoint.
The objections the EU centered around the Google shopping system seemed rather trumped-up and struck me as an attempt by Europe to punish success. Google is not...
FM chip on smartphone is usually not active but could be valuable in an emergency
Remember FM radio? The National Association of Broadcasters certainly does and, because many mobile manufacturers disable FM on smartphones, there’s tension brewing.
Samsung, Apple and LG phones, for example, could function...
In a first-of-its-kind move, FDIC will back Google Wallet
WASHINGTON – In a landmark announcement, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. will now insure money held in Google Wallet accounts.
The federally run program insures all deposits in U.S. banks up to $250,000. The move will be...
Mobile operators are set to gain access to spectrum in the 3.5 GHz band.
The Federal Communications Commission is making 150 megahertz of contiguous spectrum available for mobile broadband and other uses through a spectrum sharing policy. The agency says it is creating a three-tiered...
Fines against Google could hit $6B; EU also probes Android OS
WASHINGTON – The European Union Commissioner for Competition, Margrethe Vestager, officially filed a "statement of objection" against the Internet search giant Google.
She told the press in Brussels, Belgium, "I'm concerned that Google has artificially...