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Parallel Wireless: connecting the unconnected with small cells solution (content provided by Parallel Wireless)

Parallel Wireless' rural small cell solution help global mobile operators to connect the unconnected on accelerated timeline while meeting national and local regulatory requirements. The globally proven solution changes the economics of bringing the wireless coverage, and also eliminates the majority of deployment challenges...

CCA Webinar: The Times They are a-Changing; How the November Election Results Will Impact Wireless Carriers

After voters have their say on November 8, a new Administration, new Members of Congress, and new policymakers will be appointed and will take office. Priorities in both the legislative and regulatory arenas will shift, and the telecom industry and wireless carriers should be...

The Fusion of Fronthaul and Backhaul: What it Means for 5G

One of the biggest challenges the mobile industry faces is how to accommodate the extraordinary increases in data volume and performance expectations over the next couple of decades. It’s clear that no single aspect of the technology needs to be reimagined in order for...

Keysight App Note: Overcoming RF & MW Interference Challenges in the Field Using Real-time Spectrum Analysis (RTSA)

Download RTSA Application Note, RF & MW Interference Challenges in the Field Using Real-time Spectrum Analysis (RTSA) Signals can run, but they can’t hide from the FieldFox handheld analyzers with real-time spectrum analysis (RTSA). Learn tips on how to find every elusive signal and strategies to...

Overcome interference challenges in the field using RTSA (content provided by Keysight)

Learn practical strategies to overcome RF and microwave interference challenges in the field by downloading Keysight Technologies’ new application note on real-time spectrum analysis (RTSA). Read about the different types of interference encountered in wireless communication networks. Uncover the drawbacks associated with traditional interference...

Anritsu Webinar: BBU Emulation – Saving Time, Saving Money, Avoiding Headaches

Cell site deployment is complex, costly and multi-staged. For RRH (Remote Radio Head) installation, there is typically an installation phase, and a completely separate turn-up phase when the BBUs (Baseband Units) are finally activated. However, a new process is emerging called BBU Emulation whereby...

Use test and measurement to create business value

Best practices help operators reduce opex and assure quality of experience Tremendous cost pressure and an incredibly competitive carrier marketplace have created a dynamic in the telecom industry marked by a pressing need to combat churn by ensuring quality of experience while maximizing network investments...

IEEE GLOBECOM spotlights freedom through communications (content provided by IEEE and RCR)

On the continued march to 5G, marketing hype is giving way to increasingly impressive technical demonstrations and more refined use cases. This work is going on every day in labs, research institutions and operator sandboxes around the world. But, it can often be a...

LTE standards provide new levels of efficiency for IoT

As the internet of things grows, LTE-based technologies will shape 5G Part of the vision for 5G is a single, unified air interface capable of supporting everything from massive numbers of internet of things devices and sensors requiring low levels of throughput to mission critical...

Focus on fiber and power enables future-proof enterprise IT (sponsored)

From smart buildings to smart cities, fiber and power are key network elements The telecom industry is in the midst of a monumental shift toward an all-encompassing 5G standard that will enable exciting industrial and enterprise applications. But, as this evolution continues, it has become...

Interference hunting is fundamental to quality of service

Streamline troubleshooting to maximize RF investments and cut opex RF interference, whether it’s PIM, electrical or out-of-band emissions, wreaks havoc on mobile networks. Interference hunting and troubleshooting take up valuable and costly man hours while generating dropped calls and poor data throughput, which can translate...

Removing Deployment Constraints from Delivering Rural Coverage (content provided by Parallel Wireless)

Selected by many global operators to cost-effectively connect the previously unconnected, Parallel Wireless groundbreaking virtualized small cell rural technology delivers rural coverage on an accelerated timeline while meeting national and local regulatory requirements. The globally proven solution changes the economics of bringing wireless coverage,...

Sonus Webinar: Real-Time Communication … Don’t Settle for Cloud Mythology

Many promises are being made for real-time communication (RTC) services in the Cloud. Unfortunately, service providers are realizing that transitioning RTC services to Cloud architectures is not as simple as slideware suggests. In order to be successful, service providers must understand the myths and...

Fulcrum/MDSI Webinar: Asset Lifecycle Management as a key component of a Carrier Supply Chain

Asset Lifecycle Management, when done properly, is a critical component of an overall Supply Chain Management practice. Management Data Systems International (MDSI) and Fulcrum Technologies - developers of the CATS ALM Software solution - present best practices to allow you to manage complex supply...

5G New Radio (NR) will create a unified air interface

From NB-IoT to Enhanced Mobile Broadband, 5G NR will have it covered “5G New Radio (NR) is the wireless standard that will become the foundation for the next generation of mobile networks. Whereas 3G and 4G connected people, 5G will connect everything—a unifying connectivity fabric...

CommScope White Paper: Best practices for BSA field benchmarking

Unclear about your BSA performance in the field? Basic drive test runs don’t show it all! These best practices show you how to benchmark BSA performance in the field to ensure you’re making the right choice. Packed with specifics and details, this valuable guide...

Viavi looks to simplify fiber-to-the-tower test

As CPRI and OBSAI gain traction, stay competitive while cutting costs To keep up with data-hungry customers, carriers are working to add capacity and flexibility to their networks. This trend has resulted in a movement to centralized Radio Access Network, which separates the radio into...

Maximize LTE spectral efficiency by making interference work for you (sponsored)

Collision Communications is launching its new C-RAN Receiver Solution that uses advanced signal processing to achieve 500% performance gain in dense network environments ahead of 5G Advanced signal processing pioneer Collision Communications is launching its C-RAN Receiver Solution, designed to dramatically improve spectral efficiency in...

5G and drones: Enabling mission critical use cases

FAA approval allows Qualcomm to test drones in real-world, mixed environment Some 5G use cases—enhanced mobile broadband and massive machine-type communication—are well articulated and in the pipeline. Other 5G applications, including those that could usher in a fourth industrial revolution brought about through automation and...

Solving RF interference in fiber-based networks with OpticalRF

Radio frequency interference issues in mobile networks can significantly impact the customer experience, but they are not always easy to identify and resolve. EXFO has launched the new OpticalRFTM application for its compact and powerful FTB-1 Pro test platform, enabling network engineers and technicians...

Video: Anybody can talk about 5G. Qualcomm creates it.

This short clip explores the exciting realm of possibilities made possible using Qualcomm's 5G technology. This includes immersive VR experiences, autonomous cars, robotics, and more. Anybody can talk about 5G, but Qualcomm creates it.

Video: A Discussion on 5G NR (New Radio)

What is 5G NR (New Radio)? How does it differ from today's 4G LTE technology? John Smee, Vice President of Engineering at Qualcomm Technologies discusses this with RCR Wireless News' Editor-in-Chief Dan Meyer. From Qualcomm's perspective, the "bag of tools" for creating a next-generation network...