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Rohde & Schwarz Poster: 5G brings smart factories to a new level

5G brings the possibility of faster and safer operation as well as new capabilities and efficiencies in industrial processes. But it also comes with increased complexity and performance demands for the network. Accurate and insightful testing at every phase of the mobile network to prepare,...

Southco White Paper: Securing Telecom Enclosures with Electronic Access Control

With the introduction of 5G, networking equipment, storage and computing hardware, other valuable infrastructure will now be located closer to the end user, increasing the need for advanced, physical security. Safeguard small cell enclosures from physical threats and deliver better, stronger and more reliable networks...

arm White Paper: eSIM: Giving Manufacturers the Competitive Edge in Logistics

eSIM technology offers a wide range of benefits to manufacturers of connected devices in the logistics and transportation industry. As the industry faces unprecedented challenges, it's time to double down and lead the logistics sector to ever greater visibility and automation. Read this whitepaper to...

Altran White Paper: How You Grow Matters Post COVID-19

As governments lift shelter-in-place restrictions for their citizens and the world gets back to work, product & service companies in every industry and on every continent find themselves navigating unchartered waters. In this context, what should companies that innovate be doing to accelerate business...

Altran White Paper: Multi-Domain Service Orchestrator

Few CSPs have successfully implemented Core network automation with the help of Network Services Descriptor over Orchestrator. Radio cloud is still in its early implementation phase. Now it is time to discuss Service level orchestration across multiple domains. This paper is an initiative to...

Rohde & Schwarz Application Note: dB or not dB?

Everything you ever wanted to know about decibels but were afraid to ask… True or false: 30 dBm + 30 dBm = 60 dBm? Why does 1% work out to be -40 dB one time but then 0.1 dB or 0.05 dB the next time?...

Rohde & Schwarz E-Guide: Test solution guide for targeted, QoE centric network improvements

Do you want to find out how to increase targeted network quality and improve the network performance? This e-Guide is a comprehensive test solution guide that consist of different applications and use cases along the entire value chain – from data collection to automatic insights...

Mentor Graphics White Paper: Fusing CMOS IC and MEMS Design for IoT Edge Devices

Although RTL has traditionally been the starting point for digital design, it is becoming too expensive and time consuming. Algorithmic intensive hardware for AI in autonomous vehicles requires a new flow. Companies like BOSCH Visiontec, STMicroelectronics and Chips&Media have turned to a High-Level Synthesis...

Mentor Graphics White Paper: High-Level Synthesis for Autonomous Drive

Although RTL has traditionally been the starting point for digital design, it is becoming too expensive and time consuming. Algorithmic intensive hardware for AI in autonomous vehicles requires a new flow. Companies like BOSCH Visiontec, STMicroelectronics and Chips&Media have turned to a High-Level Synthesis...

Advantech White paper: How LoRa opens new opportunities in the Industrial IoT

In the past five years, wireless technology has been an important topic in the industrial marketplace due to the potential cost savings, flexibility and value of data. Every wireless technology has different advantages and disadvantages. As such, there is no single wireless technology that can...

Rohde & Schwarz White Paper: Radio fundamentals for cellular networks

Cellular technologies have advanced from first generation (1G) analog technologies to advanced high performance fourth generation (4G) and fifth generation (5G) systems in just four decades. Despite the increase in complexity of wireless standards and devices, cellular technologies maintain a set of common principles that...

Dell Technologies Case Study: SK Telecom – The Road to The World’s First 5G MEC Platform

SK Telecom is a leading operator, having already launched 5G in April 2019. It is now one of the first service providers to begin the journey to make edge computing real and develop its own MEC platform – for both distributed MEC and on-site...

Rohde & Schwarz White Paper: IEEE802.11ax Technology Introduction

IEEE 802.11ax is intended to improve the user experience and network performance in dense deployments in the unlicensed bands. Download this white paper to explore the technology used in the IEEE 802.11ax amendment to the IEEE 802.11 standard and to get an overview of receiver...

VoltDB White Paper: The 5G Revolution: Challenges, Opportunities and Data Requirements

5G is here and it is redefining expectations - and rewriting standards - with regards to data processing requirements like volume, velocity and latency. The 5G revolution also creates new opportunities for CSPs roll out new revenue generating applications, transform their OSS/BSS systems, or...

Keysight White Paper: HFM MMWave – 5G Signal Generator

Fast, reliable 5G NR networks require devices that operate at millimeter-wave frequencies and wide bandwidths. This has significantly changed the way these complex, multi-antenna devices are designed and tested. A robust test system supports generating test signals for a variety of scenarios to validate the...

Keysight Poster: Field Tests for a 5G Future

Get a head start on field tests for new 5G deployments. Download our 5G field test poster. Discover which RF field tests cover different parts of the 5G ecosystem. Keysight’s FieldFox handheld analyzer equipped with 5G NR software can assist with your early deployments. It...

Nextivity Buyer’s Guide: The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide to Solving Cellular Coverage Issues, Even During a Crisis

During this time of crisis, cell phone use on major networks is up by 33%. Reliable cell phone coverage is not an option for a population that is working-from-home and safer-at-home, for emergency response, or in hospitals, grocery stores, and other facilities providing essential...

National Instruments White Paper: Getting Started with 4G LTE Using OpenAirInterface on an NI USRP-2974

The O-RAN is looking to revolutionize the way wireless communications systems are built. Their core tenants of using virtualized networks, white box hardware, and standardized interfaces aim to promote openness and innovation in 5G systems.

Keysight Poster: 5G NR – Your Getting Started Guide

5G introduces test challenges related to massive MIMO, mmWave frequencies, and over-the-air (OTA) test. Successfully overcoming these challenges is the only way to reach 5G commercialization before the competition. In Keysight's latest eBook, Making 5G Work, you will learn: 5 strategies to accelerate 5G designs ...

Rohde & Schwarz Application Card: Automated spectrum clearance in LTE and 5G mobile networks

Interference that can degrade capacity and quality of service is becoming ever more troublesome as operators roll out 5G NR using new bands that previously contained other services. This is particularly important for the rollout of 5G NR because of its demanding use cases...

CBTS White Paper: 5G Is here: Updating In-Building Wireless Infrastructure is Now Crucial

CBTS recently partnered with IDG, Inc. to survey over 200 business leaders to better understand their wireless communication challenges and how they are preparing their in-building wireless infrastructure for 5G. This white paper presents those findings.

VoltDB White Paper: Executive Summary: 5G Requirements & Checklist

The 5G revolution has begun and with it comes immense amounts of data at an unprecedented velocity that will fuel a wide range of data-driven services and digital business models. However, to capitalize on these new opportunities – and to succeed in the race...

Rohde & Schwarz White Paper: Network Performance Score – The single score for network Quality of Experience (QoE)

Many different and fragmented proprietary scores have swept the market over the years and the methods of scoring are not transparent. Therefore, ETSI STQ group have came about and harmonize the process, they then released the technical report TR 103559 which defines best practices...

EXFO White Paper: Our 5G World in 2025: What to expect, how to make it happen

You may have heard a lot about 5G already. You may know which network operators have launched or will soon be launching 5G, which services they have prioritized for their initial 5G rollout, and even which challenges they have faced. But do you know which...