All is well in the telecom world. The Dow Jones average is topping 11,000 points, wireless customers are signing up for new services right and left, and the wireless pie is growing.However, Robert Reich, former U.S. Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration from...
A recent survey by the Lucas Group found that telecom professionals are looking for more balance between their work and home life."The top reason candidates seek a job change is a desire for more balance between personal and professional demands," Lucas said."With unemployment reaching...
BRIDGETOWN, Barbados-Caribbean governments appear more serious recently about breaking the monopoly stranglehold Cable & Wireless plc has on more than a dozen countries in the region.Ministers responsible for tele-communications recently agreed in Jamaica to adopt a regional approach to negotiating with the British telecom...
NEW YORK-Poland is making an able attempt to "keep up with the Joneses," the leading industrialized nations it joined two years ago as a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.OECD membership has compelled Poland to liberalize and deregulate its economy at...
NEW YORK-"The Asian crisis is overstated; the real problem is Japan," said Joseph W. Duncan, chief economic adviser to The Dun & Bradstreet Corp., Murray Hill, N.J."The other countries (in the region) have currency and stock-market weakness, but they will continue to play a...
NEW YORK-In its five-year history, Sales Staffers International Inc., Andover, Mass., has carved an unusual niche in the broader market of outsourced services for large corporations.Companies like AT&T Corp., Microsoft Corp., GTE Corp. and Bell Atlantic Corp. deploy its staff of veteran sales people...
Bell Canada International Inc. said it will acquire 29 percent of South Korean personal communications services operator Hansol PCS Co. Ltd. for $180 million.Hansol is one of three PCS operators in South Korea that launched service in October. The consortium is led by the...
WASHINGTON-The Indonesian government agreed last week to privatize state-owned telecommunications as part of a new, $43 billion rescue package negotiated with the International Monetary Fund.Last week's accord, the third attempt in six months to help the fourth-largest nation avoid total financial collapse, could create...
WASHINGTON-NAACP President Kweisi Mfume last week predicted "widespread boycotts" of major wireless firms that are found to have poor records of hiring and promoting African Americans.The Economic Reciprocity Initiative, which also covers wireline carriers and eventually could encompass the entire telecom industry, follows the...
NEW YORK-Twenty years ago, her parents-both civil servants-gave Rosanne M. Cahn, chief economist of equities for Credit Suisse First Boston, New York, a cartoon she said aptly describes her profession.It reads: "What we did is plug in all the variables, assess the trends, define the...
If you don't believe in the new global economy, you probably aren't in the market.Last week's free fall in Hong Kong stock prices triggered a ripple effect worldwide. The Dow fell 187 points, or 2.33 percent, last Thursday, but recovered to a 50-point slide...
It's not been a good week or so for the Morris', Dick and Phillip, that is. Their futures are nebulous, perhaps up in smoke. Probably not the end-game either had in mind.What's that White House strategy, again? Triangulation? Inoculation? If Clinton ever gets his...
Question: When is a federal employee deemed "excepted" or "unexcepted?" Answer: Apparently, when there is money involved.During last November's first partial budget-related government shutdown that lasted six days, the entire Federal Communications Commission was furloughed. Prior to the Dec. 16 shutdown, FCC Chairman Reed Hundt petitioned...