Accenture survey finds enterprises moving aggressively towards network SDN and NFV – NFV/SDN Reality Check Ep. 76


    A new enterprise survey from Accenture finds enterprises have a keen interest in migrating towards network SDN and NFV platforms

    The telecommunications market’s increasing adoption of virtualized technologies like software-defined networking, network functions virtualization and cloud platforms is set to revolutionize network architectures and drive efficiencies. However, the business case for many remains a work in progress.
    A new report from Accenture indicates high-valued enterprise customers could be the ticket in terms of driving a business case, with nearly all surveyed stating a belief that network services will be virtualized.
    In its survey of 363 small, medium and large enterprises, Accenture found 95% of respondents believe network services will be virtualized, with 89% indicating they will evolve to an “as-a-service” model within the next three years. The survey also found enterprises plan to invest between 20% and 30% of their IT budget on network virtualization services in the next three years, with two-thirds planning to adopt network virtualization for all services.
    In terms of vendor opportunities, Accenture noted 80% of respondents prefer to deal with a single service provider for their virtualization services, with provider location not considered to be a significant barrier.
    On this week’s NFV/SDN Reality Check we spoke with Miguel Myhrer, managing director for Accenture’s North America’s Network practice, for further insight into the report, and what the results mean for network service providers.
    Make sure to check us out again for our next show when we are scheduled to speak with Quali on the benefit of sandboxes to ensure smooth SDN and NFV deployments.
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