Analyst Angle: Maximizing the use of unlicensed spectrum with Wi-Fi today, LTE later

    Titian, Allegory of prudence, “EX PRAETERITO/PRAESENS PRUDENTER AGIT/NE FUTURA ACTIONE DETURPET” (“From the experience of the past, the present acts prudently, lest it spoil future actions.”)

    Tele2 talks maximizing unlicensed spectrum

    In this interview, we talked about the role of Wi-Fi and LTE unlicensed in enabling mobile operators use the 5 GHz band. Joachim Horn, EVP and group CTO at Tele 2, talked about the crucial role that Wi-Fi plays today and that will continue to have, while at the same time expanding the use of the 5 GHz in public spaces using LTE unlicensed in the future.

    Tele2 operates in nine European countries and has 14 million subscribers, that is seeing a fast transition to LTE and a heavy use of Wi-Fi in its network (70% of data traffic goes through Wi-Fi). “We are a fast mover and a challenger. Our tagline is “We deliver what you need, but for less.” We are always looking for how can we get more efficient in order to give our customers a better service,” told us Joachim.

    Why bother with LTE unlicensed when Wi-Fi is already doing a great job? According to Joachim, “LTE unlicensed will be much more efficient in terms of coordination also with the licensed bands, and generate a much better user experience. Why do we need that? Because 70% to 80% of usage happens indoors, in particular when it comes to broadband.”

    Read the full interview or watch the video to find out more about Tele2 approach to leveraging the 5 GHz band with Wi-Fi and LTE unlicensed.

    This conversation will be included in the Senza Fili report “LTE Unlicensed and Wi-Fi: Moving Beyond Coexistence ” that will be published in May 2015. If you would like to receive a complimentary copy of the report, please click here and you will be among the first to receive the report when it is finalized.