Global Joe: Daily Telecom and ICT News Episode 111


    Dec. 10, 2014
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    • The Shanghai Daily is reporting that China Mobile wants to build 10,000 4G base stations in the Shanghai metro area. Some of the towers are planned for build outs in the pilot free trade zone. This comes as the carriers just reached two million 4G users in the city.
    • Huawei just announced a 2G and 3G modernization deal with Telenor in Asian and Europe. The main focus is to ramp up Telenor’s mobile broadband network. Huawei will supply radio access equipment and professional services over a five-year period.
    • China Unicom has selected Coriant, a global supplier of SDN-enabled transport solutions, to help expand its 100 Gigbyte backbone network. China Unicom will use Coriant’s hIT 7300 Multi-Haul Transport Platform.
    • Also on the SDN front, Netronome announced a collaboration with Microsoft  for SDN and network function virtualization. That announcement came out of the â„¢ Forum in Silicon Valley.