HetNet Happenings: Episode 3
AWS Communications talks in-building connectivity
In this episode of HetNet Happenings, RCR Wireless News Managing Editor Sean Kinney discusses all things DAS, Wi-Fi and small cell with AWS Communications CEO Bobby McClung and VP of Operations and Emerging Technologies Dean Vinson.
Based in Austin, Texas, AWS Communications specializes in design/builds for distributed antenna systems (DAS), in-building Wi-Fi, structured cabling and networks deployed for special events, among other services.
Vinson laid out the importance of DAS not only for providing additional cellular coverage and capacity in large venues like hotels, convention centers and stadiums, but as vital to robust public safety. The better the in-building cellular, the better a person in distress can reach emergency personnel, and the better rescuers can locate a caller.
McClung, who got his start in rural Wi-Fi and connectivity, compared and contrasted the complexities of installing Wi-Fi or DAS as part of new construction versus as a retrofit.
He said building owners are just now starting to budget for indoor connectivity.