HetNet Happenings: Episode 7


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    HetNet Happenings: The road to 5G

    Robert Heath, professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Texas-Austin, discusses his research into multi-input, multi-output wireless systems, a well as his work in the millimeter wave space.
    Heath, member of UT’s Wireless Networking and Communications Group, tells RCR Wireless News Managing Editor Sean Kinney how this technology could figure into an eventual 5G cellular standard.
    Heath points out that, in the case of millimeter wave, which relies on ultra high frequencies, governmental regulations could play a major part in whether the tech is commercialized.
    Many authorities agree that maximizing use of spectrum, spectral efficiency, will play be a major part of a 5G standard.
    MIMO and millimeter wave both enable carriers to make better use of spectrum, Heath explained.