Mobile Midday News: Episode 103

    mobile midday news

    Thanks for joining the Mobile Midday News show today. I am Stormi O’Donnell and today’s program brought to you by Telecomcareers.  Auction 97 topped 37-Billion this morning through round 36 and Sprint is changing up its iPhone For Life Plan again.
    In other news today, the iPhone has other device manufacturers scrambling.
    Here’s A recap todays top stories from RCR Wireless News:

    • American Tower is on streak this week spending more than $2 billion on two acquisitions. American Tower announced that they are buying 4,800 towers from Bharti Airtel in Nigeria. This is the second big deal for American Tower this week. As RCR Wireless News reported on Monday, the company announced they are buying 6,400 towers from Telecom Italia’s TIM In Latin America. For more on that story, check out RCR Wireless News website.
    • Deutsche Telekom and Orange are in talks with BT over the sale of their jointly owned EE. EE is U.K.’s largest mobile network operator with roughly one-third of the market. Earlier this week BT announced that they were in preliminary talks with Telefonica to acquire Oi. Ready full story

    Switching gears to our Analyst Angle segment. According to Pam McGill and Greg Mishkin from Market Strategies International, phones are becoming luxuries and carriers are becoming commodities. This trend is a result of mobile operators unlocking the phones and requiring subscribers to pay full price for the phone. While carriers improve their bottom line by not having to subsidize the phone, subscribers are free to change carriers.Read full story.

    • According to Julie Bradford from U.K.-based consulting firm Real Wireless, 5G may unleash the full potential of dynamic spectrum sharing and cognitive radio technologies developed by ARPA’s Next Generation Communications program. Read full story.

    And for another great story check out tech writer Jeff Hawn’s report on buying into the “Internet Of Things” and the growing number of devices we now interact with on a daily basis. His article is titled “Generation Wireless: Shhhh … the machines are watching”
    That’s it for today. This program was brought to you by Telecom Careers.Com.