Dec. 2, 2014
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Mobile Midday News is brought to you by TelecomCareers.com, the industry’s largest resume database and job board.
- Breaking news this afternoon as SpiderCloud Wireless announces a partnership with Verizon Wireless, the leading 4G LTE service provider in the U.S. SpiderCloud is providing Verizon with a scalable small cell solution aimed at business customers. SpiderCloud’s Enterprise Radio Access Network consists of a services node that can control up to 100 self organizing, multi-access small cells that provide reliable coverage and capacity in venues up to 1.5 million square-feet.
- And an aggressive marketing move from Sprint. The mobile carrier is going after rival carrier’s customers by offering cut Verizon and AT&T customers’ bills in half.
- In more carrier news, regional telecom player Ntelos announced they’re looking to get out of some markets on the East Coast. That includes sale of valuable spectrum licenses as well as physical assets like telco towers.
- In more broadband spectrum news, the Federal Communication Commission’s Auction 97 for broadband spectrum continues. On Tuesday midday, bids were approaching a total of $40 billion. For continuing coverage of the FCC auction, visit www.rcrwireless.com.
- Over to Dallas, Texas, where the Small Cells America show is going on this week. A big theme of the event has been the nationwide deployment of public access Wi-Fi networks. According to analyst Joe Madden, this is an area currently dominated by cable companies rather than major mobile operators.