The annual Mobile World Congress event played out this week with the wireless telecom world focused on Barcelona for the latest in industry news. That news included dozens of announcements surrounding the virtualization space, with telecom operators and vendors laying out their plans for the market.
Many of these items we covered this week and can be read on the RCRWireless.com site. We also have dozens of video interviews and demonstrations from the event on the RCRtv site.
One of those announcements was a deal between Telefonica and Hewlett-Packard. The deal calls for HP to act as the technology provider and systems integrator for Telefónica’s Virtualization Infrastructure, which launched under the project UNICA title.
RCR Wireless News spoke with Saar Gillai, Senior VP and GM for NFV at Hewlett-Packard about the deal.
Digging into virtualization model
While NFV and SDN news was in abundance at Mobile World Congress, the market is still trying to nail down business models and real timelines. RCR Wireless News caught up with Peter Jarich, VP of Consumer and Infrastructure at Current Analysis; Dr. Hassan Ahmed, CEO at Affirmed; and Martin Zuurbier, CTO and COO at Elephant Talk to look at potential operating and capital expense savings tied to virtualization, how operators can monetize their virtualization investments, and predictions on the timing of NFV rollouts.
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