On this week’s Carrier Wrap we speak with Sprint about its latest marketing move, which includes stealing a page and spokesman from rival Verizon
It’s safe to say Sprint has had a difficult couple of years, which began with service issues tied to its Network Vision program compounded by highly competitive moves by rivals. New ownership led to new management, which further muddied operations.
However, the carrier is looking to put its past in the past and move forward with new network initiatives designed to take advantage of its deep 2.5 GHz spectrum holdings as well as aggressive marketing campaigns targeting consumers. Those marketing efforts have so far been focused on its “cut your bill in half” promotion, which promises to undercut pricing from rivals on similar rate plans.
The carrier more recently launched a new marketing campaign, which literally stole a page from larger competitor Verizon Wireless. The campaign revolves around Paul Marcarelli, who is also well known as the “can you hear me now?” guy from Verizon Wireless’ past marketing efforts. Marcarelli is now talking up Sprint’s network advances, noting the carrier’s network is within 1% of Verizon Wireless in terms of performance, but with consumer pricing at up to half the price.
On this week’s Carrier Wrap, we spoke with Dave Tovar, VP of corporate communications at Sprint, to get behind the scenes insight into the carrier’s marketing move and whether we can expect the carrier to bring back more spokespeople from its rivals’ pasts. Tovar explained Marcarelli was a free agent and continued to have considerable market awareness and trust from consumers in terms of speaking on network quality, which the carrier is looking to tap in garnering momentum around its network and value.
Make sure to check us out again next week when we are scheduled to speak with Wi-Fi first MVNO Republic Wireless on its latest technology advancements.
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