Top 5 features of 3GPP Release 15

The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) is a consortium of telecommunications industry companies with varying focus areas that meet regularly to implement cellular communication standards. Contrary to what some understand 3GPP to be, they do not enforce these standards, but merely create them. The...

Analyst Angle: Confused about which version of 3GPP Rel. 15 will be used for 5G commercialization? Don’t be!

The side effect of all the attention and hype of 5G is the close scrutiny of its standards development, and undue confusion and unfounded fear because of even benign and simple procedural updates. While the glorification of 5G is ongoing with this almost deafening...

How do we plan for 5G NR deployments?

  What coverage and capacity can we expect and what are the best deployment practices? Just last month, I had the pleasure to speak at the 4G/5G Summit in Hong Kong, one of the largest wireless ecosystem events in the world, hosted by Qualcomm Technologies. It was attended...

Common Core facilitates rapid deployment of 5G

  Problems to 5G Network Deployment As the demand for high-speed bandwidth of services such as AR/VR/HD video/3D video, the demand for mass terminal accesses of services such as smart city and smart meter reading, as well as the demand for low latency and high reliability...

Verizon CFO details 5G revenue streams: Home broadband, mobility and B2B

But look for 5G revenues in 2020, not 2019 With its 5G Home residential broadband service up and running in four U.S. markets--Sacramento, Los Angeles, Houston and Indianapolis--Verizon Chief Financial Officer Matt Ellis this week discussed what to expect through 2019 as the company looks...

ZTE Convergent Common Core pushes the 5G network evolution

  Operators dilemma in the 5G era After the introduction of 5G networks, legacy 2G/3G/4G networks will exist for a long time. When operators deploy new networks, they have to face many operation pain points of the 5G era caused by the long-term multi-network coexistence...

Analyst Angle: Linking 3GPP activities to influence and patents

Facts about 3GPP contributions In a previous article, ABI Research presented the complex nature of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), a collaborative effort that brings together key stakeholders from all around the globe and several Standard Setting Organizations (SSOs), to set mobile standards in...

Analyst Angle: 5G introduction checklist

There is plenty of enthusiasm and quite a bit of hype in various quarters about upcoming 5G; but will it be worthwhile for everyone? The outlook for 5G is promising because growing mobile broadband data demand will saturate LTE capacity from around 2020. Only 5G...

5G NR: Massive MIMO and Beamforming – What does it mean and how can I measure it in the field?

  Massive MIMO (mMIMO) and beamforming are buzzwords widely used in the telecom industry when referring to 5G and latest advancements of LTE. The challenge is that MIMO comes in many different variants, some of them having been in use already for years in legacy...

Why ultra-low 5G latencies are not assured, and Europe is worst placed

The physics of time-division duplexing in radio communications means 5G could, in certain frequency bands, struggle to achieve the ultra low latencies it promises. Worse, in some markets, regulatory forces have compounded the challenge with backwards rules about 5G radio operations. As a consequence, radio...

AT&T joins Verizon in plan to launch 5G in Indianapolis

AT&T building on local gigabit LTE base for 5G The 5G race is on in Indy with AT&T today announcing it will offer mobile 5G services in the city by the end of the year. This follows Verizon's announcement it will bring its 5G fixed...

National Instruments White Paper: 3GPP Release 15 Overview

In June 2018, a major landmark was hit for 5G--the 3GPP's Release 15 was frozen.  The Non Stand-Alone use case was frozen in December, and the Stand Alone use case was frozen in June.  Release 15 is considered the first of two major releases...

Nokia details licensing rates for 5G NR standard essential patents

Licensing rate capped at €3 per 5G NR device Standardized telecommunications technologies are developed collaboratively, through bodies like the 3GPP, based on the input of stakeholders from the industry. As technology and standards develop in tandem, contributions from individual companies is often incorporated into the final...

5G network slicing will create personalized experiences: Verizon Wireless president

Automated network slicing delivers optimal capacity and latency Ronan Dunne, executive vice president and group president of Verizon Wireless, highlighted how 5G, like LTE, is a technology that will evolve over time as standards are finalized and new capabilities are activated in the network. The long goal, he...

How can the fabric of a simple dress be part of our 5G vision?

Explore use cases that illustrate how industries transformed by 5G will enrich people’s lives. The excitement for 5G is building and we are seeing great momentum across the industry. Qualcomm Technologies kicked off the charge with our early 5G NR-compliant prototypes in 2016, followed by the...

AT&T updates on FirstNet, gigabit LTE and 5G

AT&T taking 'one-touch, one-tower' approach to FirstNet build In providing a second quarter update on the carrier's financial performance, AT&T Communications CEO John Donovan provided an update on the FirstNet deployment. AT&T is investing more than $40 billion in construction of a nationwide LTE network...

3GPP vs. IEEE: Did standards bodies miss an opportunity to align 5G and Wi-Fi?

Cellular is increasingly expanding into unlicensed Wi-Fi frequencies The 3GPP has finalized the non-standalone and standalone 5G New Radio (NR) standards and is further defining the next generation of cellar to align with IMT-2020 performance requirements. Wi-Fi is simultaneously following a develop roadmap, laid out...

Analyst Angle: Cellular inventions trigger avalanche of activities among companies

  Major innovations in cellular technologies arise largely from the substantial Research and Development (R&D) investments and inventions of relatively few companies, followed by widespread collaborations including many more in the process of standard setting. Inventor inspiration triggers avalanche of cellular tech development activities The disproportionately large...

LTE & Drones

Connecting flying objects has been discussed in documents describing the uses and evolution of LTE networks, both in 4G and in the future 5G. Moreover, a dedicated report entitled: Study On Enhanced Support for Aerial Vehicles, was approved by the 3GPP in March of...

Qualcomm Webinar: As the 3GPP RAN Plenary concludes in San Diego, here’s a first look at 3GPP Release 16 and beyond.

The 3GPP RAN Plenary meeting that is taking place in San Diego on the second week of June is expected to define the next set of 5G NR Study Items, paving the path to future Work Items that will start as early as the...

Live from San Diego, 3GPP sets out to expand 5G into new industries

  The quarterly 3GPP RAN Plenary Meeting in San Diego, California, marks two important milestones that will take us another step closer to our vision for 5G— a unifying connectivity fabric that will expand the reach of mobile to new services, deployments, and spectrum types: The...

PSTA seeks to weigh in on public safety comms interoperability

Public Safety Standards Alliance says it complements standards work A new public safety communications organization says that it seeks to help vendors, carriers and public safety communications users agree on the best standards for public safety comms needs and ensure interoperability among them. The Public Safety...

Hot takes: Industry reactions to standalone 5G NR

3GPP finalized standalone 5G New Radio last week Last week was big for the continued development of technological specifications for next-generation 5G networks. Meeting in a hotel ballroom in La Jolla, California, 3GPP members froze the specifications for standalone 5G New Radio six months after...

Where on the hype cycle is 5G?

5G entering the trough of disillusionment The hype cycle is a tool developed by Gartner to help understand how particular technologies are regarded in terms of the reality of expectations as compared to how the technology is used over time. There are five phases: the...