Shaw rebrands Canadian wireless from Wind to Freedom, launches LTE-A

Newly rebranded Canadian wireless carrier Freedom Mobile using 64 QAM MIMO for LTE-A, though larger rivals have 5G on the horizon. Canada’s mobile telecom market is set to gain a new LTE network option backed by the rebranding efforts of the country’s No....

5G broadband services to be challenged by mm wave spectrum limitations

Fixed wireless broadband and the 28 GHz spectrum band are driving initial 5G moves, though technology and propagation challenge the business model. Momentum is definitely on the side of “5G” technology, with most large mobile telecom operators either having already announced...

Mobility set to power growth in global connected workforce

Advances in network technology and applications are expected to support a surge in the global connected workforce, according to Strategy Analytics. Wireless communications continues to infiltrate and empower the enterprise market, enabling employees – for good or bad – to always be connected...

Bluegrass taps Verizon LRA program for LTE-A deployment

Bluegrass LTE-A plans with Verizon push the rural carrier deeper into 4G market with 5G plans for segment on the horizon. Networks advances may be common across the domestic market’s nationwide operators, but rural carriers are also getting in on advancing their LTE-based...

Google sees CBRS spectrum band as key for 5G, new model for industry

Google predicts 5G technology deployments will receive a boost from the CBRS band, with spectrum sharing proposal set to reshape traditional spectrum ownership. DALLAS – Google’s quest to shake up the telecommunication industry’s long-held view on spectrum ownership appears set to...

#TBT: AT&T fined for waste disposal; T-Mobile expands LTE, speed clarity … this week in 2014

AT&T was slapped with a $23.8M fine tied to illegal disposal of hazardous waste, while T-Mobile expanded “wideband” LTE reach … 2 years ago this week. Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to...

Analyst Angle: Fair returns on R&D from SEP licensing with smartphone success and upcoming 5G

Patent licensing remains a flashpoint for mobile telecom as it moves towards a future of 5G and IoT. Cellular technology pioneers are being marginalized with diminished financial returns on their research and development investments while leaders in devices and “over-the-top” services are flourishing....

Analyst Angle: 5G one of several opportunities claimed by Ericsson

Ericsson highlighted a number of industry trends at its latest Capital Markets Day, including expectations of broad 5G deployments. From a mobile broadband industry perspective, there were several key takeaways from Ericsson’s Capital Markets Day held today in New York including: •...

Millimeter wave spectrum posing opportunities and challenges to 5G plans

The need to tap millimeter wave spectrum bands in support of 5G technology is altering traditional cellular deployment methods. DALLAS – Spectrum remains one of the messy, yet essential, components towards the telecom market’s march towards “5G” with technology standards expected to...

5G and IoT connection could be stressed by 3GPP standards work

IoT network support seen behind push for tighter integration into current LTE work, with 5G integration pushed until Release 16. DALLAS – “5G” and the “internet of things” are often connected in the same breath, but could actually be moving further apart in...

AT&T and Verizon agree on initial 5G deployment models; standards timing in flux

Representatives from AT&T and Verizon continued to see fixed wireless broadband services as initial 5G deployment models. DALLAS – The mobile telecom’s space push into “5G” technology was on center stage at this week’s 5G North America event, which officially kicked off with...

AT&T joins T-Mobile and Sprint with video optimization platform

AT&T said planned launch of its Stream Saver service early next year will allow for customer control over streaming video quality. AT&T Mobility is following smaller rivals T-Mobile US and Sprint in offering a video optimization plan for customers, which is set to...

LTE network strength, reach grows with 5G in the wings

A new OpenSignal report found worldwide LTE network speeds and availability setting the table to support 5G network plans. As the mobile telecom industry barrels headlong into the world of “5G” technology, carriers continue to operate and optimize their current LTE-based “4G” networks...

Spectrum sharing benefits and challenges on road to 5G

Spectrum is set to be core for the mobile telecom space as it moves towards the 5G world, with spectrum sharing seen as one way to tackle the challenge. The push towards “5G” networks includes a laundry list of technological advances that look set...

Reader Forum: Mobile device traffic – overcoming the danger and embracing the opportunity

Mobile device traffic continues to surge and stress network resources, but opportunities abound for those willing to embrace the challenge No phenomenon in history can compare to the growth rate of mobile device ownership and consumption of internet bandwidth. It’s an exciting time for mobile...

#TBT: T-Mobile joins 4G frenzy; Sprint snubs Chinese vendors … this week in 2010

T-Mobile joined rivals in touting 4G network capabilities, while Sprint was forced to snub Chinese vendors for network plans … 6 years ago this week Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the top headlines...

5G and LTE-A set to power mobile backhaul market out of current doldrums

A new report from IHS Markit notes the current mobile backhaul market is trending down slightly, but 5G and LTE-A plans are set to propel growth Ongoing network evolutions centered on LTE-Advanced and “5G” technologies is expected to power long-term growth in the macrocell mobile...

AT&T Cricket data boost looks to shrug off prepaid slump

AT&T is throwing 60% more data for customers selecting its most popular Cricket prepaid rate plan following slide in growth Coming off of a significant year-over-year drop in prepaid growth, AT&T’s Cricket Wireless brand is throwing 60% more data at consumers selecting one of its...

Verizon and AT&T at center of 3GPP 5G standards fight

Recent 3GPP meeting showed continued progress toward 5G standards, though a potential rift between Verizon and AT&T in terms of timing With “4G” networks using LTE-Advanced enhancements rolling out rapidly across parts of the developed world, the mobile telecom market has turned its gaze toward...

Analyst Angle: 5G – incremental or not?

Will 5G prove the savior to the mobile telecom market’s bottom line, or will the lack of significant IoT and 5G use cases result in continued revenue pressure? We estimate the overall mobile infrastructure equipment market including hardware, firmware and software is on pace to...

Reader Forum: The road to IoT dominance – identifying challenges and pitfalls (Pt. 2)

Business, technology and operational challenges could trip up service providers as they look to take advantage of IoT opportunities This is the second article in a three-part series examining the opportunity, challenges and course of action for service providers as they tackle the “internet of...

Verizon IoT moves show confidence in the market

A number of recent Verizon IoT moves shows considerable confidence in the market by the telecom operator, with execution next on the agenda The “internet of things” is set to greatly impact the telecommunications space due to the predicted billions of new devices forecast to...

Verizon calm on T-Mobile and Sprint impact; looks toward 5G, IoT

Verizon shrugged off short-term competitive impact from rivals T-Mobile and Sprint, notes 5G trials remain on track for 2017 and IoT continues to grow Verizon Communications released third-quarter financial results this week that show a considerable influence from rivals in the mobile space on growth,...

T-Mobile to launch NB-IoT network in major cities across the Netherlands

T-Mobile Netherlands notes planned NB-IoT network set to launch next week to be initially available in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Eindhoven Dutch mobile operator T-Mobile Netherlands confirmed its narrowband “internet of things” network will be commercially available in major cities across the country starting...