Avatar World Group CEO: 'Cloud gaming, like 5G, promises a democratization of access to first-rate technologies'
Chile’s Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications last week teamed up with telecommunications company Entel to conduct what was reportedly the first demonstration of 5G gaming in Latin America.
The demo...
Vodafone Spain said the recently deployed node has already supported several demonstrations of 5G use cases
Vodafone Spain, in association with Chinese vendor Huawei, has installed what it claims to be one of the first 5G network nodes in the world at La Nave, an...
The Swedish vendor’s demo included a 5G test bed, 5G New Radio and use cases.
Ericsson said it completed the first demonstration of "5G" technology in Indonesia, including a 5G test bed, 5G New Radio and use cases such as a motion-sensing...
Texas Wireless Summit 2016 announced that this year's event, to be held on Oct. 18, will feature the first-ever public demonstration of Ericsson and AT&T "5G" millimeter wave technology.
Millimeter wave is an essential and fundamental component for 5G, and AT&T's plans of developing its next-generation mobile network....
Texas Wireless Summit 2016 announced this year's event, held on October 16, will feature the first-ever public demonstration of Ericsson and AT&T 5G millimeter wave (mm wave) technology.
Millimeter wave is an essential and fundamental component for 5G, and AT&T's plans of developing its next generation mobile network....