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How is cloud-native 5G laying the foundation for AI-native 6G?

Blue Planet VP: ‘The most important part of 5G that plays forward in 6G is that it’s dynamic’ 6G is often described as AI-native, which means that AI touches every aspect of the network, from planning to optimization; however, in a previous conversation with RCR...

Three 6G priorities — steady, simplified and secure

Often called AI-native, many pillars of 6G are expected to incorporate this technology 6G is still very much in the R&D phase and will not be available until 2030 or later, but alas, it is quickly crowding out discussions of 5G (despite the fact...

Five 6G research organizations — green, equitable and agreeable

Research organizations across the globe agree that 6G will begin to roll out in 2030 Research organizations, associations and consortiums dedicated to the study, development and promotion of 6G technology are popping up in every region of the world. For many of them, there is...

What is the outlook for 6G spectrum?

5G is still ramping up, but an early and proactive approach to 6G spectrum allocation is key In May 2024, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) sought public comment and information on the current state of development of as-yet-unstandardized 6G wireless systems, indicating that...

Three key aspects of the 6G vision—automation, spectrum, space

Future 6G system will likely realize many of the use cases initially promised to happen in the 5G era, said Stéphane Téral, chief analyst at LightCounting 6G systems are expected to be commercially launched by 2030, while the first phase of standardization will likely start...

How might intelligent surfaces be used?

A new ETSI report looks at intelligent surfaces' potential uses to boost telecom networks Intelligent surfaces are one of the use cases being floated for potential ways that as-yet-unstandardized 6G could be. A new report from the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) delves deeper into...

Is Open RAN really a 6G technology?

Open RAN 'will definitely be part of 6G' 5G is already here and slowly transitioning from NonStandalone to Standalone networks with a 5G core. Open RAN, meanwhile, has high levels of interest from various players but is still quite early in technology maturity, particularly in...

How future 6G networks will deal with demand for mobile data?

Ian Wong, director of RF and wireless architecture at Viavi Solutions, said that future 6G systems should focus more on delivering new applications rather than just increasing the capacity for services already enabled by 4G and 5G Although 5G is still very much a...

What are the concrete steps towards 6G?

Research groups have already begun discussions on 6G use cases and necessary technologies Although 5G is still very much a work-in-progress with a good deal of continued evolution ahead of it, a range of stakeholders are already discussing and testing components and systems that very...

What will be the main features and potential use cases of 6G?

According to Samsung, 6G will be characterized by ultra-wideband, ultra-low latency, ultra-intelligence and ultra-spatialization, which will support "extreme" communication performance A wide range of technologies such as AI, advanced sensors, optics, cloud computing, high-speed digital, satellite and robotics will undergo rapid advancement in the next...

What will the coexistence between 5G and 6G be like?

The Next G Alliance believes that 6G and 5G will coexist for a long period of time, as future 6G systems will be an evolution of 5G and not a replacement technology It’s widely accepted by the industry that once 6G systems emerge near 2030,...

Why is collaborative research key to developing future 6G systems?

According to Keysight Technologies, there is great interest from governments globally to kickstart 6G research Although global deployment of 5G is making solid progress and 3GPP Releases 17 and 18 will certainly enable more advanced 5G applications and use cases in the coming years, numerous...

How softwarization will be key to future 6G networks: National Instruments

The difference between 5G and 6G One key aspect where future 6G technology will differ from 5G is softwarization, as several features will become pure software solutions in the 6G era, Chen Chang, Strategic Business Development Director at National Instruments (NI), told RCR Wireless News. “5G...

When will initial 6G testbeds take place?

6G Flagship targets 2026 for 6G testbeds The initial 6G testbeds are expected to occur by 2026 while the first standards of this technology will be around 2028, Matti Latva-aho, Director of the 6G Flagship, told RCR Wireless News. “Now is the time for 6G research,...