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Palm cuts undisclosed number of jobs: Treo maker slimming down after series of missteps

Palm Inc., which employs about 1,250 people, yesterday made job cuts of undisclosed magnitude, the company said."Palm is working to sharpen its focus and better align resources behind core initiatives that will make the greatest impact to our business," the company said in a...

TryPhone offers virtual cellphone tours

Mobile Complete launched an application that gives Web surfers the opportunity to try out various handsets before buying them. The interactive, consumer-focused Web program, called "TryPhone," builds off the company's DeviceAnywhere suite of products, which gives application developers and others a way to test...

Apple raises purchase limit on iPhone to 5

For Apple Inc., it's all about control and making money. Factor that into your reading of the tea leaves on the news that Apple has quietly raised the limit on iPhone purchases from two back to five.The blogosphere has cogitated on the news for...

Phone sales dominate Nokia’s ‘Comes with Music’ strategy

The worldwide mobile music market will ring up $11 billion in annual revenues by 2011, according to a study released last week by the U.K. firm Understanding & Solutions Ltd. Meanwhile, IDC predicts the global market for wireless devices will exceed $250 billion within...

Palm stock down on product miss: Delayed Treo at Verizon Wireless the likely culprit

Palm Inc.'s stock plunged more than 16% after the company acknowledged that "a key product" failed to launch in the lucrative fourth quarter, that sales would badly miss its own estimates and that a financial loss loomed.The company's quarterly revenue is now expected in...

In: AT&T Mobility; Out: Dobson: AT&T rebranding Dobson stores, bringing iPhone to Alaska

AT&T Mobility isn't wasting any time promoting its products and services in the former Dobson Communications Corp. territories it just acquired. The carrier said that the first phase of its integration of Dobson-a $2.8 billion purchase that closed in mid-November-will start Sunday, as more...

Worst of the Week: Nokia’s World

Hello! And welcome to our Thursday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way....

Advertisers target iPhone: Despite small market share, graphics and apps offer big ad possibilities

If some early returns from Land Rover and 20th Century Fox are to be believed, Apple Inc.'s iPhone will raise the stakes for marketers that go mobile.To be sure, the iPhone, with more than 1 million sold since its launch and working only on...

IPhone exclusivity saga continues: T-Mobile can sell locked device in Germany

A German court has given T-Mobile the go-ahead to lock its German iPhones and require purchasers to buy a two-year contract, nixing a court challenge from rival Vodafone Group plc, according to media reports.In a public relations gesture, T-Mobile said it would unlock the...

Verizon Wireless to join Google’s Android effort: No. 2 carrier continues pursuit of ‘open’

One feather, two caps. Verizon Wireless' CEO Lowell McAdam told BusinessWeek, in a story published today, that the carrier would join Google Inc.'s open-source effort known as Android.The move gives Verizon Wireless an additional PR boost in its well-publicized pursuit of all things "open,"...

Verizon Wireless, Alltel tops in Consumer Reports survey

In its annual rating of wireless service, Consumer Reports christened Verizon Wireless and Alltel Corp. its top picks-and largely panned service from Sprint Nextel Corp.Based on nearly 48,000 responses from Consumer Reports' online subscribers, the magazine ranked the five largest wireless carriers' performance in...

AT&T Mobility embraces ‘Cyber Monday’: Carrier’s deep online discounts led its December push

Conventional wisdom has American shoppers descending like locusts on brick-and-mortar retail stores on the Friday after Thanksgiving-presumably working off the turkey-and-gravy by lightening their wallets-then returning to work on Monday, where they resume spending online.AT&T Mobility appeared to make the most of "Cyber Monday,"...

By the Numbers: Top Ten U.S. Wireless Service Providers

The third quarter of 2007 saw few changes to the relative positions of the ten largest wireless carriers, but pending acquisitions soon will continue the industry's march toward consolidation. AT&T Mobility had a particularly strong quarter due to a boost from sales of the Apple...

IPhone hits France, AT&T promises 3G version in 2008

The French finally got their chance to embrace another American export last night. Move over McDonalds and EuroDisney. Orange, the iPhone's exclusive French carrier (owned by France Telecom), offered a typically complex French equation for those who wanted the device: the device costs $589...

Google updates mobile maps app with location info

Google Inc. apparently got so fed up waiting for more GPS-enabled devices to hit the market that it has taken matters into its own hands. Google Maps for Mobile users can now have their location automatically set, with or without GPS.The search behemoth added...

LG’s Shine arrives at AT&T Mobility

AT&T Mobility and LG Electronics Co. Ltd. are betting that American consumers will upgrade their handsets based on a combination of style and features-and are willing to pay the price. Those are the twin lures of LG's new Shine handset, which combines a silver,...

Analyst Angle: LG Voyager Arrives Just In Time for Black Friday

Editor's Note: Welcome to our Monday feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry. In the coming weeks look for columns from Jupiter Research's Julie Ask, iGR's Iain...

Hedgehogging: hedge*hog*ging v. Interrupting conversations in an office environment by poking your head over the top of the cube.

So released a new electronic book reader called the "Kindle." It's pretty neat stuff: You can download new books wirelessly via Sprint Nextel's EV-DO network. However, the device goes for a whopping $400, a price that does not include the additional $10 you...

Imagine all the cellphones

The holiday season can be stressful enough. But combine it with fears of high-tech/telecom domination by Microsoft Corp. or Google Inc. or Apple Inc. or the parent companies of the No. 1 and No. 2 mobile phone carriers-AT&T Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc.-and it...

TIMES ARE A CHANGING: Fight begins to brew over who controls the customer

WITH THE EMERGENCE OF NEW PLAYERS in mobile from the information technology space and the dominating importance of applications to drive revenue in wireless, the battle over who controls the customer is expected to heat up, analysts say.Reuben Chaudhury, director of Oliver Wyman's communications,...

Kindling hope, and doubt: Amazon device sparks chatter

"CAN SOMETHING AS EVOLVED as the book be improved?" Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos asks himself rhetorically on the online superstore's homepage, clearly hoping to position his newest product squarely before the public as it shops for holiday gifts.If the answer turns out to be...

Euro-squabble breaks out over locked iPhones in Germany : T-Mobile unlocks for nearly triple the price to comply with court order

That sucking sound you hear is Steve Jobs trying to get air after laughing too hard at the spectacle of German operators fighting over the Apple Inc. iPhone. More fighting, more publicity, more sales-hence that haunting laughter echoing throughout the wireless industry.Vodafone Group plc...

A time to be thankful: Mobile content is rarely dull

This week marks the beginning of the holiday season, of course, when most of us focus less on business and more on the reasons we work so hard. So in the spirit of the upcoming long weekend-and thanks to a predictably lethargic news cycle-a...

Analyst Angle: A microcosm of opinion on handset design

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry. In the coming weeks look for columns from Current Analysis' Avi Greengart, Jupiter Research's...