First, Balda AG and its partner, TPK Holdings, won Apple Inc.'s business for the touchscreen module for the latter's iPhone.Now Balda's shareholders are agitating for the company to spin off its touchscreen business to bring more visibility to that business' value, according to German...
Welcome to our Friday feature, Week in Review. Every Friday, RCR Wireless News will run through the major events of the past week, outlining what happened and speculating on what to look for in the coming weeks. Check below for news about carriers, handset...
Verizon Wireless won an exclusive deal to distribute AC/DC's entire catalog of 18 albums through its Vcast music service.One of the last holdouts in the age of digital music, AC/DC opted to join with the nation's second-largest mobile carrier rather than forge a pact...
Buried deep in the support area of its Web site, iPhone maker Apple Inc. provided instructions on how to update the handset via a cabled connection to a PC. The company titled the item "Updating and restoring iPhone software." The update is available only...
Whether Jose Trujillo of Melrose Park, Ill., will find support among fellow iPhone owners-or a court of law in Cook County, Ill.-for his just-launched lawsuit against Apple Inc. and AT&T Inc. over the need to have the unit's rechargeable battery replaced eventually remains to...
In the "Apple set to invade Europe" story on page 14 of this week's issue, it should read that Apple will unveil a European partner for the iPhone as well as hit its goal of 1 million devices during the company's fourth fiscal quarter,...
When teardown firms managed to analyze the components of the iPhone, they found that Apple Inc. had taken the wireless handset industry's diversification strategy one step further.Where most handset vendors rely on one main source for certain key components-while cueing up a second source...
WITH VIRGIN MOBILE USA L.L.C. SEEKING A $500 MILLION INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING, the company is looking to complete the first IPO of a mobile virtual network operator in the United States. The IPO market has been stronger this year than in recent years, which...
Welcome to our Friday feature, Week in Review. Every Friday, RCR Wireless News will run through the major events of the past week, outlining what happened and speculating on what to look for in the coming weeks. Check below for news about carriers, handset...
Hello!And welcome to our Thursday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at RCR Wireless News to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong...
The iPhone will be launched in "a few major countries" in Europe before the end of December, Apple Inc. executives said this afternoon during a conference call to discuss the company's earnings. By that time Apple expects to sell one million units between sales...
AT&T Inc. reported a strong quarter and said its mobile division activated 146,000 Apple Inc. iPhone customers in the first day and a half of the device's release, more than 40% of whom were new customers for AT&T Mobility.That figure was far fewer than...
A&E Television Networks has struck its first carriage deal for its made-for-mobile channels A&E Mobile and the History Channel Mobile with MobiTV."We believe our audiences are skewing younger, and we want to have our programming available to consumers in different platforms," said Paul Jelinek,...
Like a crash by leading contenders in the Tour de France, any stumble by a leading handset vendor creates an opening for competitors.Nokia Corp., Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. and Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications apparently have instantly gobbled up the market share ceded by Motorola...
"Serenity now!" yelled the character George Costanza in one episode of the 1990s sitcom, "Seinfeld."Costanza's anguished cry underscored the unbridgeable gap between his desperate need for serenity and the angst that gripped his soul.A roughly analogous gap may yawn between the public serenity of...
Hello! And welcome to our Thursday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at RCR Wireless News to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the...
Speculation has sent network operators' stock up and down, but a British analyst said yesterday that Apple Inc. had not signed any deals with Euro-operators.The sticking point, according to Bill Ray, analyst with ARChart and columnist for the online technology daily, The Register, is...
Welcome to our Monday column, Analyst Angle. Every Monday, the industry's leading analysts give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry, from carriers to content to handsets to infrastructure.The July 4th holiday is just behind us, and I'm still reveling in...
Tens of thousands of customers opening up their shiny, new iPhones during opening weekend experienced a different way to activate a wireless device-outside the store.Instead, customers were pointed to Apple Inc.'s iTunes for activation, in a transaction that was powered by software vendor Synchronoss...
There's been a lot of ink spilled about Apple's iPhone. And here's some more.Industry pundits have pointed out that the iPhone is like the Paris Hilton of the business industry; the topic has been blanketed by news coverage, and every aspect and angle of...
Hedge*hog*ing v. Interrupting conversations in an office environment by poking your head over the top of the cube.Nokia-Siemens sent out a press release this week stating that Finnish ISP Nebula was beginning to offer "very high speed broadband Internet connections" in Helsinki. The release...
Powered by brand equity and brilliant media manipulation, Apple Inc. has parachuted into the handset business. Look out below!The company's first foray into mobile handsets has captured so much attention-the proverbial "mind share" in tech-speak-that incumbent handset vendors must respond to the challenge, according...
Apple Inc. provided information on how the iPhone's battery replacement will take place and how much it will cost. The iPhone vendor's choice of a sealed-in battery-the same approach used in the iPod-has generated some criticism. The battery is estimated by Apple to handle...
Hello! And welcome to our Thursday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at RCR Wireless News to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the...