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Reality Check: Three parties, three different messages

This week’s three different announcements – Nokia, Motorola/ Google and Amazon – serve as a precursor to the presumed launch of the iPhone5 on Wednesday.

Worst of the Week: Leave it to the professionals

This week witnessed a deluge of device launches from the likes of Nokia, Motorola and These devices were all in their own right very significant to their respective makers as well as to wireless carriers,

Survey finds smartphone users spend more; iPhone most satisfying

On the heels of a bevy of smartphone launches, J.D. Power and Associates this morning reported that its latest customer survey found that customers that regularly use social media applications are more satisfied with their smartphone. More important for carriers, those customers also spend...

Nokia and Microsoft launch Lumia 920

Microsoft's marketing muscle is of course Nokia's ace in the hole as the Finnish company struggles to regain a foothold in the mobile phone market that it dominated until recently.

Analyst Angle: The Apple vs. Samsung lawsuit – Good news: Intellectual property is alive and well

By now, just about anyone who follows technology knows that on Aug. 24, nine jurors in California voted in favor of Apple with the largest patent lawsuit victory

Reports of screen delays plague iPhone 5

Reports that Sharp has failed to start shipping screens for the new iPhone are just the tip of what could be a very sharp iceberg for Apple.

Amazon kindles interest in its next tablet launch

It's hard to believe, but as of today you can no longer buy a new Kindle Fire from Amazon.

Winners and losers in the Apple – Samsung case

Winners include Apple shareholders, software developers, and anyone associated with the Windows phone. The losers are you and me, plus the U.S. carriers, Samsung and Google.

Sony Mobile to cut 1,000 jobs, move to Japan

Sony Corp. is taking control of its mobile business. The consumer electronics giant says it will axe 1,000 jobs and move its mobile business unit from Sweden to Japan.

Jurors in Apple-Samsung trial can use smartphones

The jurors will be sequestered, but Judge Koh has decided to allow them to access the Internet during deliberations. Several jurors apparently carry the same devices that are the subject of the trial - smartphones and tablets made by Samsung and Apple.

Reader Forum: HALEA opens new business models for wireless operators

April 20 marked the one-year anniversary of the so-called “location-gate” controversy in which it was first revealed that Apple (and soon after Google) were tracking subscriber location information and storing that data

Gartner: Mobile phone sales down 2.3%; Samsung leads with 21.6% market share

Worldwide sales of mobile phones to end users decreased 2.3% in the second quarter of 2012 to 419 million units, according to Gartner, Inc. Samsung remained the leader and accounted for 21.6% of the total market, higher than its 16.3% global share in 2Q11. Finland-based Nokia...

Google reportedly fined $22.5 million by FTC

The Federal Trade Commission has reportedly ordered Google to pay a $22.5 million fine for deceiving users of Apple's Safari web browser.

Worst of the Week: Mirror, mirror

Not sure how much everyone is following the ongoing court battle between Samsung and Apple over who stole who’s designs, but it’s pretty funny.

Analyst Angle: Mid-year biopsy – Google, Apple and the mobile ecosystem duopoly

Strategy Analytics' Neil Shah analyzes the Apple/Google smartphone platform duopoly.

Smartphone sales surge in China

Millions of Chinese citizens watching their country's athletes win medals in London this week are using smartphones to share messages and updates. The latest research on global smartphone shipments shows that 42 million smartphones were shipped in China in the second quarter, versus 25...

Worst of the Week: Apple’s redemption

Last week, I used this soapbox to go into some detail regarding Apple’s current “issues” in regards to the iPhone and how it’s positioned in the market and comparing its current 4S model to a non-too-handsome product of the U.S. automotive industry.

iPad goes to work, execs lead the way

Apple's iPad continues to dominate the tablet market, and appears to be making major inroads into the workplace.

Analyst Angle: Research In Motion – Will going with QNX prove better than Android?

For a while there (before the introduction of the iPhone), it seemed Research In Motion just about had it all. BlackBerry sales were growing worldwide and the devices were so addictive that the public called it “CrackBerry.”

Apple vs. Samsung: Who is Judge Lucy Koh?

The key player in the Apple-Samsung trial is a 42-year-old California Democrat, a graduate of Harvard Law School, and the first U.S. District Court Judge of Korean descent. She represented technology companies in patent, trade secret, and commercial civil matters until 2008

Apple plans iPhone 5 launch, adds Hulu to Apple TV

Apple is expected to launch the iPhone 5 September 12, but not the much-anticipated iTV. Today Apple added Hulu Plus to its Apple TV box

Reader Forum: Mobile OS vendors continue to invest in mobile payments

In the last several weeks, two leading mobile operating system vendors moved into the mobile payments space. Apple announced its new mobile wallet Passbook that will debut with iOS 6 this fall.

Worst of the Week: Apple’s Aztek

While I have given up trying to explain Sprint Nextel, it appears that maybe, just maybe, people are getting wise to Apple’s gambit of rolling out improved devices every 12 months or so.

Analysts bullish on Sprint Nextel’s Q2; iPhone a strong impact

Sprint Nextel’s second quarter results show that the nation’s No. 3 carrier could be laying the foundation for a payoff from its controversial and expensive plans to carry Apple’s iconic iPhone device. Analysts noted that the carrier posted a number of robust operating metrics...