The company that manufactures the Apple iPad will start manufacturing in Brazil, said the Science and Technology Minister Aloizio Mercadante. Yesterday the Brazilian government reported that president Dilma Rousseff had a meeting with Foxconn president Terry Gou. The company expects to invest an estimated...
The devices we carry in our pockets today have little in common with those of just a few years ago. Incremental upgrades to components and the widespread adoption of touchscreens have prompted significant changes to designs and form factors. While device design and function...
Last week, the mobile industry lost a great hero and villain with the passing of a single person, Steve Jobs. Companies like Apple and Pixar have toppled industry leaders in their respective markets by delivering disruptive user experiences that raised the expectations of consumers...
SAN DIEGO – While not traditionally considered a “device” show, the annual fall CTIA event has on occasion been a chance for carriers and device makers to roll out new products ahead of the holiday shopping season.
This year, however, the device news was...
To the surprise of few, Sprint Nextel Corp. officially threw its hat into the LTE ring this morning, announcing details of its planned Network Vision upgrade that will see the carrier begin offering LTE-based services by the middle of next year.
Well, I guess it was bound to happen, though I thought for sure I would never see it in my lifetime. Apple released a product that did not immediately make everything else in the same category obsolete. And maybe even more surprising, it actually seemed to anger people for not being advanced enough.
LONDON – According to a report from the Mobile Marketing Association, smartphone penetration in Europe’s five largest economies (the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and Spain) is growing between 30% and 40% per year.
The study found that the Symian platform continues to...
Apple Inc. co-founder and until recently CEO Steve Jobs has died at the age of 56. Jobs had battled a rare form of cancer for years.
Tim Cook, Apple's CEO since Steve Jobs resigned in August, sent an e-mail to all Apple employees announcing...
Apple's announcements today were anticipated for two big reasons: new products and features but, mostly, because it was the first time Tim Cook conducted a launch as Apple’s CEO. Cook and the rest of Apple’s team presented a “Let’s Talk iPhone” event following the...
Reuters | August 31, 2011 | Liana Baker, Nicola Leske
Sony Corp took the wraps off its long-awaited tablets on Wednesday with price tags that could hurt the company's chances to compete for the No. 2 spot in the tablet market.
Read the full article here...
Reuters | August 31, 2011 | Liana Baker, Nicola Leske
Sony Corp took the wraps off its long-awaited tablets on Wednesday with price tags that could hurt the company's chances to compete for the No. 2 spot in the tablet market.
Read the full article here...
While carriers and banks discuss mobile payment business models in Brazil, without anyone taking an m-payment leadership role, companies around the globe may launch initiatives that could deeply impact the space. “The recent launch of Google Wallet, the Android operating system turns smartphones into...
Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.In less than 200 words, CEO Steve Jobs rocked the tech world with a sudden yet not...
Current Analysis announced that it has named Tim Dowd as its new President and CEO. Dowd, former President and CEO of INPUT, will succeed Ray Keneipp. Mr. Dowd brings 25 years of experience leading growth-oriented information and technology-enabled service organizations.LightSquared has appointed Terry Neal...
The collective wisdom of Twitter is often called upon to provide answers. Where should I visit when I go on holiday to such and such a place? Can anyone recommend a good...? Which product should I buy?
Recently, I've noticed a trend in such questions....
DigiTimes | August 26, 2011 | Ocean Chen, Joseph Tsai
Taiwan-based retail chain Tsann Kuen, a distributor of Apple products, has commented on the resignation of CEO Steve Jobs, saying that market demand for Apple's products in Taiwan remains strong and it believes that when...
Apple Inc. is expected to increase its iPad shipments at a rapid clip, according to IHS iSuppli. Tablet shipments are expected to rise to 60 million units worldwide in 2011, marking a 245.9% jump from 17.4 million in 2010, the firm calculated.At the time...
Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There’s a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way....
Despite how it may appear, I do try to avoid bringing Apple into every one of my WOTW columns, though by doing so I make this job harder than it needs to be. I mean the company is such an integral part of the decisions that many in this industry make that to not include them is really a job itself. Plus, with names like “iPad” it seems Apple products and decisions are ripe for some ribbing.
When I think of Steve Jobs, feelings of wonder and absolute awe rush over me. Jobs is without a doubt, the most iconoclastic creative mind of the modern age. If that makes me a fanboy, so be it. If liking Apple...
No matter how you slice it, today marks the end of an era for Apple Inc. Steve Jobs has resigned as CEO.Jobs isn't going anywhere immediately though. He's been elevated to chairman of the board so he's likely to remain very much involved with...
With new rumors that Sprint Nextel Corp. (S) was in line to inherit Apple Inc.'s (AAPL) iconic iPhone device in the coming months, analysts cited a cautious tone on the impact such a move might have.Most would agree that Sprint Nextel has missed out...
The Premier Business Leadership Series, SINGAPORE (Aug. 23, 2011) – SAS, the leader in business analytics software and services, will be the exclusive worldwide provider of Roambi ES for SAS