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BROWSING: Apple begins fight over ‘app store’ trademark

Although many heralded the arrival of Inc.'s Android Appstore as a boost to the Android ecosystem, and a victory for consumer choice, Apple Inc. congratulated in a rather different way – they sued them.

ValueClick buys Greystripe for $70 million

ValueClick Inc. said it acquired mobile advertising network company Greystripe Inc. for about $70 million in cash. The purchase is the latest in a string of large companies buying independent companies to get a spot in the mobile advertising space.Google Inc. (GOOG) in late...

AT&T filing provides interesting industry data

AT&T Inc. (T) late last week filed its petition to acquire T-Mobile USA Inc. with the Federal Communications Commission. The detailed document, excluding the lack of detail from redacted information, lays out AT&T’s argument as to why the FCC should allow the nation’s No....

Reader Forum: Smart networking solutions start at the silicon core

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reader Forum section. In an attempt to broaden our interaction with our readers we have created this forum for those with something meaningful to say to the wireless industry. We want to keep this as open as possible,...

Worst of the Week: Big kids, small games

Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way....

So, who is suing who and why?

The biggest news of this week was Apple's suing of Samsung for allegedly willfully stealing the fruity firm's designs for its own phones and tablets.

Verizon Wireless expands LTE reach, set for Droid Charge launch

Verizon Wireless (VZ) is looking to keep the momentum building for its LTE network announcing today the launch of service in six new markets and plans for a new smartphone.The new markets Clarksville, Tenn.-Hopkinsville, Ky.; Cleveland, Tenn.; Columbia and Hilton Head, S.C.; Wilmington, N.C.;...

Nokia sales rachet up to $15.2 billion

Nokia Corp. (NOK) posted a profit of $502 million on sales of nearly $15.2 billion for the first quarter, but the device manufacturer said this quarter could be more challenging. The world's largest handset manufacturer has been under consistent pressure from...

iPhone, indirect propel Verizon Wireless Q1 growth

Verizon Wireless (VZ) continued to show strong postpaid customer growth during the first quarter of this year, buoyed by its recently launched LTE service as well as the launch of Apple Inc.’s iPhone device on its network. However, non-traditional – at least for Verizon...

Qualcomm posts steller second-quarter results

One chip firm not blaming Japan for poor results this quarter is Qualcomm Inc., which beat the street with better than expected quarterly results and a revised optimistic prediction for full-year financial targets.The firm posted net earnings of $999 million, or 59 cents per...

Apple banks record earnings on 18.65M iPhone sales

Apple Inc. (AAPL) just recorded another standout quarter for earnings and growth, selling a record 18.65 million iPhones and 4.69 million iPads. iOS devices continue to drive the company's success with 189 million cumulative iOS devices sold at the end of the its recently...

Apple beats earnings estimates again, world keeps turning

Hot on the heels of Google's earnings call at the beginning of the week, today was Apple's turn to publish their figures and, surprise surprise, they beat expectations and sold a whole load of bushed aluminium to mobs of doe-eyed consumers.

Connected devices drive AT&T's Q1 growth

AT&T Inc. (T) counted on connected devices to drive first-quarter growth, with 1.3 million connected devices added in the period, compared to only 62,000 postpaid retail net additions. The nationwide operator now counts 97.5 million wireless subscribers on its network.In a quarter where...

Why I won’t be queuing for the iPad2

I’ve never been an Apple fan. But I only recently became an Apple non-fan, after a series of visits to the fruit firm’s retail outlets left me more than a little cold.

Reality Check: Google's shareholder value challenge

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.As many long-term Reality Check and Sunday Brief readers know, Google Inc. (GOOG) is one of the...

Apple sues Samsung for copying its devices

Cupertino based Apple Inc. is suing Korean firm Samsung Electronics for replicating the “the look and feel” of its iPad and iPhone devices, says the Wall Street Journal.Apple says Samsung's Galaxy S 4G was based a little too closely on the iPhone 3G /...

Re-selling of iPad 2 creates market for scalpers

The scarce supplies and huge demand worldwide for the iPad 2 are creating a new market in places like New York City, where large groups of “investors” are camping out, often overnight, to buy the device in droves. The reason for freezing it out all...

Google – stop buying new toys and fix what you’ve got

Google are historically quite prolific buyers of other companies (94 and counting, according to Wikipedia), and don't seem to be showing any signs of slowing down. Although most of their acquisitions are small companies, they also swallow up some reasonably sized fish, most recently air fare aggregator ITA Software for a cool $700 million.

Obama thought the White House would have cooler phones

The presidential office can be full of disappointments, it seems, on the technological as well as political end of the spectrum.

Sprint allows Android Market apps to use direct carrier billing

Spint Nextel Corp. has joined the likes of AT&T Inc. and T-Mobile USA to allow direct carrier billing through apps purchased on the Android Market, leaving Verizon Wireless as the last major provider not offering the service. Instead of using credit cards, subscribers of Sprint...

Rumors of white iPhone 4 launch circle the Web

After a 10-month wait, whispers of the debut of the fabled white version of Apple Inc.’s (AAPL) iPhone 4 are back and circling the Web. According to Bloomberg, three sources with “knowledge of the plan” said that the vanilla counterpart of the standard black...

Reality Check: Mobile content – what we need to work out for elegant delivery

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.It is clear that consumers with mobile broadband plans have huge pent-up demand for video content. The...

Too much of a good thing? Microsoft readying Windows App Store

We get it – application stores are cool. With the two biggest games in town, Apple Inc.'s App Store and Google Inc.'s Android's Market both running in to several hundred thousand apps and making developers millions of dollars, it only seems natural that others would want to irk the successful formula.

Gartner says iOS will rule tablet market for next four years

Funny things, analyst forecasts. The short-term ones tend to be fairly accurate, but the long-term predictions often fall entirely flat. That's not the fault of the analysts, it's due to the inherent unpredictability of mobile and technology markets. Nobody saw Android's success coming, just as nobody thought poor old Nokia Corp. would be in the sorry state they are today ten years ago.