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Research In Motion readies a new OS and tablet

Research In Motion Ltd. might finally unveil its first tablet next week.After scrapping original plans for a tablet launch back in May, the BlackBerry maker is ready to introduce its response to Apple Inc.'s iPad, according to The Wall Street Journal.Despite being written off...

AT&T calm in the face of iPhone, LTE uncertainty

AT&T Inc.’s (T) President and CEO Randall Stephenson could never be accused of not looking at the bright side of life. Speaking at Goldman Sachs Communacopia XIX Conference, Stephenson downplayed any impact the loss of AT&T Mobility’s exclusivity to Apple Inc.’s iPhone as well...

Reality Check: RIM’s evolution strategy

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.Greetings from Kansas City, where we are abuzz with football hopes after last Monday night’s Chiefs opening...

Apple acquiesces, approves third-party Google Voice app

Maybe time really does heal all wounds. The theory seems to at least ring true for Apple Inc. (AAPL) and its troubled past with Google Voice.The company today approved the first in what many expect to be a series of third-party apps for the...

Samsung unveils 'Tab' the tablet

Samsung Telecommunications America threw its hat officially in the tablet space with the unveiling of its creatively named Galaxy Tab. (Not to be confused with Tab, the diet soft drink.)The device is an expansion (literally) of its Galaxy S smart phone platform that launched...

Microsoft launches SDK for mobile ad network

Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) is releasing a software development kit (SDK) for mobile advertising on its forthcoming operating system, Windows Phone 7, and the Microsoft Advertising Exchange for Mobile.Hailing it as the "industry's first real-time, bidded ad exchange in mobile," Microsoft hopes it can makes...

Spotlight on: Swype

SEATTLE — Less than a block from the waterfront and ferry terminal, Swype Inc. is still settling into its new digs near this city's historic Pioneer Square. Having moved in to its new headquarters just a few weeks ago, there is plenty of room...

Apple to fire up wireless printing in iOS 4.2

Apple Inc. is launching its AirPrint wireless printing program for devices running on iOS in the next software update in November. The company has released a beta version of the program to developers and plans to roll it out to all users in iOS...

Greystripe looks ahead to the mobile web

Greystripe, one of the few remaining independent mobile advertising networks, has expanded its stable of in-app ad formats to now support cross-platform mobile web sites and native iOS, Android and Java applications.The San Francisco-based company is expecting more publishers to eventually focus somewhat less...

Nokia to reboot U.S. efforts … again

Nokia Corp. (NOK) said this week that it wants to improve its business in the United States with plans to work more closely with operators and provide devices that meet the unique characteristics of the market. This quest has been a near annual proclamation...

Analyst Angle: CIOs moving too slowly with smart phones and tablets

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry. John Chen loves his iPhone. Like many of his colleagues at Sybase Inc....

Motricity offers real-time, zero-touch content and services to smart phones

Motricity today launched its mCore MobileCast platform, designed to help operators deliver relevant content and services to end users’ smartphones in a real-time, zero-touch environment. “Smartphone user now have access to more content, applications, goods and services than ever before, but it’s often...

Reality Check: This summer’s winners and losers

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.Greetings from Kansas City, where the summer is wrapping up and the Chiefs open their season on...

Gartner reads the OS tea leaves

Predicting the future in any aspect of technology is mostly a fool's errand, but that doesn't stop virtually every major research firm and analyst group from jumping into the ring. Of course, when it comes to mobile, trying to gauge how things will look...

Nokia replaces CEO: Kallasvuo out, Microsoft exec Elop in

Nokia Corp. (NOK), the world’s largest mobile device maker, said current CEO and President Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo will leave the company on Sept. 20 and be replaced by current Microsoft Corp. executive Stephen Elop."The time is right to accelerate the company's renewal; to bring in...

Adobe revives iPhone developer tool

That sure didn't take long. Almost immediately after Apple Inc. eased a series of restrictions on developers and opened a path for Flash-based creations to make their way onto the iOS platform, Adobe Systems Inc. revived its Packager for iPhone.The tool, which Adobe built...

Worst of the Week: Keep the change

Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way....

@ Mobile Future Forward: The ‘second wave' of mobile advertising

SEATTLE — While demand for mobile ads is growing, supply is exploding, Millenial Media CEO Paul Palmieri said here at Mobile Future Forward on Wednesday.In many ways, it's both a blessing and a curse.“Mobile is more in a growth phase than the online world...

@ Mobile Future Forward: Mobile social media ‘still in the dark ages': Almost one-third of Facebook users access the site via mobile

SEATTLE — If you ask the head of mobile at Facebook Inc., he'll tell you we still have a long way to go before social media really spreads its wings in the mobile environment.“We haven't yet even begun to see the true potential of...

Apple eases developer restrictions, opens path to Flash

Apple Inc. knows that much of the success of the iPhone comes thanks to the creative apps that developers have brought to the iPhone experience. In yet another attempt to keep developers in its good graces, the company announced today that it is making...

Analyst Angle: The looming rich media wars: Apple vs. rest of the world”

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry.Last week, Apple Inc. made a ton of announcements including a new iPod nano, a...

@ Mobile Future Forward: AT&T dishes stats on mobile broadband

SEATTLE — Mobile broadband usage has grown an astounding 5,000% over the last three years on AT&T Mobility's network, Fred Devereaux, the carrier's president for the western region, said this morning at Mobile Future Forward.Meanwhile, the carrier is preparing for mobile broadband connectivity to...

Reality Check: The iPhone without a contract

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.Greetings from Kansas City, finally home to cool mornings. Although we just celebrated the Labor Day holiday...

Reader Forum: Reconfigurable beam antennas address exploding data traffic

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reader Forum section. In an attempt to broaden our interaction with our readers we have created this forum for those with something meaningful to say to the wireless industry. We want to keep this as open as possible,...