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Reality Check: Verizon and AT&T Earnings: Have We Touched Bottom?

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.Greetings from a warm but rockin' Kansas City (Paul McCartney and the Manchester United visit on the...

Eight million Windows Phone 7's for AT&T

A little birdie tweets that AT&T may be betting big on Microsoft’s soon-to-launch Windows Phone 7 (WP7) putting itself down for an order of eight million units.

Jailbreaking cool according to Library of Congress

The Library of Congress has turned a new page in the chapter of digital rights, announcing that people can now legally “jailbreak” their phones and install legally obtained software on them.

Ad shows Android running on Nokia

Nokia is still struggling to take a larger bite out of the smartphone market and retain its position as number one mobile manufacturer in the world, though recent results and growing uneasiness amongst shareholders has given the firm cause to worry.

Google looks to embrace carriers for app billing

For a company that likes to do things a little different, it's odd that Google Inc. (GOOG) now finds itself striving to take up the status quo in the app space.Just after shuttering its go-it-alone Nexus One sales system online, Google might soon be...

Apple delays white iPhone 4, launches free case program

Something's up with that white iPhone 4. Barely a week ago, Apple Inc. (AAPL) CEO Steve Jobs said the white iPhone 4 was on target to distribute at the end of this month. Then, seven days later, Apple announced that the white models were...

Why Microsoft acquired an ARM license

Little British chippie ARM boasts hundreds of licensee’s for its technology – found in over 98% of the world’s smartphones - but the firm seems to have landed a very big fish indeed with Microsoft announcing on Friday it had signed up for an ARM architectural license of its own.

Samsung gives free Galaxy S' to iPhone 4 complainers

Samsung UK is giving out free Galaxy S smartphones to people who have publicly expressed their frustration with the new iPhone 4 on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Worst of the Week: The wonders of rubber

Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way....

T-Mobile: Content providers should pay for data heavy apps

Producers of content, not carriers, should pay the price for the masses of costly bandwidth being sucked up by cell surfers every day, according to the upper echelons of T-Mobile.

Flipboard – the ultimate social network magazine on iPad

If you’re a social geek like me, then Flipboard is the iPad app you’ve been waiting for, aggregating Facebook, Twitter and other feeds into a very appealing magazine-like style.

Record iPhone activations propel AT&T’s Q2 results

AT&T Mobility (T) said it activated a record 3.2 million Apple Inc. iPhones on its network during the recently completed second quarter that included only about a week worth of the latest iPhone 4 sales. The strong activations helped push the industry’s No. 2...

BlackBerry unveils multimedia play in latest OS

BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion Ltd. (RIMM) has been on a slow and steady march toward the consumer market for the better part of two years, and although much of its success of late has come from growth on that front its most current operating...

Why my iPhone has become an iPod

Why installing iOS4 on an iPhone 3G renders the device painful to use.

Apple results wow Wall Street, surpass Microsoft

Antennagate be damned, Apple has done it again, with the firm managing to pull its best ever quarterly revenue results out of its sleek, shiny hat on Tuesday.

Five must-have cellphones for insanely rich people

Tired of having the same phone as all the other Russian billionaires’ wives? Well look no further, comrades, because RCR has got you covered. Here are the five phones most likely to make an impression at your next caviar buffet.

Mobile app revenues to reach $25bn by 2014

The economy may be tanking, but app developers aren’t suffering much, with a new report today claiming a whopping 25 billion mobile applications will have been downloaded by 2015, a figure that has skyrocketed from a paltry 2.6 billion applications downloaded in 2009.

How important is Apple to AT&T’s business?

AT&T’s strained, outdated network and spotty coverage has long been a sore point for US iPhone users, with many calling for Apple to bring its popular phone to other carriers, thus giving users more of a choice. The rumor mill has even posited that the AT&T/Apple divorce could be no more than a year away, with a possible open relationship with Verizon Wireless happening well before that.

Reality Check: Evolving telecom trends create opportunity for mobile marketers: As the low-cost wireless war heats up in Canada, marketers must take notice of consumer's evolving texting trends

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.SMS use is on a steady rise worldwide, including messages sent to and from short codes. ...

Reality Check: Whistling two different (i)Tunes

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.We have yet to learn of the bottom-line successes of the iPhone 4 or Droid X launch...

Android up, Symbian down in mobile advertising metrics

Android has made significant gains in the US when it comes to mobile advertising, but remains the OS with the lowest Response Rate (CTR) in Europe according to the latest Smaato Metrics.

Nokia claims antenna supremacy…ooops

Not wanting to miss out on the hype, Nokia has decided to beam us over its thoughts on Apple’s antenna issues, admitting that while the way you grip your phone may affect signal strength, Nokia puts its phones through vigorous testing which should allow you to hold your phone however you want... but does it?

@ Apple's Campus: Steve Jobs downplays iPhone 4 antenna fallout

CUPERTINO, Calif. — Anyone that had their money on Apple Inc. (AAPL) announcing an unprecedented recall of its latest iPhone today walked away empty handed. While the odds were heavily against a recall of any sort, the constant pressure and negative press Apple has...

Worst of the Week: Phone comparison – octagon style!

The holidays came early to my desk this week as by some stroke of genius and luck not one, but two brand new mobile devices landed in my lap. I should probably say in reality that it's more like 1.5 devices as they are both a version of Samsung's Galaxy S model, one from AT&T Mobility and one from T-Mobile USA.