CUPERTINO, Calif. -- The media frenzy awaiting Apple Inc.'s press conference this morning is just beginning as TV crews, journalists and bloggers get ready to hear whether Apple is going to address problems with the iPhone 4.
Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There's a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way....
RCR's intrepid reporter, Matt Kapko, has made it across the moat into castle Cupertino, and is waiting with baited breath, with the hordes of other assembled press, to see what this morning's press conference brings.
Apple Inc. has scheduled a press conference for 1 pm EST this morning at its Cupertino, Calif., headquarters that the device maker has said will address its iPhone 4. The device has been plagued by claims that it's high-tech antenna design, that is integrated...
Doubtless trying to prove Steve Jobs right in his analysis that the iPhone’s antenna problems are a software rather than a hardware issue, Apple has today released a slightly updated version of its iOS operating system before the firm’s press conference tomorrow.
LOS ANGELES — A recurring theme kept cropping up here at the LATV Fest yesterday whenever discussion broached upon the topic of professional content on mobile networks: will 4G actually deliver on 3G's promise?“I remember having the same discussion when we were on 2G...
Microsoft appears to have grown itself a sense of humor, with the firm’s COO Kevin Turner declaring in a speech at Microsoft’s Worldwide Partner Conference that Apple’s iPhone 4 “might be their Vista,” owing to the plethora of problems the device faces.
Apple Inc. yesterday announced it will be holding an iPhone 4 press conference this Friday and, as you would expect, the speculation about what the firm has to say is mounting.Traditionally Apple is a company that likes to arrogantly bury its head in the...
Apple today announced it will be holding an iPhone 4 press conference this Friday and, as you would expect, the speculation about what the firm has to say is mounting.
Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry.We live in the digital age. That’s a fact that shouldn’t astonish anyone. But the...
Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry.The first wave of handsets that U.S. carriers used to shield themselves from Apple Inc.'s...
Motorola is betting on Android, RIM says its “ridiculous growth” proves people like Blackberry just fine as it is, and Yahoo is unsure whether or not tablets are mobile devices, according to a panel this morning at MobileBeat 2010 in San Francisco
Flashing his 750 million dollar smile on stage at MobileBeat 2010, Admob’s Omar Hamoui coyly discussed how it had felt to be courted by both Google and Apple, the potential implications of an Apple block on the firm’s mobile ads and what contingencies were in place to cope with that eventualit
Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column. We've gathered a group of visionaries and veterans in the mobile industry to give their insights into the marketplace.Greetings from Kansas City, home of the baseball team with the best batting average in the majors...
Speaking at the MobileBeat2010 conference in San Francisco on Monday, AT&T’s Chief Technology Officer John Donovan discussed convergence, the “consumerization of enterprise,” and the surge in mobile broadband, all while artfully managing to avoid the meat of the main issues faced by the carrier.
A 99 year old lady with glaucoma has just bought her first ever computing device – the iPad- and is telling the world how it has changed her life and become the apple of her eye.
How often do you hear your friends tell about their can't-fail app idea? All too often, once someone first gets their hands on a smart phone running on one of the more modern and flashy operating systems like Google Inc.'a Android operating system, Apple...
If there's one thing NTP Inc. is really good at, it's protecting patents with a fervor and winning handsome treasure along the way. Just ask BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion Ltd. (RIM).After battling it out in court for the better part of five years over...
If you were to imagine the type of person you believed was driving the adoption of the mobile web, that person would probably be a young, white yuppie yapping away on his iPhone. The only problem with that image is that new statistics say poorer African-Americans and Hispanics are actually driving the adoption of the mobile web in a much more significant way.
Nowadays, with smartphones becoming the “must-have” devices for anyone under the age of 40 in the developed world, the distinction between enterprise phone and consumer phone is blurring and so are the distinctions between which operating systems are business focused and which are more for personal use.
Synchronoss Technologies Inc. has acquired FusionOne Inc. for $40 million in order to expand its business offerings for wireless service providers. Synchronoss provides transaction management software, including order provisioning and management services, while FusionOne provides software to help operators transfer customer content and synchronization...