MADRID-Spain's incumbent mobile phone operators Telefonica and Airtel could have some competition soon, as the country prepares to award a third license this month.Involved in the auction is the mobile arm of the Spanish fixed-line operator Retevision, called Retevision Movil-owned in part by Telecom...
VLSI Technology Inc. today announced it is shipping samples of its new Code Division Multiple Access chip solution, which it is calling the first real alternative to Qualcomm Inc.'s CDMA chip products.The CDMA+ product is about the size of a dime and includes the...
Boulder, Colo., is set to become a test bed for recently licensed Local Multipoint Distribution Services systems under the direction of the National Wireless Electronic Systems Testbed.N-WEST is a project of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Institute for Telecommunications Sciences,...
WASHINGTON-House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) last week said a select committee, patterned after the 1973 Watergate panel, will be formed to investigate alleged satellite technology transfers from U.S. wireless companies to Communist China that may be linked to Clinton-Gore campaign contributions and nuclear proliferation...
Becker/Jani Inc.A log periodic dipole antenna, the Celwave Maximizer model APL 926513, was introduced for Global System for Mobile communications and Total Access Communications systems. The antenna offers a 45 dB minimum front-to-back ratio. The Maximizer operates at 870 to 960 MHz, has a...
Creativity is becoming key for wireless carriers trying to build out their networks amidst resistance from local municipalities that in some cases have gone as far as placing moratoria on new tower sites.The wireless industry is facing hundreds of moratoria in communities concerned about...
WASHINGTON-While Calling Party Pays (CPP) has become a huge success in most of Latin America, the CPP concept recently took a new twist in Chile when Startel SA, the wireless arm of the largest local wireline operator Compania de Telecomunicaciones de Chile SA (CTC),...
The Inmarsat Council reached an agreement to privatize Inmarsat with a target date of 1 January 1999. According to Inmarsat, its signatories, parties and management have worked together for three years to design and develop the framework for a new Inmarsat comprising a public...
WASHINGTON-The heat is up again in Latin America, and it has nothing to do with El Nino.The region's unmet demand for services and high potential for growth have called the attention of Americans, Europeans and Asians vying for a piece of the action. Until...
Murder and espionage claims in recent months have brought to the forefront the issue of safety of wireless industry personnel working abroad.Two weeks ago, Ricardo Periera, 41, Glenayre Technologies Inc.'s general manager of the company's Sao Paulo, Brazil, operation, was shot and killed in...
HOUSTON-The State of New York awarded Crown Castle International Corp. a contract to manage existing towers and construct new towers for the state.Crown Castle formed a new company called Crown Communication New York Inc. to facilitate the management of existing state-owned towers, property and...
WASHINGTON-The General Accounting Office told Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) last week the Federal Communications Commission's move to the Portals "is in the best financial interest of the government and is preferable to the FCC's staying in its current locations."At the same...
Moffet, Larson & JohnsonMoffet, Larson & Johnson Inc. announced the integration of Comarco Wireless Technologies' Network Evaluation System tool NES-250 with the PathPro drive-test post-processing module, PathView. The integration provides the capability to transmit data from the GEN II series to the PathPro, the...
1. Jan. 6NextWave awarded its PCS permitsIn a decision almost surely headed for the appeals court, the Federal Communications Commission last Friday conditionally awarded NextWave Personal Communications Inc. its C-block licenses after NextWave submitted a plan to bring its foreign-ownership percentages into federal compliance.2....
Motorola Inc.'s Messaging Systems Products Group announced that the Radiocommunication Sector of the International Telecommunication Union approved its FLEX paging protocol as an international paging standard.The Geneva-based organization's ITU-R Recommendation M.584-3 on Codes and Formats for Radio Paging included the high-speed paging protocol on...
WASHINGTON-The lawyer for embattled Portals developer Franklin Haney told the House Commerce Committee his client will comply with any subpoena to defend a $1 million payment to lobbyist Peter Knight for helping to arrange a 20-year, $400 million contract to relocate the Federal Communications...
HOUSTON-Castle Tower Corp. and Crown Communications merged, announced the companies. Castle Tower is a subsidiary of Castle Tower Holding Corp., now know as Crown Castle International.With headquarters in Pittsburgh, Crown Communications will serve as the domestic operating arm of Crown Castle International, which will...
As the Global System for Mobile communications community celebrates the inroads the technology has made throughout the world, the GSM MoU Association said it will continue to promote the technology worldwide and make sure third-generation technology incorporates a GSM platform and open interface.As of...
WASHINGTON-House telecommunications subcommittee Chairman Billy Tauzin (R-La.) asked Attorney General Janet Reno to launch a criminal investigation into the financing and lease arrangements connected with moving the Federal Communications Communication to The Portals and is expected this week to advise FCC Chairman Bill Kennard...
Erico Inc. introduced a new line of ground bar assemblies and related products designed for the personal communications services market. Erico ground bars are electrolyptic copper bars manufactured to individual design specifi-cations, said the company. The bars are available with a variety of options...
NEW YORK-Competition, as intended, is causing the telecommunications pie to enlarge. But it also is creating numerous consolidation plays among carriers as they strive for dominance and economies of scale within and across borders."You have to wonder where it's all going to end up,"...
Lincoln, Neb.-based encryption-technology and two-way radio manufacturer Transcrypt International Inc. submitted a $34 million letter of intent June 12 to assume the assets and certain liabilities of two-way radio manufacturer E.F. Johnson Co. A definitive acquisition agreement should move forward within several weeks.Transcrypt, which...
WASHINGTON-Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) last week launched a congressional investigation into the Food and Drug Administration's oversight of the struggling cancer research program funded by the cellular telephone industry, a move that signals renewed congressional interest in the controversial issue.The probe by Markey, top...
If one were to ask Congress for a written transcript of the Feb. 2, 1993, Capitol Hill briefing on alleged health risks from portable wireless phones, the reply would be that it doesn't exist.The omission speaks volumes-figuratively and literally-about the state of government oversight...